@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force @FoxNews Virtual Town Hall 3/24/20 (Right Prescription) (Chloroquine) (SmBiz) (Ventilators) (pt1) (pt2)
>DefSec Esper/JCSChair ArmyGen Milley/SEAC Colon-Lopez @Virtual Town Hall 3/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 3/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 3/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 3/24/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on F&F 3/24/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on GMA 3/24/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on FBN 3/24/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 3/24/20
>SG Adams on HughHewittShow 3/24/20
>America1stActionChair LindaMac on FBN 3/24/20
>CDCVideo: Who's most at risk for Corona-chan? (PSA) 3/24/20
>ArmyVideo: ArmySec McCarthy visits AFC&AAL in Austin TX 3/24/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/23/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>grocery store STILL empty
>it's frozen tilapia from here on out

Attached: noose chan suicide.jpg (800x900, 85.83K)


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>Americans give the president generally positive reviews for his handling of the situation, with 60% approving and 38% disapproving.

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>Delta downgraded to junk credit
>stock goes up
The real clown world is what the Fed has done to the stock market and retirement savings.

You have to go back.

Dumb modern bitch, you belong in the trash can. Burn my dinner and POW straight to the moon

Attached: 1583360027232.png (800x1100, 182.89K)

>wahmyn doesn't know how to cook for herself

At least cook it, you psycho.

Thanks Democrats

it's rising

Attached: approval.png (868x541, 59.45K)

baby boomers are on so much medicine its not legally safe to let them run the country anymore. we have to crucify boomers upside down before they destroy the planet

What's for supper, frens?

Attached: coronavirus bat soup awoo.png (900x900, 464.94K)

my gosh this explains a lot

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my eyes were bigger than my stomach and i ate too many tendies and now im laying down just feeling like shit but they were fucking great anyways no regerts
the senate is voting tonight right? could have sworn i saw something like that.

Attached: 1570322520696.jpg (1009x932, 374.4K)

lel don't be getting excited yet i know nothing about building one except that you can get a good system for much cheaper that way
i'm still saving and i won't even begin looking at buying parts until that's done. it just might come kinda fast if politicians do something stupid and hand me free money

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That's a dogwhistle. She is telling her followers to begin the plan to exterminate NEETs.


Attached: 1585021919583m.jpg (1024x869, 111.29K)

Remember that abortion is ALWAYS the Democrats' priority! They just want to hold everything up and delay, delay, delay unless they can get some PP bribes!

Attached: 2020-03-22_18-18-29.png (838x252, 26.31K)

demoncrats are losing their minds over the idea of america going back to work sooner rather than later.

as if we didn't already know that they literally want america to be destroyed.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 6.51.27 PM.png (1432x800, 1.56M)

Wash your fucking hands right now

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So not only is she a horrible reporter she’s an awful cook. Obviously her BJ skills have a lot to make up for.

why are the frontline girls miscolored?

>retirement savings
>not running an out of home craftshop and doing that until you die
get back in the cage, wagie

Holy shit this is just sad

True liberation is self-sufficiency, which means being able to take care of yourself. Women who refuse to learn how to take care of themselves out of fear of having to care for a family are worthless dependents, leeches on society.

turn the heat under the pan down, you tranny looking bitch.

Attached: Spirit-Cooking.jpg (1234x978, 101.59K)

How do you fuck that up? Stop posting real tweets. I still would.

it should start to stabilize in the next week or two. after all the panic people realize the world isn't ending.

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tendie abuse should be a capital offense

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Sometime photoshop those holocaust merchant cookies into that.

I demand to know, right now, what Portugal sperged our about a few days ago

The media don't realise that Trump has to come out and be optimistic

IF he says I dont know when people get to work the economy would tank further

Rasmussen has been unusually low for the past 2 weeks though oddly enough.

Anons I learned something very unMAGA, Nestle discontinued their nana milk completely. This is presumably due to shitskins who can not appreciate such fine things as banana milk because they can't milk. F

>lel don't be getting excited yet i know nothing about building one except that you can get a good system for much cheaper that way
FUCKING WHAT lel, fucking how? That makes no sense. That' blows my fucking mind.
>i'm still saving and i won't even begin looking at buying parts until that's done
More than fair enough just holy damn go read up some more. I wanna advize

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Every time I hear about this woman, she's sunk just a little bit lower

Attached: Megyn Kelly ellen.jpg (1280x720, 81.83K)

up the butt?

>can't cook
Only thing worthwhile about her is her aw wound between her legs and even that is worthless

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>paying the soap jew
humans require no bathing.
washing off your human oils is why most of you whites have shit skin.

