Megyn Kelly calls for the Day of the Tendie

How should the U.S. deal with its NEET infestation?

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Put them in the oven at 350 for 15 minutes you dumb fucking cunt. Where is the seasoning?


A woman who can't cook is no woman at all.
Even trannies are better than her.

White women are absolute garbage

Who the H bakes chicken tenders and doesnt fry them up in a pan?

Look there is no seasoning on it why the fuck do white people do this?

>350 for 15 minutes
NEETs need to have far hotter conditions to become ash in that amount of time
Trust me, I'm an expert at this sort of thing

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Wow, she's completely useless.

she put them on the flame and left the kitchen to watch tv or check her phone

Why didn't she put any oil or butter or anything in the pan? Has she never cooked anything before?
pic unrelated but delicious

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>Put them in the oven at 350 for 15 minutes you dumb fucking cunt.
That would objectively not cook raw tendies all the way through.

She probably couldn't smell them burn because her absolutely fucked up plastic nose

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every blonde that has worked as FOX has been completely inept at cooking

>can't cook
somebody needs to man-up and be a man for her
>Nigger bitching about white people seasoning

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Well I just googled her and it turns out I was wrong. Good thing once I hid this thread it goes away and I'll never had to read anyone calling me out.
I love this website, its so much better than reddit, thank god the_donald got shut down.

The economic shutdown is an attempt to stop NEETs by starving them to death. They'll have no choice but to work or starve. You think people are going to be willingly to pay for welfare during a depression when being morbidly obese qualifies as a disability and working families are going hungry?

people who cant cook for themselves are fucking trash

its a basic survival trait

what the fuck is wrong with you

she is going to ruin that cast iron pan. shame

>have they always posted coded shit
>did I just never notice

Remember that time she chopped all of her hair off, became an uppity cunt and torpedoed her career?

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it's a shitty non-stick pan, not cast-iron. and it's impossible to ruin cast iron.


Jesus Christ how fucking embarrassing. How can you not know how to properly cook chicken? Bitch you’re fucking 50. It’s not like you’re working and busy on your show.

>350 for 15 minutes
Only if they're already fully cooked

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Y'all niggers need to preheat.

>dumb white bitch can’t cook
no surprise there

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I do lol

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A man’s duty is to cook for his wife.

Based and tendiepilled

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Probably has some kind of pre-marinade on them, most likely "asian style" which has a lot of sugar in it. Hence the burning style marks which come from the sugar.

Who the FUCK buys those stringy, gross chicken tender pieces??? Just get a breast and cut it into tenders. It is always way better.

>it's impossible to ruin cast iron
not really, it takes a while but you can rust it through completely.

This is why she is single and childless and 50 and unemployed.

There isnt enough trash for a real NEET, I bet its just a fatty who just moved in.

They're for her cat.

maybe if you leave it in chlorine for a few months. it's a thick plate of iron, not much can ruin it.

This is why niggers think we can't cook.

It looks like there was honey glaze or sugar on the tendies because thats burnt sugar in the pan

She’s giving her cat tenders with burnt sugary marinade on them? What a cunt.

I actually had dino-tendies the other day because my wife was freaked out about the lockdown and it was a childhood food. They're shit.

I can confirm that leaving a cast iron dutch oven in a leaky barn for 4+ decades can in fact destroy it.

Listen you Argentinian fuck, even though there’s no way for me to attribute this post to you, I will attribute it to your countrymen, which is a worse fate

I bid you farewell, ARGENTINA ES WHITE

>not breaded and fried
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

No oil. Non-stick pans still need oil or butter. It looks like she used a tiny bit of butter that burned up. Either that or that’s chicken fat and seasoning that burned up. Heat probably too high. At least they didn’t cook from steaming by trapped liquids I suppose

tell me again why men need women in 2020 and not accelerate a creation of an artificial womb to breed more males?!

No you need to cook the chicken on the stove top first. Throwing it in the oven for 15 minutes isn’t going to cook it

t. genuine homosexual


well in any case, you won't ruin one burning chicken

Slap the parents and tell them to take control of the 24 year old man-child living in
their basement.

>learn how to control heat for best maillard effect
This is the only fucking skill you need to cook well. Why can't so many people figure it out?

kek, dumb cunt can't even make some chicken in a pan without fucking it up.

