I'm an Astrophysicist

Ask me anything.

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Are traps gay?

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What's it like to not have a job?

Nothing beats calling on other people to do something.

Why should we spend money building you gigantic telescopes when we have niggers to feed?

How can I improve my photography?

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do you have to work around a lot of people?


What should I have for lunch, cunt?

What's the point of your career if we can't resolve anything beyond a blurry splotch, even at relatively close distances, even using the entire focal length of the earth? We have to write computer algorithms to try and decode the splotches, but at that point you're just programming in what you expect to see

What happens when Uranus meets the black hole?

Are jews responsible for EVERY bad thing that's ever happened?

Any ayy lmaos?

Thoughts on the electric universe theory?

What’s new/cutting edge in your field as of lately?

Nobody cares, now back to your work on irrelevant shit

What is the biggest number in the universe?

What do you think about the garbage theories of dark matter and dark energy? Why doesnt your kind just admit they know jack shit

1.) What math is required for astrophysics?
2.) What has your profession contributed to society?
3.) Do you have a PhD?



hire an autistic german photography nerd to help you out

not really. about 4-5 on most days.

pork ramen

Do you believe in a multi-verse?

Leave earth

Holy shit I actually know two of those

How do you get into the field with a bachelors degree but no grad school?
Is it impossible.

I'm a Geophysicist,
fuck yo sky god

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do you think there is intelligent life outside of earth? if so, what are the chances of finding it/it finding us?

Was Hitler right?
Is 6.25 inches average?

lmfao this but unironically
Oh, then I guess nvm on my question.

Could the force causing the universe to expand be coming from another dimension?

Are you one of those retards who believes in the Big Bang? Or one of those based scientists who know its BS and shit tier science but have to hide your powerlevel around other scientists to avoid being ostracized?

why you faggots don't think of the fact that space is scaling inside BHs. so when the matter can't be more dence it scales out the space inside the event horizon.

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It doesn't, really, work, without a bunch of placeholders like 'dark matter' 'gravity' 'spacetime' etc, does it?
You're a priest, in a sense, of then church of scientist. I can't blame you, I love Science Fiction too! Foundation?

or wait... Paul Atreides or Barron Harkonen... if you had to pick?

>not really. about 4-5 on most days.
pretty nice. would have been fun to do something like that.
whats the most enjoyable thing you get to do?


those are astronomers. Astrophysicists try to uncover the physics behind our reality.

I become american

no, alot of the blame lies with ourselves.

with the size of the universe, the chance that there isn't intelligent life somewhere in or outside of our observable universe is zero

gravitational waves is the biggest discovery of the past 25 years imo

What brought the universe into existence?

which is more alpha bro, fermi-dirac statistics, or bose-einstein statistics, and why?

Why didn't you study something that's worth a shit to us on a daily basis?

If you had an infinite supply of hot dogs, and you were tasked with lining up the hot dogs from one end of the universe to the other end, how many hot dogs would it take?

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Yeah well, they also work with data. I was in an astrophysics lab, they're running experiments an shit using the global telescope network

Space exploration and tech will be worth everything to us soon. Nigger.

When did you realize the universe is electric and if not when did you realize that you were a retard? I’m sure you also believe in the holocaust, racial equality and trans people being real right? Academia is literally worth less to me than the word of a 5 year old child.

ask your mom to step on the scale to find out

we dont know about it, thats why we're coming up with theories to try explain it.

we've helped uncover how reality works. Without us, you wouldnt know anything about the universe. I can see how thats a more metaphysical contribution than e.g. doctors but i still think its important

If you had to guess, how big is the Universe? The observable universe is huge, but what part of it constitutes the actual Universe?

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Are you Isaac Arthur?

If you believe in an infinite past, then you also have to believe that an infinite amount of time passed in order for us to be now. And that is impossible, if you ever tried counting up to infinity.

For any manifested thing to exist it first needs an empty space to exist in, does this make nothing the ultimate physical object? It is the stage on which everything takes place. How profound is an empty void space?

Do you think creating nothingness was one of God's finest touches?

What astrophysical process is responsible for the nucleogenesis of rare p-nuclei isotopes?

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It’s real but billions every year have to go into keeping it as legitimate. This little gremlin is just the best shadow watcher in the cave.

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How does that advance technology in any way?

If pluto aint a planet, are midgets people?

If train A left the station B going 65(gay metric measurements)... how many degrees of awesome is the US Navy?

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Which is more likely in your opinion
>the universe continues to expand for eternity
>it expands to a point and then collapses back in on itself

We're never going to leave this solar system, you retarded ass nigger. Anyone who thinks so is wrong. We'll go to Mars, but we'll never colonize it. We'll never teraform it, we'll never teraform Titan. We'll never live anywhere other than earth, and no human will ever leave Heliocentric influence ever. There is no future for humans in space. If you think there is, then you're a fucking /r/rickandmorty fucking basedboy.