Dems still holding out for more murdered babies.

oy vey goy, you need to cool it with the antisemitism

MSM needs a rope

It's funny how none of the talking heads sperging out about the potential Easter deadline aren't factoring in that it won't be across the board. Trump And Fauci said places like NY and WA are probably out of the question.

ofc. that's another thing, the msm is trying to kill any hope people have here. it's disgusting.

Dude the Democrats are insane, they're actively stopping people from getting help. The gov of Nevada just banned anti malaria drugs to treat covid19. Shits fucked up!

you have to butterfly them, and pound them flat. you know what. never fucking mind.

>huggers screams externally

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how dare you

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Link or you're a flu-poo

Hope you never need any deep surgery

What did he mean by this?

Attached: sasmdb.png (522x154, 17.16K)

They do realize. They're trying to keep the economy crashed through the election to remove Trump.


Fishtank cleaner is the new hotness

>go to bath room
>piss driblets get on my fingers
>wipe it on pants
>hear other people nearby
>turn on the water and let it run for 10 seconds
>never get my hands wet
>take a piece of paper towel
>crumple it up and throw it away

Attached: don'tev.png (1039x559, 260.99K)

We will all have YUGE easter dinners :^)

I think some punishment will come in Nov


zoomer fish tank cleaner challenge when?

ofc they all know CA NY and WA won't be included. they're just fear mongering and spreading disinfo as usual

I refuse modern medicine as well.
when death comes I will leave willingly.


>piss driblets get on my fingers
how is this even physically possible?

How does that remove Trump?

In what remains of Libya, decontamination procedures include swiftering the floor.

Attached: r.jpg (800x533, 53.39K)

>tfw live in liberal shithole sanctuary city

The politics around all this are really going to ramp up after Easter, and our faggot governor will probably keep everything shut down despite whatever the federal guidelines are until the election out of spite.

What is the point of these threads? You like trump? yeah. I like Trump? cool.

To make the show watchable. If you want nonstop niggers switch over to western media.

eh, I'm alright with that. the boomers should have had way more abortions when they were in this position

He's saying you don't need the whistle to hear it.

>hmmmm bailouts good now
Magapedes defend bailouts now. They didnt when obama did them.

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So how long will we be out of work? I like working from home.

i'm not nigger i swear. I'm white but not according to Yas Forums
i will, I bought cornmeal today and I have garlic and paprika

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Well if you're in SF they use piss repellent paint on the buildings to bounce it back on the hobos

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"reeee orange man crashed the economy, vote Biden"

>piss driblets get on my fingers
Tits or GTFO

Don’t judge, some people are missing a chromosome or two.

You try peeing standing as a female


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No, Elliot: make white babies.

Attached: makeWhiteBabies.jpg (1800x2097, 1.63M)

My dick is so short I piss on my balls.

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Soon everything will be Good. Worry not.

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there are no women on Yas Forums

>i'm not nigger i swear. I'm white but not according to Yas Forums
its because fish is filled to the brim with mercury

But Trumps economic approval has gone up

>when death comes I will leave willing
Also it's why they morphine up the elderly during end of life stages, because the spasms, choking, and fear is horrible to watch.
No one passes peacefully just drugged beyond awareness and ability to show it.


Fathers losing their jobs and all the money they used to feed their children. Marriages will stumble, families will end, homes will be broken. Suicides will be up. Our elderly are living in terror. Our children will be competing with the dreamers that never left and the Hindus that are coming. And if they survive that, they have 2 trillion more in debt to bear.

Go on. I dare you to try and find a job this summer. Big businesses strained, small business busted. Dreams everywhere in ruin. So the economy's devastated and the only thing we got on immigration was the Mexican military guarding a fence to keep our anchor babies in. Same number of troops overseas as when we started, or more.

Theres no getting out of this. It'll be the same crap in the news everyday. Nothings changed, It was all a fever dream before the end.

And now its late and getting dark. Im just going to bed. Its over already and theres nothing anyone can do about it but suffer and wait for the end. Just an aimless blurry dark void. Theres no future left. Maybe there never was.

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India should invent poo resistant streets.


did the disgusting msm report this? no.


Fucking what

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I never said it was a good plan.

It depends on states, sucks for liberal shitholes, but the rest of the country will be monitored and tested for covid-19 regularly in a few weeks. We will have millions and millions of tests, and basically be back at work. Everything Trump has been doing for the past few weeks is coming to fruition, but he will get no credit. We will get through this.

