>be me >own empty land >build on it >risk my entire future into it >make it an apartment >people AGREE they have to pay for it >just like renting a car >niggers can't pay for it >MUH MORALS MUH EKUALITYYY
Fuck off zoomers, pay up or fuck up, the choice is yours, but hey please insult me, that way i can weed out the runts of this website.
It's funny how everyone on Yas Forums is suddenly a landlord as soon as this meme becomes popular.
Brandon Walker
looool. As IF that is a thing for most landlords you fucking nigger. Take my landlord for example:
Hes in his 60s or something and his FATHER build the houses he now owns and collects rent for. The houses are like 60-70 years old and paid for 2 or 3 times over. All he does is collect the rent and thats pretty much it. And he did so all of his life. 98% of all other apartments are owned by large housing companies and conglomerates in big cities. The idea of the "risk taking" investor who goes ahead and creates living space out of nowhere is a MYTH.
Sidenote: My landlord is a very nice and based guy but the way he makes his money and living is still immoral.
Leo Richardson
Your image suggests you are either a conceited pinhead, or don't take seriously this subject.
Levi Baker
FUCKING THIS! In my case it's trailers and the people living in them are on benifits anyways! It's not like they had a job to lose to begin with.
Nice pic related. Do people really believe I became a landlord for the money? Smh.
Dylan Jones
The same reason people hate blacks. For acting like niggers. You can't act like a nigger and expect not to be hated.
Benjamin Rivera
Kayden Wilson
If Zoomers quit whining all the time and aspired to be landlords (save money, invest, manage and grow their money), the world would be a better place. But alas, just play your Switch and drink Bangs all night...
Wyatt Mitchell
literally not what i said but its basically the reality of the situation these days especially in germany where 98% of rich people come from inherited wealth lol
Brandon Bell
My father is a land lord.
Anthony James
> be you > inherit property that is already built on > think you earned any of what you have
Kill yourself.
Michael Kelly
All forms of rent are the epitome of economic inefficiency. Why don't we have flying cars and moon bases? Why are we getting are asses kicked by viruses? Because of all the opportunity costs spent on dumb niggers that don't want to work, such as yourself.
Parker Young
Ignore the shills. Just a bunch of bernouts from discord trying to raid Yas Forums. Theyll get tired evenutally and go away. they always do.
Jace Gonzalez
Based, ignore the commiefags, they are just a bunch of harmless but resentfull losers in student debt
Brody Parker
Don't bother arguing with the commies, they're all edgy kids who spend their money on shitty tattoos, $10 craft beers, and other nonsense. You can't beat enough sense into them.
Colton White
The vast minority of people should be renting their permanent residences, an even smaller minority renting the same residence for more than 5 years.
And yet the availability to purchase property is directly impeded by fucks trying to squeeze a living out of being a career-landlord. Of all the ways for someone to earn passive income off (an admittedly capital-intensive) investment, I'm not sure of a good reason why someone would go this route unless they intend to take advantage of an exploitable system.
Josiah Parker
Nigger it ain’t that hard to own an extra house or 2, only faggot zoomers can’t do it
Thomas Brooks
what actually happened >inherit property from boomer parents >delegate management to property management company >collect money from working people for doing absolutely nothing kill yourself
Xavier Cook
All you fags crying about landlords are really gonna have something to cry about when they can no longer afford to operate normally and boot you to the curb for a nigger family the government pays for with your taxes
Connor Gutierrez
>my dad was an unsuccessful poorfag >the post
Benjamin Baker
my dad was a firefighter for 45 years and kept niggers like my landlord save. Kys.
You took a gamble and it didn't work. Hows this any different than investing 100% into the stock market and then it crashes and you lose everything?
Hudson Allen
Lincoln Hill
>my dad wasn't rich enough to buy me an apartment building and I'm butthurt >the post It's great your dad was a firefighter, how does that have anything to do with what I said?
Alexander Morales
Just buy a house.
Juan Cox
lot of bitching about landlords and not a lot of mentioning about those property management companies, ya know the ones the vast majority of people rent from.
