This dude is the single most BASED world leader of all time

>The head of state ensured that it is time for people outside the risk group to return to normal life.

>“Our life has to continue, jobs must be maintained, the livelihood of families must be preserved, yes, we must return to normality. A few authorities, state and municipal, must abandon the concept of scorched earth, the ban on transportation and the closing of trade and mass confinement“

>According to him, only a small group of people should keep an eye on the virus, since most of them, including themselves, the symptoms would be of a “little cold” or a “cold”.

>“What is happening in the world has shown that the risk group is that of people over 60, so why close schools? Rare fatal cases of healthy people under 40 are rare, 90% of us will not have any manifestation in case of contamination.”

>According to Jair Bolsonaro, the press played the role of spreading panic and hysteria among Brazilians, as the dramatic situation experienced by Italy worsened.

>“We had to contain, at that moment, panic, hysteria and at the same time devise a strategy to save lives and avoid mass unemployment. So we did, almost against everything and against everyone. A large part of the media went against the grain, exactly spread the feeling of dread, with the announcement of the large number of victims in Italy as a flagship. A country with a large number of elderly people and a climate totally different from ours. The perfect scenario, enhanced by the media, so that a true hysteria if it spread throughout our country “

Post you're yfw when Brazil becomes a first world world power in your lifetime.

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worth a bump for news at least

is the end, check ---->

Based as fuck, best vote of my life.

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Reminder that it's nothing.

Well, RIP Brazil. You will not be missed.

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BASED in Portuguese


>why close schools
So the children dont come home to infect their fucking grandparents?

Isn't it about to become fall where you guys are at and start to get cold?

RIP dumb monkeys.

Or the teachers themselves, many of who are elders.

He's a complete idiot. Sub 70 IQ.

Why is he so retarded?

Awesome, looking forward to mass deaths in that shithole country. The day of the plague is coming for you mutts.

No, didn't you read? Brazil's climate is completely different from Italy's. It never gets cold there.

>the risk group is that of people over 60, so why close schools?
Did he actually say that? Because that's a whole new level of retardation.

GUYS, GUYS, what IF he's right?

it's irrational to lockdown a country for over something just slightly worse than the flu bro

based jair killing huemonkeys, kill them all jair

This plays into the Event 201 scenario. A very deadly strain of the virus comes out of Brazil or South America after it goes back and forth between human and bat populations there.
We were warned weeks ago to watch for a more virulent strain with a higher mortality rate coming out of Brazil.

que ganas que alberto caiga a tu casa y te meta el pito en la boca


The model used in Event 201 was way more fatal that sars 2.0 and by that time the infrastructure will be in place globally to deal with a sars 3.0 pandemic. Instead of floundering around for a month they can just flip a switch and stop it like they did sars 1.0

Cool, we need a control country.

ok, we will be quarantined for 4 months and save 2% of the population, and we lost the next 10-15 years to solve the problem of millions of small and medium companies that broke down in these months and the misery that was generated, since the owner of the bar even the biggest shopkeeper

i hope the quarantine ends
i live out of trade. whitout people working i can sell my shit and ill starve

Aren't we already past "it's just a flu bro" phase? Not in Brazil, apparently.

Callate mogolico, cuando los negros empiesen a saquear casas y comercios vas a pedir de rodillas por un bolsonaro

Actually BASED. Why doesn't Modi listen to his peers?

we were never past that phase

Well, we're about to find out exactly what happens when someone aggressively ignores a pandemic. Expect to see Brazilian hospitals absolutely overwhelmed, increasing the mortality rate over 10%. honest here, how fucked are we now?

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It's called fiscal stimulus you massive tard

boooo, ruining the happening

What happens when millions of people die? Does that help the economy?

>que ganas que alberto caiga a tu casa y te meta el pito en la boca
primero tendría que pedírselo devuelta a cristina, cornudo.


Expect to see potential social collapse in areas like Brazil.

>the virgin colonizer quarantine
>the chad rebel herd immunity

More like 10%. One in five cases develop bronchopneumonia and need oxygen, sometimes intubation, and sometimes even membrane. And for a whole month. Your hospitals can only service a fraction of all people at any given time. You're losing tens of millions of lives.
>and we lost the next 10-15 years
Because millions of deaths don't create an economic recession, right?

Maybe someday you'll grow a brain.

President Bolsanaro is /ourguy! We love President Bolsanaro! DJT loves President Bolsanaro! We are with you Brasil brothers, and sisters too! Beautiful women in Brasil!

Regular flu kills more than this shit. It's so fucking obvious this is to get us all chipped. Even Gates talks openly about it.