Space is beautiful and wonderful to look at and think about and ponder about, but we're never getting there. The Fermi Paradox exists for a reason, shitwits. We're never leaving, and no one is out there and coming to help us. The great filter is the insurmountable distances. I can't help but feel everything is kept apart for a reason.

> Without us, you wouldnt know anything about the universe
There you have it! A wild Uselessnes appears!

How big is Uranus?

When did you realize that academia was bullshit? For me it was being 3 years old and seeing a black person for the first time and knowing something implicitly that our universities try to deny. What about you? You’re smart right?

no but i do personally believe in an infinite universe which is pretty much the same thing

unfortunately yeah. you could apply at your local observatory though if you wanted to try work your way up

chance of it existing is near certain, chance of us finding it would be near zero (unless we develop FTL)

Possibly. There are theories going around that dark energy is wrapped up in a higher dimension, thus making it not interactive but still able to project gravity on our universe

Tell me how Fravors fucking TicTac UFO is moving. I dare you send me a fucking metabunk link you punk.

Tell me about how light bends due to the force of gravity.

If all non whites just vanished and we somehow made a worldwide natsoc movement with all land on earth for whites it could unironically happen. Literally brown people forbid us from doing anything.

how come Neil Degrasse Tyson (A fellow Astrophysicist) says that the earth is pear shaped, even though EVERY "photo" we get of the earth shows a perfect sphere? Do you fags think we don't notice?

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Why aren’t you race realist? You must be above 115 iq at least right?

Rotating superfluid in a magnetic field.

>(unless we develop FTL)
And your LARP is over. No astrophysicist in the world would ever suggest this as a possibilty. Is Yas Forums so fucking gullible these days that they'll roll over for this fucking idiot.

How do you live with the fact you don't actually know jack shit about the universe?

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>We're never going to leave this solar system
Not in our life time no, I don't think so.
>We'll go to Mars, but we'll never colonize it
>We'll never teraform it, we'll never teraform Titan
I think we'll colonize Mars, but terraforming is a meme and retarded. You can just build habitats just as good and much easier/cheaper than terraforming.
>There is no future for humans in space
user, the satellites we use every day are in space, and we're becoming more and more dependent on them. Near Earth Orbit and the Lunar Orbit/Surface will be heavily colonized and commercialized soon
But yea on interstellar shit that's sci fi as of now.
I got my bachelor and two minors but having a hard time finding work in engineering/physics/astro.

Why is there so much CO2 on Mars?

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it is not light that bends, but space
learn about tensors to understand the details

>If you believe in an infinite past, then you also have to believe that an infinite amount of time passed in order for us to be now.
>And that is impossible, if you ever tried counting up to infinity.
not logical.

Gravity is the curvature of space.

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Can Universe Migration within The Bulk be Detected ?
Can We guess our Universes approximate position relative to that Bulk??
What is The Universe Density of The Bulk ???

end of LARP confirmed

t. a retard

You ever suck a dick?

answer question plox

Thank you.


What do you think about the idea that the physical world exists as a mathematical object, like how the Mandelbrot set reveals the realm of fractals? Could this be why mathematics does such a good job explaining the physical reality around us?

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Good thing the universe is electric.

I appreciate almost everything you said on this reply except for the "sci fi as of now

You, if you really are an astrophysicist worth his salt is surely well aware that the energy requirements of a craft necessary to propell and sustain a large party of colonist across interstellar distances is more than the energy reserves of the entire planet plus all the energy it would take to acquire that energy. Not to mention the physical danger and psychological difficulties of sustaining a society for hundreds or thousands of years in a small floating craft. It's simply not going to happen. Be realistic. You can't make something from nothing, and we aren't going to pull that much energy out of our ass.

This is an astrophysics thread, not an astrology thread.

I believe it to be the result of quantum fluctuations over gargantuan periods of time


I would say its infinite

gravitational collapse of of a stellar object

alot of it is bullshit but not its entirety.

gravity bends the medium that light travels in, thus making the only possible way for light to travel, a curved path.

How much of what you belive to know is tangible and how much is held together by the mathematical equivalent of gum and string?
Also your opinion on aether theory.

What if humans just aren’t meant to/ intellectually able to understand the universe?

>dark energy and dark matter
>schools teach it and governments proclaim it to be true
>we dont know about it, thats why we're coming up with theories to try explain it

This should be more clear to the masses. Dark Energy is a theory without any basis other than it "feels" right to some people. Dark Matter has a tiny bit of evidence, but it can also be used to prop up other theories.

My studies of dark energy and dark matter have led me to believe astrophysics is in the realm of psychology or astrology. pic related is the only astrophysics I believe.

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Since you are part of the jewish science community.
How does kike semen taste?

That implies EU. Stop being an antisemite. Everyone knows Einstein was the best.

Is bacon universally appealing, and if not, should we trust any aliens that don't like it?

Why is the speed of light measured in a unit that is defined by the speed if light?

Why do people cling to the dogmatic view that the speed of light is perfectly constant?

what do you think about the mandela effect

why did you post this on a politics board?


What is your full name?

>Ask me anything.

Is the axis of evil proof we are in a simulation?

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