Wyatt Russell
what can be afforded or not is a joke in your country, as we've seen with the trillions thrown away it doesn't mean shit. all of your problems are fake and could be removed within a day
Luis James
>Why do people hate those who artificially generate scarcity of a necessity and turn others into slaves, simply to make a profit? v. judeo
Because kikemigajooboomerziondon At least that’s what the doomfag prepcels on Yas Forums told me
Jordan Morales
stop projecting you fucking retard.
Lucas Nelson
Every single one of these threads triggers all of these poverty-ridden zoomer faggots and their meltdowns bring me so much joy. Thank you OP. Keep making that money, let them seethe with envy
Colton Clark
Not hard when leftypol spams this and biz while ignoring kikes
Landon Watson
>within a day That's a lot of Jews to kill in a short time frame
Jack Allen
The problem might no be the goddamn fucking jews, but the dumb goyim amongs us that get tricked by the jews and can't fucking understand how the economy really works.
Condemning and refusing to understand and us these Financial tools you are exactly like those Taliban-like loser than refused to use guns when we European invented them, because they considered them immoral.
I love my landlord. She is the best. Makes great tea. Gives me food (mostly meat that i dont each cuz). But ya no hate here. Also If i some how get fucked and cant pay she will give me some grace till I can get straight.
James Long
So abolish land ownership and let the state own it?
Isaiah Lee
The rich get richer, the poor get screwed (pic related).
>if jews are killed someone else with the same morals and values will replace them, those positions won't go away Funny how that never seems to happen until kikes show up again.
Besides, even if what you are saying is true, and it is not, then we can simply kill those faggots too. There is no social problem that cannot be solved by a genocide.
Ethan Jenkins
Some faceless bureaucrat would never exploit innocent tenants. I don't even know what your implying shitlord.
Brody Butler
>risk my entire future into it what risk? As time goes on property goes up retard, no risk. Every rich person starts buying property first before anything else
Leo Powell
It's leftypol/CTH new fag they do this shit all day
Noah Perez
Don't don't have to be a landlord to side with them. No one likes communists shitting up this place.
Justin Rodriguez
Millennials hate landlords because DUDE WEED and think that everything should be free because they've never had to really earn something, and because mommy and daddy have provided for them well into adulthood. And, they forget the fact that the landlord is responsible for repairs, property taxes and other shit besides allowing some fucktards thrash their property for a few hundred bucks a month. Motherfuckers that say they hate landlords would instantly become landlords if they own property to rent out.
Luke Davis
You must not give people with greed any power and also must not allow people with power to get greed in order to have something that cares about humans as a human but this is just a fantasy concept. Fuck kikes anyways
Nolan Ward
Same people complaining about boomers owning properties were the same people laughing at the idea of owning a house because "muh rent is cheaper, houses are a scam".
Lincoln Williams
Ayden Cruz
>Motherfuckers that say they hate landlords would instantly become landlords if they own property to rent out. Spoken like a true Jew. It's funny how you rats are panicking right now. Have fun in the oven, Shlomo.
People who do not contribute to their society in a meaningful way deserve to be purged. That is why I sold my father's rental properties to expecting parents far under value. My father was a kyke, I'm a jew. Please don't hate us all. I have tried my whole life to make the world better. No landlord can better the world, only feed off of it.
>you rats How am I a rat? I don't own my house, I rent it. Care to try again?
Jonathan Taylor
>be you >have absolutely no claim to the property >think you are entitled to it anyway
Nathan Hughes
I don't hate landlords, only bums do. Living on someone else's property for free is parasitic. Either pay up, or rent somewhere else. If you get your own property, nothing stops you from renting your that property to other people. Landlords don't want you living on their land for free. It's really quite simple. The lazy neet side of Yas Forums shows sometimes and it's embarrassing.
Jordan Johnson
The family empire
Jaxson Martinez
Even if it is a fantasy concept it is one that should be constantly striven for with the upmost determination. A world free from Jewish terrorism is a dream that we should all be fighting to achieve.