2 milions in 3 months vs 15 years of economy lost, 30 milions of jobs and milions of emprises closed, this people in misery they lost all

You'll be fine.

Disculpa, pero si le tenes miedo a un negro que no come mas de 2 platos de arroz al dia y ademas sos incapaz de protegerte a vos y a tu familia, entonces dejame decirte que te mereces la muerte, sos material descartable de la sociedad... la Argentina del futuro necesita sangre de valientes.
Mientras tanto podes armarte las valijas e ir a mamar un poco de poronga de macaco

>burger education

In the coming mega recession those who acted fast to restart their economies will be the least affected. Retards will only develop some common sense after they start starving and the country is irreparably broken, you can't let these people drive the decisions.
I hope chloroquine proves to be successful and we manage to mass produce it fast in our labs (the Army is involved if I'm not mistaken) so things can get back on track until the next chink virus hits.

Don't be such a pussy. Go out to the bars and get yourself the sniffles and get it over with.

look up "herd immunity". Most people will develop an immunity to this and live just fine.

Honestly, a pretty cool move. I hope he's right, "just a flu bro".

Based Ranking as of March 2020

1. Bolsohero
2. Donald Trump
3. Nigel Farage
4. Viktor Orban

Now thats a real Chad leader.

Jajaja, anda a hacer cuarentena zurdito asqueroso

blood pleases the (((economy)))

What you have to worry is the fucking civil war this retard is going to start.
No fucking governor is going to comply to his shit.

>that the risk group is that of people over 60, so why close schools?
Because children have poor personal hygiene - pick their noses, lick their fingers, don't wash their hands before meals, etc.

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>sacrifice your population to the money god.

Based as in going to hell based.

good list, mate! How about your guy Scott Morrison? Is he /ourguy or another social virtue signaling twit?

It'll be fine

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>One of 5 cases develop bronchopneumonia

One of 5 reported and tested cases

>the press played the role of spreading panic and hysteria among Brazilians
Imagine my astonishment.

the centrists, lefties , media and doomers are going nuclear right now , he just dont give a flying fuck to what them say and by the way he is immune to the virus

Failed state. Haiti 2.0

>people over 60

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>This dude is the single most BASED world leader of all time
Get's stabbed and still dabs.

china quarantined hundreds of millions and still had 21 million deaths

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>What happens when millions of people die? Does that help the economy?
Lets see who dies:
>old people
>obese people
>people with aids (faggots)
>drug addicts

Just by these people dying the economy immediately improves.

>America to become the new global epicentre after MONTHS of warnings

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OK... Some unironically question. But what IF the majority of the people That dies doesn't help the economy at all. I mean it's people >60 years old. And that will help the health system too since most of f the health money goes to them...

Honest question

Based as fuck. It's exactly what Raoult said to Macron. Test people and treat them with chloroquine. No need for a 6 months study to see if people on placebo react the same way as those on chloroquine. Test and treat, stop with those bullshit.

If those are old people, it would actually help the country immensely. Welfare is a huge problem for us currently, it's a monumental part of the budget.
I'm not advocating for that, of course (and neither is Bolsonaro). But it would be a "happy accident".

>un negro que no come mas de 2 platos de arroz al dia
Salí del country pelotudo.

It's not about helping the economy, it's about not fucking killing it.

> honest here, how fucked are we now?
el zilcho

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Por supuesto rey. Cuando inminentemente se vaya todo a la mierda yo voy a estar sano, bien alimentado y lleno de energia.

Suerte cuando tengas que ir a saquear y no puedas correr mas de 1 cuadra porque el covid no te deja respirar.

>Tfw br normies are more fucked up than Yas Forums

WRONG. China quarantined 27billion and 720 trillion died already


Yo no voy a necesitar saquear nada, pero tengo empatia por los pobres que se comieron el cuento de la pandemia mortal y apoyaron auto destruir lo poco que quedaba del pais por la vida de unos cuantos.viejos chupa sangre, que van a terminar muriendose igual cuando explote el pais

Learn English and Economy.


Look up math fucktard, 90% of people falls under the most people category. That doesn't mean 10% won't die, which is a huge problem for any country.

Might sucks for them, big fucking time.
But Based.

Here comes phase 3.

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Ppp...pero los derechos humanos!


why pass reforma da previdencia when u can just kill boomers amirite

big if true

if the fucking leftists don't fuck this up,we will be greater than america in no time


>Flatten the curve!
Why did so many people voluntarily offer themselves to marital law?

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they were setting up STADIUMS to compensate the lack of hospitals and infrastructure
honestly, i’m worried FOR REAL on what’s about to come