Daily reminder that all:
>MIGA enthusiasts
are not welcome here and never will be. Go the fuck back to wherever you came from. Yas Forums is stormfront's property now.
Daily reminder that all:
stormfront confirmed for weeb faggotry
my sekret club
fkin based
have sex op
Yas Forums is everywhere now deal with it faggot
based as fuck
glowies, get out
>stormfront? yeah sure
weird kike shill
that's a kike
Funny you didn't say jew or nigger.
No but thanks for the offer, I'd rather kill people than create new ones.
Jews are too busy writing propaganda and niggers cant read.
you should have listened, normalfag.
It’s too late
/pol is popular and
>hurr burr racist hangout here go atttack them
All the places that these people were at are now deleted or freedom of speech is gone
Nobody's scared of you NEETsoc faggots and that's why you get chased off of every sane platform on the internet and have to hide out here jerking eachother off about Jews and black people. You're all so fucking sensitive you've literally reduced yourselves to demanding a safe space from the outside world. You're literally triggered by reality, re-evaluate your entire existence you pathetic manchildren
Based. Normies get out.
I've seen you in many threads. Don't you have something better to do with your time? You could maybe study abstract algebra or make origami? There are plenty of more interesting things to do rather than browse Yas Forums.
I don't even know what most of those things are, but I'm probably some of them.
I'm not leaving. What you gonna do about it?
You discord trannies are in full force right now. Pissing into an ocean of piss. Dilate or kys.
What's the point of asking that? You're here too.
I've been on here since 2004 and I'm perfectly healthy socially, mentally, physically. You don't own shit and just because you want to belong somewhere, you never will. Not even here.
"Cope" as you faggots say
shut the fuck up faggot you don't get to choose who comes here
>I've seen you in many threads
>I know you! You're that guy that disagrees with Yas Forums!
>p-pls have the same opinion as everyone else
Stop begging for an echochamber
Something aint right here.
Look canacucks, it’s time to fuck off. WE are sick of faggots getting in the way. God i miss infinity chan where we had mods that were actually on our side. Everything that does not match towards our objective should be removed from this board
Used to fucking run this board you zoomer newfag
based based based based based
Grow up and move to a real country.
check the release date of this video:
coronachan let me lick your feet!!! uwu
I need to watch k-on again
that isn't a trip newfag
Go the fuck back to plebbit
The fact you need mods to be "on your side" makes you sound more fragile then ever. Maybe create your own faggot forum where everyone agrees with your ideals and no one's going to contend your fragile ego you boot licking faggot
All the female normes are on facebook saying they've been crying all night unable to sleep because everyone is going to die. Don't worry, they're all getting plenty of likes and support messages on their isolation depression status updates.
This means you O.P.
Stormfront property? Is that like beachfront property? OP is a confirmed virgin
Normies with anger issues, not outcast in any sense
National Socialism helped me become the man I am today.
>live on my own
>good factory job
>family values
BUT every other NatSoc I meet is a tweaker redneck degenerate or a incel weeb neckbeard. Wtf?
When Yas Forums kicked out the lefties years ago, it's not because they made asspained threads saying "rreeeee get the fuck out of my safe space" it's because they made well constructed arguments that the left couldn't rebut. If you want a specific type of poster to fuck off, argue with them will such effortposting that they lose the will to visit here of their own free will.
Otherwise stop bitching. This is Yas Forums: Politically Incorrect, not Yas Forums: Right-Wing Board.
Bootlickers are the most based and we will replace you
>muh individualism
>muh chaotic neutral
Fuck off fags. We are trying to save the west from the foremost issue facing us today. As soon as a new place is made for us I’ll go there. But for now, we are far more important than your shitposting. Useful idiots. It’s funny you fags claim to be oldfags yet aren’t redpilled enough to sympathize
>cuckime poster telling people they are not welcome on a politics board
gtfo to one of the containment boards, pathetic weaboo
>they will seethe because of the flag
Why don't you faggots ever bother lurking before posting anymore? "You" aren't doing shit, you take this whole Yas Forums thing way too seriously, your posts are of no consequence.
>anyone who doesn't agree with me is a kike
Idk what this has to do with what I posted. I’m trying to say that 99% of “National Socialists” that shit up this /stormfront/ board are pathetic weebs and embrace zero NatSoc core values.
Yas Forums is the new Yas Forums
>far more important
nigger you almost shut down the chans by having two autistic mass shooters post their manifestos on your dogshit website the only thing your good at is ruining anything good for the rest of us
Yas Forums is a japanese image board you turkish rape-baby faggot.
