Atom's apple

Instead of buying supplies, masks, foos or even paying rent why not be a good human and support fern's voice change operation?
Wouldnt that do society better than feeding those kids or paying rent? This is why we all teamed up to defeat the Nazis right?

Attached: Screenshot (1508).png (567x595, 248.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:


All of the HRT drugs and almost all the psych meds come from China, these loons are going off ALL their meds very soon.

Antivirals are being rationed too now, fags don't just get to pop them like candy so they can have unprotected poop chute fun now either.

>my name is Fern
>Literally a plant
I bet this guy glows in the dark. Vroom vroom.

this is something they wrote

>I'm motivated by, and an advocate of, ecology and factual programming on television. I've cycled nomadically over 30,000 km around the world, documenting and taking clients on expeditions. Together we interpret the surroundings (, geology, history, wildlife) for guests to learn, whilst I log and record the cultures, and collect conservation data.

>Using my qualities from the entertainment industry allows me function highly on these trips in relaxing and comfortable forms.

>I've studied Zoology in Cambridge for five years, I'm passionate about climate activism, sustainable living and animal compassion. I can clearly present information about familiar and hidden treasures of the natural world, utilising leadership skills. and now I look for a company with others like me to work with the natural world, as part of a Zoological team. Apart from being passionate about Natural science, I have a good attitude, and flexibility with my schedule.

>I'm very adventurous, I've always been different, and extremely tenacious. As I got older my leadership qualities only increased, and with both national BBC and ITV television appearances to my name, I've produced and directed sell out stage shows, earned international and national magic awards and performed for celebrity names.

Is this a human impersonation machine set on tranny?

>voice change operation
Can i make my voice deeper? People say it's deep but i want it deeper.

>All of he HRT drugs come from China
Nah, I have a 2 year supply already shipped and coming in soon. Cry more.

>coming in soon

Cope. Tracking says it's in country already.

So still on Chinese soil.

What's your story? are you a type I or type II?

>my name is Fern
these fucking idiots are so fucking useless

>not liking transpeople because reddit told you not to like them

fucking cringe, think for yourselves.

took several years to save 2k...still needs 4k more wow just kys poor faggot

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It's Adam's


gofundme com/f/Feminisation-surgery-for-fern

Feel free to donate its only 7000£ now

Oh right well you might as well then, just do do the chop I suppose

Why bother donating when he’ll just kill himself in a few years?

Just reading that post made my nuts hurt

I want to see how bogged he looks before he does it, that's why

Surely with voice surgery there’ll just be a small scar on his throat or something

Well yes but when this surgery doesn't fix them they'll surely continue other wacky shit

Trans people who have surgery to alter their voice are just lazy cunts. I'm a trans woman and it's really not difficult to train your voice to sound feminine. The pitch of the voice isn't everything, you can have a deep voice but if the resonance and intonation are right then you'll sound female. My voice isn't squeaky high pitched but I never get misgendered even on the phone.

Suppose but surely it’ll reach diminishing returns until he heroes, and you’ll be out of pocket

i gotta wait to get my Trumpbux

Sorry for your loss


voice surgery isn't even a silver bullet. It won't make your voice pass if you don't do work training. And your voice can pass without training. So what's the point of surgery when you can spend the money on better things?

>it's really not difficult to train your voice to sound feminine.

That amount of dedication and effort isn't very feminine user. You better cut off that striving instinct it's to masculine

I'm struggling to pay umpteen bills after the coldest winter Ive ever experienced with mountains of snow and this tranny wants money for a voice change. Pissed me off to see this shit. fucker looks like he's pozzed and dying anyways.
Fucking Clown world. We NEVER should have helped the British in WW2.

>it's really not difficult to train your voice to sound feminine.

That amount of dedication and effort isn't very feminine user. You better cut off that striving instinct it's too masculine

>atom’s apple

Attached: 5E960DE1-A22E-4DFE-8986-C3305D477F20.jpg (1192x1416, 419.43K)

I'm actually pretty happy with life now. I pass pretty well though so I'm sure that helps. I cant imagine how much I'd hate life if I looked like a man 24/7 and would get horrible comments

Exactly. Raising the pitch on it's own wont make anyone sound feminine. People like her are just looking for the easy route and expecting all their problems to be solved by surgery without having to put in any work themselves.

fucking lel. i cant believe its not a strayan flag

kys faggot

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>without having to put in any work themselves.

Again I'm not trying to be flippant but this is class A male thinking user. Are you an autogyno?

>I am a woman

Attached: 82C3067F-05F4-444D-9790-D0BF687D37C8.jpg (480x360, 38.36K)

Fuck a deep voice, fix that front tooth ffs

Women are capable of putting effort into things too. It's not a male trait. It's not even that difficult either. I just watched a few videos about it and a bit of practice each day recording myself with my phone. Once I went full time it only got better. I was working in a call centre at the time so would have to speak to people for 8 hours a day.

No joke that's actually 15000£, NHS dental care doesn't cover anything cosmetic

Every idiot knows it's "a dumb zappul"

Vocaroo your voice right now and I swear on my own testicles I'll be honest and tell you if you pass

you'll have to answer to god one day faggot

I dont like trans "people" because they're insults to normal people who think to become the opposite sex all that is required is a makeover. My sex is genetic deep and in order to be a male or female, you have to have been born that way and lived it your entire life. No cunt gets to shave her head, workout and wear guy clothes then act like shes a man. Know what being a man is? It is having been born as one and having dealt with being one for every second of every day of your entire life. Same for women. How insulting is it some ugly faggot can put on a dress, wig, some makeup and pretend he is a female? That isnt what being a woman is like. Wanna know how to be a woman? Be born a woman and live your entire life in that perspective.

