Their "turn the other cheek" mentality is costing us the white race.
Are christcucks a danger to society?
Not for long lol!
They don’t believe in the Coronavirus or think that God will protect them so they are not closing the major Christian university.
We are literally the light of this world.
Without us you savages would’ve already blown eachother up and raped the corpses.
Every knee shall bow, Satan, EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
How so? The majority of the west is non religious
Niggers wouldn't have made it out of the stone age without the white man.
video says it all
lmao, gonna have so many cute mutt Christian babies with a latina
>"turn the other cheek" mentality
>have been a catholic my entire life
>have read the bible
>have literally never thought about that until you mentioned it
Oh right the lord said that once, man he really was a chill dude
>have been a catholic my entire life
>have read the bible
Kinda doubt that, just sayin
> durr an invisible flying jew will use magic to solve my problems
> durr hes a hebrew judean not a jew
> Anybody who disagrees with my retardation is a fat guy with a hat
Remember Aryans don't owe jesus anything because he is not our savior. Aryans don't descend from Adam therefore Aryans don't need Jesus to die for their sins.
here is the evidence.
The Chaldean Account of Genesis, by George Smith, [1876] we see the truth of what Adam means. It doesn’t mean the first man, but it refers to a race. Here is a quote showing you what race.
"the Babylonians recognized two principal races: the Adamu, or dark race, and the Sarku, or light race, probably in the same manner that two races are mentioned in Genesis, the sons of Adam and the sons of God.” (Ref 1)
As you can see Adam doesn’t mean mankind. This disproves the original sin narrative. Since we did not inherit sin from Adam there is no Messiah coming and there never was one to be a sacrifice for mankind. For those who think we descended from that race the Babylonians referred to as Adamites is the evidence completely destroying that lie.
I mean, I was just speaking about the ongoing apocalypse more generally, not because of any one thing.
"Seven thousand five hundred fifty-six (7556) haplotypes of 46 subclades in 17 major haplogroups were considered in terms of their base (ancestral) haplotypes and timespans to their common ancestors, for the purposes of designing of time-balanced haplogroup tree. It was found that African haplogroup A (originated 132,000 ± 12,000 years before present) is very remote time-wise from all other haplogroups, which have a separate common ancestor, named β-haplogroup, and originated 64,000 ± 6000 ybp. It includes a family of Europeoid (Caucasoid) haplogroups from F through T that originated 58,000 ± 5000 ybp. A downstream common ancestor for haplogroup A and β-haplogroup, coined the α-haplogroup emerged 160,000 ± 12,000 ybp. A territorial origin of haplogroups α- and β-remains unknown; however, the most likely origin for each of them is a vast triangle stretched from Central Europe in the west through the Russian Plain to the east and to Levant to the south. Haplogroup B is descended from β-haplogroup (and not from haplogroup A, from which it is very distant, and separated by as much as 123,000 years of “lat- eral” mutational evolution) likely migrated to Africa after 46,000 ybp. The finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from “African” haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid haplogroups, as well as all non-African haplogroups do not carry either SNPs M91, P97, M31, P82, M23, M114, P262, M32, M59, P289, P291, P102, M13, M171, M118 (haplogroup A and its subclades SNPs) or M60, M181, P90 (haplogroup B ), as it was shown recently in “Walk through Y” FTDNA Project (the reference is incorporated therein) on several hundred people from various haplogroups.” Klyosov, A. & Rozhanskii, I. (2012). Re-Examining the “Out of Africa” Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy. Advances in Anthropology, 2, 80-86. doi: 10.4236/aa.2012.22009. (Ref 2).
>Current year
>Lowest percentage Christian believers
>Somehow it's their fault
>Meanwhile most Jews are atheist
Shit logic
Yes be pagan
Calm the fuck down, nobody gonna read all that gay shit u fucking retard
About your picture: The catholic church has it's own interpretation of the bible. It's true that jesus says you should "put your other cheek" but he does so when he denounces the Jewish teachings of the thora, ofc OP won't mention that part because he is a massive faggot as always, but in that part Jesus essentially tells the Jews to go fuck themselves and that they are no longer gods chosen people
Bragging about killing white people lmao
What fairy tales do Pagans belief in?