>99% of “National Socialists” that shit up this /stormfront/ board are pathetic weebs and embrace zero NatSoc core values.
Same goes for "christian" larpers
So you’re the guy that posts “why are white women like this?” 50742802 times a day. KYS.
Nobody gives a fuck
You cared enough to respond.
I'm a libertarian and I'm staying here and there's literally nothing you can do about it.
I won't get banned for expressing my opinions because Yas Forums is inherently libertarian. I can even say that stormfags are dumb and low IQ poorfags who are often the worst examples of the "white master race" and I won't get banned.
How does it feel knowing your entire ideology is predicated on authoritarian power and you actually have no authoritarian power?
quit posting weaboo muttburger
Everyone knows that Yas Forums is a Christian Monarchist board
eat a dick you kike special fag. muhh social retardation is so special hurrr duuurrr
I agree. It’s literally impossible to follow all the rules in the Bible. The kikes probably made it that way on purpose.
Outsiders should understand each other (pic related).
You’d be surprised with the impact that we have. Do you know how many people just lurk this board? I’ve probably redpilled thousands at this point. You underestimate how powerful our communications here are.
They are afraid. Very afraid. I understand both of your boomer sentiments. But like I said, its time to recognize that a genuine political movement is forming. You need to get out of OUR way. I don’t mean that in a hostile way so much as I do in an urgent way.
>implying you have to be "welcome" on Yas Forums to post here
Low verbal IQ detected.
>implying they didn't get kicked off of those other platforms BECAUSE they were gaining popularity
The humor thread is over there, chink bug.
>Yas Forums is stormfront's property now
kys faggot, and stop trying to patrol the board. Your kind are the biggest day-drinking losers on here. Seething hapas posting BBC spam are more welcome members of the community than stormfags that respond to LITERALLY EVERYTHING with some deflection about $ to Israel.
I love it when OP's thread backfires
Fuck stormfags specifically, but yes - Yas Forums is Third Position.
Kampfy wasn't really on our side. But yeah, F for cripple. Much better than this shithole.
>claims to be social outcast
>casts out undesirables
Being this retarded doesn't make you a social outcast OP. It just proves your mother should have swallowed.
Ruining what? The ongoing mass migration of shitskins? Your cuckery does nothing.
Watch out shills, we've got a Very Important Poster over here
This is actually 100% true. Stormfaggots are either schizo and some of the biggest fucking losers on earth. The halle faggot that got cucked by the wooden synagogue door was a prime example of their trible.
It's actually about 85%, but even that's pretty good in comparison to all the irl shitposters, (((conspiracy theorists))) and skinheads out there
This website is the only place that could produce actual national socialism in 2020
Aha! I fucking knew it. Screencap this bois. The homosexuals of pol have been outed. I just goddamn knew it.
>board based on political correctness
>allowing discussion of anything
>oh but all these groups aren't allowed
so how are you any different from reddit?
yeah because sperging out and opening fire on civilians in churches is a great way to get people on your side, your new website needs to have a disclaimer after every post because the chans are under a microscope because of the retards on infinitychan.
2016 was your chance to make a big impact but all you've retards done since then is continually shoot yourself in the foot, your boards are gone, your idols have disappeared and even pol becomes less and less natsoc each day. Cope you absolute loser.
infinitychan was taken down by your own doing, that is a major source of natsoc discourse wiped from the internet. i guarantee the mods of Yas Forums won't let you have nearly the same level of discourse because they want to avoid incidents like infinitychan all together, so yes you faggots are ruining the internet
Repent to Raptor Jesus
I don’t necessarily condone the actions of Tarrant and the like, but at least they were willing to fight for something. That more than some shitposter on this hellhole can claim.
We are growing stronger than ever before . Our boards are getting shoahed, our speech censored, and the glowies alerted because they are afraid. The fact that you haven’t woken up and choose to antagonize us doesn’t make me angry or resentful, it just makes me sad. Our race is going extinct. Our values have been subverted. This is THE fight for the west. Posts on infinity were 1000% higher iq than the shitposting that happens here. We have intellectuals and young men with a real passion — real genuine passion. That’s more than any other movement can claim. Despite all this hardship and all this persecution, we still stand strong. It brings a tear to my eye to see. I’m sorry that you’ve given into your (((masters))), but we never will. This is the world we are forced to live in. There’s no cause more worthy of my unwavering dedication.