>has world's fastest spreading corona
>still tells brazilians to piss off back to their normal lives
>says media and international community quarantines are histeria
>30+ people in his team diagnosed with Corona already
>looks half dead and is constantly coughing
>refuses to disclose his test's results anyway
>tries to schedule meetings with foreign leaders
>almost infects Donald Trump
>governors try to block airports and federal roads
>tells them to fuck off and re-opens them
>would rather shit talk governors than negotiate with them
>governors and mayors try to block churches and shopping malls
>tells them to fuck off and re-opens them
>foreign countries want to close borders
>tell them to fuck off and re-opens them
>repeatedly calls corona 'just a flu' and accuses the entire world of hysteria
>goes into a crowd alongside his corona-infected security team and starts hugging and grabbing hands of his supporters
>supporters so fucking retarded they make 600+ thousand people rallies to support some shitty coup against the National Congress
>instead of disavowing, he joins them
>threatens the media to go inside a fully crowded subway in São Paulo to 'show the population not to panic'

At this point this dude is either a retard, or he's actively working for the enemy. I think we're not dealing with the average brazilian monkey anymore, Yas Forums.

Bolsonaro is the Legendary Super Spreader.

Attached: Foto_oficial_do_presidente_da_república,_Jair_Bolsonaro.jpg (494x759, 74.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sounds pretty based.

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At least you can buy a gun to defend yourself from raiders, now.

I keked mega hard brazilianon
God bless Bolsonaro
We'll see in a month how the situation evolved in our countries and in Brazil

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this nigger is the ultimate it's just a flu
he literally said that it was just a small flu on national television

But... that's not what he said AT ALL.
In fact you can watch what he said here:

The automatic english subs are readable.

Bolsonaro basically said that the panic and histeria caused by the media could be worse than the virus itself.

No, that's exactly what he said.

You're fake news.

If he is right, we avoid a super depression
If he is wrong, potential thousands will die

He's senile, a mixture of Trump, Olavo and Biden.

there are some rumors that he has cancer

Holy shit its going to be amusing watching Brazil and the US turn to dust. Feels good to be an irrelevant nation where our politicians don't actively seek the death of their nations

We're still receiving flights from China, dumbass.
Take the CBC's cock out of your mouth.

You know what will happend if Trump and Bolsonaro are right? The whole will be in deep recession while they are less affected by it. Total unplug of the economy is a big hit, lot's of unemployed, small and medium business dead and everything that comes with it

>no testing
>no quarantine
>prescription drugs rationed
>still receiving chink flights
>>>>>>not actively seeking death

>we avoid a super depression
do you really think the congress and governors will allow that? gotta have a recession so the (((banks and international powers))) save us, so we can be eternally in debt to them

We are fighting this fucking virus hues close for two fucking weeks at least.

Last thing we need is erradicating it and that some hue hues cross from uruguay in ferry and infect us again.

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>supporters so fucking retarded they make 600+ thousand people rallies to support some shitty coup against the National Congress
Did this happen after the pandemic started? Because if so, jesus christ, our healthcare system is going to implode

Bankers fart out money and create it out of thin air. All of this muh economy nonsense is bullshit so that we can all get infected and so that the price of medicine becomes their major source of income. I bet there are some wise players with some insider knowledge who have big bucks hedged on pharmaceutical stock and are urging massive world-wide infection because they will be making MAJOR bank from all of the sick getting their "medicine".

OP is seething.

You're a low IQ retard, please don't reproduce.

>do you really think the congress and governors will allow that?
Yes, they don't give a shit about nothing but their personal life and bank account

We all should be.

Nah, you're just a simpleton. Why else willingly infect everyone? Someone is going to make great profit off of the sick needing constant medicine and flowing citizens in and out of ICUs and hospitals WHILE simultaneously getting to cull of the weak who cannot get health care right away. This is a wet dream for "philanthropist" depopulationists.


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when are the next brasilian elections? i have a feeling he won't last long...

Don't be so sure. There are a lot of sociopaths with deep pockets in the US.

user, there won't be any elections. It's a fucking pandemic.

Basedest boomerinho kkkkkk obrigado

Just seethe in your own room then, no one cares, people have work to do and mouths to feed.

>will allow that
Do you think that governors have a magical wand that can solve economical recession? It's not about allowing that, but how to deal with it. And if history repeats itself, it would trigger a new decade of hyper inflation.

presidential? 2022

the VP might kill him before that


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>brazilian communist posts

He's doing it because favelados like you will be the most affected, leaving only the tiozados once the cleansing fire of covid frees the country from all the mutt shitskins

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a decade of hyper inflation didn't kill 2 million people (that's what's gonna happen in a year)

We still have two more years with this mongloid, impeachment is still an option, but he didn't do anything that would warrant it.

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Hello? Based departament?

You're South American. Just kill him. One well placed sniper shot is all you need. It wouldn't be hard.

Alternatively, you can just sit back and watch him infect and kill off a sizable portion of all his voters and political allies until he drowns in his own blood.


Let's see your precision rifle setup, then.

I like Brazil, you guys produce the best facesitting porn. Stay safe

What's the VP's stance on what is going on?

druglords are enforcing curfews in their communities

This guy is a legend. He understands that the economy impacts EVERYONE while only the weak and old are going to be impacted by the chinese flu. Sorry old cunts and fat shits your time is up.

>virgin foreign president/prime minister vs President Chadnaro

Attached: chadnaro.jpg (300x396, 12.36K)

I'd say the only good enough that'around.

Remember when he tested negative for corona? That was because the virus didn't infect him in the normal way, but rather it RECRUITED him.


I'm not allowed to buy guns, burgerkun, this ain't America.

>has world's fastest spreading corona

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You produce some good açai and corned beef.
Hell, even Taurus makes good guns now.

Ultrabased Bolso.

you mean the new world order election? That’s in 2021

You have absolutely no idea what are the consequences of a major economical recession. Much more than 2 millions will die, if your grandparents can have a healthy and active life, it's only due to the fact that we didn't have any major economical disaster in 30 years. Or do you actually think that a country that barely have enough to keep the working force going will have enough to spare for welfare?

I can't believe Coronachan is real.

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Why is Trump not being a badass? I voted for a man, and NOT a hysterical woman.

>Much more than 2 millions will die


show the demographic pyramid, surely it would flare up.

you're talking out of your ass, 2 million dead is genocide way worse than a economic recession and hyperinflation.

my president :^)


Bolsonaro will kill all of south america.

And shemales for italians.

If you can't fight it, join it.
Pretty smart.


you supported this faggot, now reap what you sow.

>muh recession will kill untold amounts

Fuck off you fucking genocidal idiots

Why are you acting like 2 million people dying won't have any effects? There is no escape from this shit user, our economy was already in a bad spot, this shit happening and China doing poorly is going to fuck us no matter what. Ditching brazilians to die is not going to save the country or stop the recession, if Bolsonaro actually allows things to scalated this badly he'll probably get arrested.

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He's making the biggest gamble of his life.

If what he says works: He destroys opposition who are screaming genocide, He will have supermajority next election.

But If doesn't work: Epidemic goes out of control, killing a lot of people
He will be kicked out of office and the left will rule this shithole forever

Gripezinha or resfriadinho


He probably posts here and is a coomer for coronachan. Wants to see the based polish user updates quickly

I have another one:

Recession does the exact oposite:
Favelado loses job.
Go home, fuck goblina.
9 month later gobçininho is born.
Favela keep look for a job.
Go back home. See goblina...