I left one in the yard for like 6 months and it was fine. 40 years maybe not

The dino ones and most nuggets and anytizers and even most frozen tendies are pure garbage. I found one I liked recently at Aldi which resembles Chick-fil-a nuggets in looks. They don’t taste as good but it’s not mechanically separated molded and formed chicken either. They were tolerable. All of the frozen tenders that aren’t molded and formed are quite good in a deep fryer but those are messy. Plus you can get a thermometer and use a Dutch oven with oil to accomplish the same thing but still messy. And storing and cleaning the oil sucks. Air frying is an okay substitute. But air fryers are just like micro toaster ovens with convection fans. They even rebranded convection toaster ovens as having air frying.

I’ve had best results thought with either frozen or fresh tenderloins coated in flour, dipped in egg, and rolled in a panko crumb and seasoning blend. Toss that in the oven for 45 or so minutes and you got tasty tendies. Or just marinate the raw chicken tendie in spiedie sauce and grill it

who needs a woman when I can make a fifi in 2 minutes from things in my kitchen!? If she can't cook or clean, then why the fuck do I need her when she'll use sex to suck the soul energy out of me!?

t. does not actually cook

Do your panko/seasoning method, but then freeze them. Then you can fry the tendies and they come out crispy and tender.

Wow Megyn can't cook at all.
Like literally zero experience.

There’s no oil. Now she’s got Teflon toxic shit on her food. I’ve dated a hot girl like that. Couldn’t cook worth a damn.

Basic universal life skills
1) feed yourself

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Why are people on the left so vulgar? Why do you need to put fuck, shit,ass and a bunch of other vulgar words? It doesn't make you seem edgy, just uneducated and lacking vocabulary.


if you can't cook you are a child

>guys i’m such a helpless beta cuck that I cant even cook oatmeal
>puts hands in pockets

It's from Yas Forums a decade ago, the brownies themselves are quite good, presentation of the recipe aside. I've made red/green ones for Christmas before, would recommend.

>people on the left
that's a /ck/ pic you dumbass

How the hell do you fuck up chicken tenders? This is the easiest shit to cook. What a dumb blonde cunt.

thats fucking depressing. can this idiot really not cook???
i really hate city dwelling retards

Her post insinuates that she is going to end inceldom via ... (wait for it) roasting...
Read the pic. Yeah, it's actually saute' .. ing.. I think... but whatever. How do you know that pan didn't come from an oven?
Yeah... think about it.
Tonight, we subsist as incels!
Tomorrow we DINE on roastie puss!

That type of burning of the marinade indicates she put them on a high heat instead of the medium heat it said on the pack.

Hate to break it to you but I am uneducated. What the fuck do you want me to do? I'm too fucking old to change that shit now.

cooking requires some technical skill in addition to the recipe, things like controlling the temperature of the stove or turning the food at appropriate times


i feel like ive seen that from just leaving something on too long. but i only cook in cast iron or stainless

She's white. White people don't use seasoning. And they have the chutzpah to call themselves the master race.

/GBG/ - Greek Borders General


Fuck off nigger

if you could call that "technical skill". it's more just about paying attention and using common sense.

race traitor is still bad at flip-flopping.

I missed the part where you were describing leftist. I am not one, so kindly disregard my earlier statements.

You fuckers don't even know the meme. Too long in the fucking oven and you're G L O W I N G
Tendies. Pic related.
She's trolling all of you o OMG she is so fucking lost she can't find her way out of her own cunt.
Either way we're fucked, given the current state of Yas Forums

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Or just leave it in the oven longer you mongrel

This makes me irrationally angry, I'm 30 and it's shocking how many of my peers can't fucking cook for themselves, even the women mostly can't cook for shit unless it's frozen or from a box.
If you can't cook at least a few basic meals you are a failure for not learning one of life's most basic skills.

who doesn't lmao that was hilarious

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Shit I made tendies tonight
I cut up a chicken breast then I coat it in flour and spice mix, then egg bath then again I'm the flour and spice mix
Throw those bad boys in a cast iron pan with enough oil in it.
I have to do it because my bitch wife can't fucking cook that useless ungrateful piece of shit.

>Spend $10,000 on a Viking “pro chef” range and can’t even cook grilled chicken yourself without ruining it
These are the people we need to be telling us how to live our lives

ThisNot this. Unless you have literal cabbage for brains.