Isn't that called a chinese wet market?

Attached: p9mpapb.png (1298x1614, 2.18M)

stop you're making me coom

They did it's called Britain

hey I trademarked that, pay up with a slut christchan

Attached: 1584724346706.png (727x1028, 549.71K)

Why would that be reported? The REAL news is 'ORANGE MAN STILL BAD'

>I dare you to try and find a job this summer.
user, Amazon is hiring and paying massive overtime. UPS and the other shipping companies are hiring. The grocery stores are raking in profits and are understaffed—they're hiring too. There will be jobs this summer if you look in the right places.

So my church is doing service in the field we have. It's big, with every family separated. Probs getting shut down...


user no one gives a shit about soft dicks only when they're hard

Worse yet, they will say it was only because of Obama's policies that Trump was able to overcome.

> India
> Britain
user, everyone knows that London is a Pakistani colony.

I don't see how that would work

>Trump's covid plan: Human Sacrifice

can we ban this avatarposter?

best I can do

Attached: babies christ-chan.png (1920x1088, 464.27K)

For sure they really shot themselves in the foot with this one

My cousin does photography, she absolutely loves pregnancy shoots. Even below average chicks look good pregnant.

tell your governor they can allow church gatherings or literally burn in hell.

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That just means you have big balls, user

Absolutely NOTHING shady going on with this one.

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You'll be hearing form my lawyers

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>their so black i cant find my wallet for christs sake

It won't, but it's their best shot.

Christchan is pure and wholesome and knows her right from wrong.

Attached: 1580541949699.png (1280x720, 669.32K)

WA will for sure shut down anything that looks like people have faith in anything other than freelove hippie bullshit. The atheists are militant.

>Theres no future left. Maybe there never was.

In 2016 I was half a month away from just going downtown and shooting niggers in the face for their gold chains. Keep memeing that future instead of the one where we don’t meet.

>omfg trump literally just said he wants all old people to leave their houses!

All the salmon,lobster shrimp etc was sold out, there's no other seafood.

>be poo
>step out to take liquid shit in street
>squat down
>get covered in your own shit
>proceed to go about your day like nothing changed

>Even below average chicks look good pregnant.
There's a biological reason for this.

Attached: 'phjyhdvs.png (302x372, 208.69K)

It does not amaze me that they do this, it's that we just accept it

>my dicks is so short I come on my balls

>$4 billion to keep museums open

That is noses down the most Jewish thing I have seen all day.

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That stupid bitch is really wearing a walgreen's hat?

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Non-profit is so misleading. The museum directors and associates all get paid.

Media lying and saying trump wants to open up America

He said he will make a decision and have a phased roll out of workers who are not at risk

yeah, fatter tits.

no cope, it's just irrelephant to anything

Attached: 1569338479021.jpg (980x1085, 97.13K)

>770 deaths since Feb. 1
It's literally fucking nothing

Attached: it's fucking nothing.jpg (360x270, 6.91K)

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No face-touching, user. That's how you catch the Coronation.

Wtf happened to the ingraham angle?

Don't need to imagine anything, that's what happens now

Attached: she sees the dick.gif (480x270, 591.12K)

They always push whatever wiggle room to mislead they have

Trannies think LU is a scam lmao

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It's the trillions of dollars nothing I guess

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sending people out prematurely is sending people out prematurely. it is going to cost lives

Dems want the shut down to go for longer than what Trump wants to when its over they can argue their would be fewer deaths if they ran things.

nothing. im watching her lips right now.

Hilary first please.

>that's the joke

Attached: insider.jpg (1080x1087, 82.43K)

The comments section is breddy gud

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no it's not. 99% of people who get the virus have a mild experience. stop fear mongering.

>Boomer jobs are about to be hiring

Democrats have barely spoken on senate floor

pretty telling


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When it gets warmer, batflu will be reduced some more.

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trump was always 30 years too late. great lulz tho

Wait. I've never been to his twitter but are those parenthesis' actually real?

damn, Ivanka went overboard with that plastic surgery

How is this still a talking point in 2020?
It's not Indianas fault that Niggers exist

Attached: Screenshot_20200324-220752_Chrome.jpg (1080x2280, 659.6K)

and it's true, there would be fewer deaths if anyone else was running the country

Democrats aren't in the senate chamber. Look up Lion Ted's rant last night, they all went home because they have no intention of helping Trump


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Fatler getting reamed.

Democrat enclaves are literally the only places getting hit by this virus. The rest of the country is just chilling and waiting for Trump to give the signal.