You DON'T get to swap sides and tell me you've always been the one you swapped to. What you do get is pain and suffering. And you deserve it for turning the beauty of the Human sexes into a fucking fashion show.

I have over 4 feet of titanium pins and rods holding my skeleton together . I was hurt in the military, hurt on an industrial accident and hurt from too much hard work my entire life. I never ask for gibbs, welfare or free money. I eat a whole bottle of ibuprofen every month just to feel well enough to keep working.

Why? are you afraid the ghost of your gay dad will call you a faggot for taking things you are entitled to? what a joke

2am here so i'm a bit croaky, but its not much different to normal.

Can I hit it with a shovel now?

Attached: ShovelOfTruth.jpg (400x377, 45.72K)

Yeah I get it, too proud to ask and all that. But you are exactly the kind of people I want my tax bux helping.

You can't pass. At all. Literally everyone knows something is off or missing about you. Even if your insult of faking the opposite sex isn't immediately obvious, the subconscious unnaturalness of your existence will perturb anyone subconsciously. Also, you are morally required to inform anyone you form a relationship with that you are "trans" and ultimately it is something that comes out during sexual interplay anyway, so there is no such thing as passing, because itll be known you're a disgusting mockery of whatever sex you've decided to try and insult by pretending you are or ever could be.

Cry more incel

Id hit it though....with a shovel! Huh, huh? Ba doom tissss

I can't cry any more, laughing at you has drained all my tears. You're a disgusting insult of a failure. I can't wait for you to become part of the 43%.

Fix your eyebrows and that fucking broken front tooth first
Then take some makeup lessons
Your voice ain't the only giveaway, Fern

Are you from Birmingham? your women are very blokish anyway so that probably helps.

Well not originally, but I did live in Birmingham for over a decade, so I'm sure I picked up some of the accent. Currently living up north though.

>Imagine thinking a new voice box will make me a girlie
Prepare to laugh some more buddy, heres a view from behind of our little sweetie OP

Attached: Neednewchords.jpg (960x960, 137.9K)

You sound like you own a lot of leather jackets is that accurate? also smoke cigarettes to some extent

>Mistakes of puberty
How do you help someone with that mindset?

No I don't own any leather jackets. I did smoke for a long time though. I quit smoking last April and switched to vaping now.

no he's right, you're a sad example of the poison in our modern culture. I'd only cry for you, "cursed female". You'll never be what you want.. change want you want--so change what you want, or this dismorphia will kill you. warned.

At fist I thought this was low quality bait but it is actually pretty good shill satire. We need more like this

See if you can stop entirely, I did and my voice got less deep as a result but I guess its neither here nor there if you resemble a Norf F.C supporter anyway no offense

Transgender means mentally ill

>See if you can stop entirely
I'd like to. I have cut down the amount of nicotine in the vape liquid (I mix my own so its easy to adjust how much). Started with 6mg nicotine and down to 1.5mg now. I'll eventually cut it out completely and then try quit vaping but not sure I'm ready just yet.

> trsnsgender means mentally ill.
precisely. he needs less child abuse, not surgery FFS.... that's just more abuse of his fucked up body

Are you a tranny?

Attached: jerry face.jpg (205x246, 3.89K)

Post a sample so that we can laugh at you


I'd rather donate to his euthanasia. Sorry. These are deeply damaged human beings who are miserable. They are better off dead.

I just sent him $10,000

Lmao only men are this autistic


Attached: transcels.png (1081x960, 331.07K)

trannies on suicide watch

>Post a sample so that we can laugh at you
Already did but deleted it after it was up about 15 mins

>those busted ass teeth
>saving all your money so some chink can remove your voicebox
damn, at least manage your priorities

Ask for the gibs, dude. That's what the system is ACTUALLY for. At least work part-time with some gibs on the side if you don't want to feel like a total drain.

You sound like a fucking dude. You should be ashamed of yourself you fucking faggot.

Yes, you can. It's just a matter of daily practice for a couple of years.

Do you know about that American actress, Kathleen Turner? When she was a young woman in college, she decided that she wanted a deeper voice, like Lauren Bacall. So she practiced, created more resonance. picrel explains it better. There's probably videos, too.

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Post another one and make it more erotic this time

The fuck you talking about? reddit loves trannies. If the reddit trannielovefest is over, it's probably more to do with the recent Chinese takeover of the site.

>You sound like a fucking dude.

I'm telling you man their woman sound like this, they go out to bars at 13 and smoke 200 cigarettes a week

This is wrong. Most HRT drugs come from Israel. I took them for ten years, I know. Teva makes them and they want to sell you coronavirus meds too.

Mmmm sounds like they definitely put out. easy times here I come!

>Most HRT drugs come from Israel.

Way to go Israel, acting completely in-character so the show runners don't get letters from autistic people for being off model

Autogynephilic as fuck.

Oh, sweet summer trannie, your voice does sound "feminine". You sound like a freak, okay? We are just nice to your face because to do otherwise is to risk not just our livelihoods, but our lives, because the majority of already-mentally-ill MtF trannies are driven violently insane by the extra estrogen.

>Post another one and make it more erotic this time

>easy times here I come!

Oh hell yeah man, they are

>Give money
>Gets surgery
>kills self in 6 months

Can you post it again? I want to hear