Would you actually like to know bout my beliefs
You racists need to realize that the church is a place of love and we will always accept our fellow black brothers and sisters as God created us all equally. Latinos are also our honorary brothers, and will forever be one with us, on our path to heaven
>my interpretation is the only right one
any follows Abraham doesn't know their own history pic related
Agreed. In regards to purging this country, they are on the same tier as leftists as far as I'm concerned. They are weak and they enable and protect jews like leftists enable and protect niggers.
Sure. What mythology do pagans believe in? A god or multiple gods?
>arguing the Bible on Yas Forums
>where the only important thing here is worshipping the temporal
You fool, what are you doing
Pray for the unsaved user, don't let their words deter us.
both go back noah you fag
>A god or multiple gods?
How about none?
That’s the new Christian way the communists change shit in the late 60 and 80, what we are seeing is the end resolute of the Jewish commies
Name a more based Nord
>You can't
Paganism is based of your ancestry. The Gods are divisions of one God, and we see these divisions through our cultural lens. You should worship what your ancestors worshipped as it brings you closer to them and thus makes your more spiritually powerful. From northern to Central Europe, with a bit of overlap in Ireland, you would’ve worshipped the Norse Gods, they are only called ‘Norse’ because the records were found in Iceland
Shut the fuck up atheist go study so u can pass the seventh grade
Yes because they are not racially conscious. They just believe in following some slave morality rules of an old book that was made by kikes. That if they do then they will live in eternal paradise that is Heaven.
Reality is Heaven is not some mystical place in the afterlife but something we create. Our aryan ancestors understood this. That blood is the most important thing, that we are reborn through it and the highest of morals was doing whatever it takes to do what is right for your people to ensure a eugenic future your race can thrive in. Dying in battle was amongst the highest of honours. Nowadays people fear death and fighting.
Pretty sure ive heard "pagan gods" being mentioned a lot before
>Only countries where Christianity is a problem are hyper-kiked protestant hives
Really gets the ol noggin joggin
Isn't red hair Celtic in orgin? So not Germanic?
Yes, Christianity is a semitic invader like Islam
Paganism is a community and familial driven religion So there isn’t much ritual going on. (Most prayers and rituals are done in town hall, or shrines with your family) there is also a difference between pagans and Wiccan. Pagans are Folkish and traditional, whereas Wiccans are just gay women that hate their dads for taking them to church on Easter a few years ago
Stop taking translated scripture at its face value, you're ignoring both the context and the original text.
cringing so hard at people who dont believe in invisible flying men in the sky
>Only countries where Christianity is a problem are hyper-kiked protestant hives
Name one ?
Reincarnation is just as stupid belief as an afterlife. There is literally no evidence or indication of it.
>with a bit of overlap in Ireland.
The Morrigan is watching you closely friend. Kek. I'm Christian but if I was to follow my ancestors I'd worship the Norse gods or the Celtic.
Christfag cope is the worst.
Pagans/Jews arent people
Cringing so hard at people who see not a single ounce of spiritual value in anything on this earth, people that are so closed minded they’ll believe there are thousands of galaxies with planets made of molten diamonds and sulfur rain but not a place where higher beings than us exist
I guess they look whiter than you mutt
Refute it then, rune coon.
You can follow the protestant or orthodox interpretation if you want, what's written in the book never changes
Ok thats very technical. What fairy tales/mythology do pagans believe in tho? And how does it differ from other religions
Also in paganism your soul is composed of many parts, one goes on into the afterlife, Helheim (Valhalla if u die in battle). If were a good person you live on a mountain with your ancestors that reaches heaven. If you were bad you wash up on a sea and are consumed by Nidhogg. Another part of your soul is reincarnated into the next generation, like spiritual dna
The Gods are calling you my friend and they know you can hear them
I won't refute a mountain of claims without any evidence whatsoever. Start giving me evidence that any of the things your pic related claimed are true.
Imagine getting raped so hard by Christians you need your boyfriend's fist in your asshole constantly to keep 1000+ year old pain from coming back.
>Abraham is jewish
How illiterate do you have to be to say this
It's not that simple. Turn the other cheek is so much more between the lines.
It is actually almost the opposite of what you think it means.
Study more.
Eastern Orthodox Christian here. The based oldest true Christian form that started at 34 AC. Which other Christianity can say this.
Look into it.
So all of Europe for thousands of years was just bullshit. You rather have a brown Christian Europe than a white pagan europe
Wow, this is cringe. I can smell the desperation coming from your post that you have to belief in that fairy tale and not the science because it would depress you. Cringe nonetheless, pic related.
Holy fuck those are huge. What is she, like 16? They're definitely putting something in the water. A skinny girl like that shouldn't be able to grow tits that big.
For real though wtf is it with paganism and sucking cock
>that used to be a woman.
Honestly I'm impressed. That looks like an ugly motherfucking dude. But instead it's a dudet in disguise.
>”you savages”
>a Brazilian
user I...
Wait vikings were pagans? Do you believe in Thor, Odin, Loki etc?
You're more right then you know my friend. I've had a great deal of doubts when it comes to my faith in Christianity recently. And I suspect that might have to do with my sudden interest in the old gods. However. I do still believe in Christ. And even if I didn't it wouldnt be wise to just jump straight to another faith.
Wat. You do know that abraham is hundreds of years older than the Jewish religion right?
Well you should read the sagas. The most important has to be the death of Baldr. He was the kindest and gentlest God, the God of warmth and love. Literally Jesus before Jesus, and everyone in the entire universe loved him so much they pledged to his mother Freya they’d never harm them, but Freya forgot to ask mistletoe, as it was harmless and couldn’t sustain itself without leeching off a tree. Loki found out about this and decided to kill baldr just for shits and giggles. He makes a spear of mistletoe and guides Baldrs blind brother Hodr, who kills him without knowing. Hel goddess of the afterlife promises to return him to life if every being in existence weeped over his death, and everything weeped except Loki, so he stays in Helheim to this day, until the end of times, when he emerges from Helheim on a white horse and rules Earth bringing forth a new golden age
That was written by a Jew
I was like you a lot and actually used to worship the Gods and Jesus together but then I realized that Christ really never helped me and has brought nothing but pain for my people. It’s hard to make the change but the Gods are putting their faith in you, so you should do the same for them
>Wait vikings were pagans?
Pagan is a loose term that evolved from Latin. If I remember correctly it originally meant anyone who wasn't Christian. But basically a pagan is anyone deemed to be not of an acceptable religion. A savage. So yah the Vikings were classified as pagans but it doesn't describe them specifically. It's basically the Christian word for non believers. Jews call people gentiles. Christians call them pagans.
Yeah basically. Pagans just called it “the way” or Sidr. Viking was an occupation not a culture as well
That does sound like jewsus, indeed. And I like Norse mythology, just like Greek amd Egyptian mythology. Wasnt Baldur killed in a friendly food fight and Loki tricked the other dude you mentioned in throwing something deadly at him? Oh and why do you choose to believe in Morse amd not Greek mythology? Its kind of silly you pick and choose like that.
You do realize they're talking about turning your ass cheek to accept the arab cocks running at full speed. Ass-a-slammed all-my-cum as they say.
I don’t pick and choose like I said earlier it’s based on ancestry but I have a lot of respect for GrecoRoman paganism
Loki was always my favorite as a child. But reading this story always made me feel like shit. These days I'm also fond of the Allfather. Even if I'm still a Christian.
Well there's no way to worship the Christ and the old gods together that's for certain. Man cannot serve two masters. As for where I'll end up. Well eventually I'll find the truth one way or another. I just need to find the courage and energy to actually research. One would think I would have more energy for something this important but I'm apathetic and hate life. Not how I thought I'd be at 19 kek.
You belief whatever your ancestors believed. You do realize that your older ancestors probably believed something way different then Norse mythology, right? Doesnt that make you feel stupid?
True. But it's been sensationalized. Like the horned helmets.
christ cucks are the reason the us is the way it is.