Brit/pol/ - Coronabunker edition

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Other urls found in this thread: connection,-Jackaroo-jobs

Hi bongs

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my ballbag fucking stinks

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We've been larping about martial law for years, now I'm bored of it.

aint stopping anytime soon

feelin comfy during all this corona stuff

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Marital law isn't so had afterall

Your balls are about to drop off
>Thanks coronachan

lads, can it be the 90's again please

In times of crisis it really reminds me that there is no place id rather be than my home, Great Britain. Really love this country lads. connection
I was 1 in 1998

just sweaty m8
you can almost peel it off

Might get a working visa later this year, where should I go? I want to be a Jackaroo

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>My uncle used to say
Kill jew a day, to keep diseases at bay

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Wtf I was just about to post a new thread
I'm glad it isn't the 90s mate

Have you built your fortified compound in the outback yet? Mad Max style.


Yeah, Irish spring soap is the only soap available.

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Was dating this girl, she’s 19 and sexy and racist

But now I find out she has a pet rat, that’s disgusting

Should I stop seeing her bros?

We’ll open an exception for EXERCISE.

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Maybe the real martial law was the friends we made.

You have coronavirus. Wait for them to turn black and drop off down the bog.

Yeah. I’m Bojo and I’m pretty chad.

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90s had good workout music


yeah why not.

on another note, If I could remove sexual desire from my brain, I think I would.

rats are cute lad


why not

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If she is using the rat for crazy mad scientist shit thats the only exception

Better than mice I guess, mice are niggers

i mean, my balls were fucking fizzing earlier, but then i was having a wank

Redpill her on the jews and kill the rat.

I dont know but this pandemic is comfy af

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Just had a smelly wank lads

smelt like a dirty baby bell

I miss AK47 Gerry. He's such a puff now.

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ferrets best pet

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Where do I unsubscribe from your blog

based lad

You inspired me to make this

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My great aunt lived there, can you be a Jackaroo there?

Mate rates is when they poke each others arsehole with umbrella

Quor send us a pic


Just waiting for Britain's corona victims to crystallise upon death. And a man from the norf by the name of Kane to tell us how to harvest it and use it as an energy source.

Bros im not ready for the world to end just yet

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How can I reach out to my local NHS trust/hospital to donate excess 3M filters?
Do you reckon I'd do best to just go to the hospital and hand it off to the first staff I see?

Is this appropriation?

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>that song

great, now all I can think of is dom jolly's sweaty face

go to the reception and say

>leave EU
>economy collapses
>tories establish a police state
>enacts a policy to kill the poor, disabled and poor.

told you it would happen.

You can't wank your way out of this one mate. The corona will make your spuds drop off after a few days.

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here you go lad

you'll definitely get full 100% Aussie experience out bush

>>enacts a policy to kill the poor, disabled and poor
Based Tories

William is a faggot

Share your wank bank material lads
Here's mine

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use them to barter sex from qt nurses.

>Leave EU
>Economy is fine
>Tories enact lesser measures than the rest of the EU

Take your meds mate

Not even sure you can walk into hosital receptions anymore. There are dozens of cases and several deaths at this hospital already. Do you think they'd look at me strange going in in full PPE? lol

>Kills the poor twice


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The bigger the lie.

I just sniff me mams scuffed skidders mate

Not sure if a bot or just really stupid.

Nah, I want them to get to the ICU / front line staff. That's why I'm a bit hesitant as to hand it to the first staff/police/official person I see there.

Oh yeah good point

Amen fuck that fake ass German royal family.

>Gwynedd, some parts of crewe and Angelsey all share the same hospital
>Said Hospital has 11 ICU beds
>For over 50,000 people


People are already calling for everyone that doesnt actually live there to go home, but theres only 11 fucking beds anyway.

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thanks cant,

I've heard you're all racist

>guy on the radio called in to ask if he needs to boil his clothes after being outside

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>defending the "progressive" modern woman

fine. give them to me, i'll make sure they get to the frontline staff.

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Stop replying to memeflagging jews

You can boil your jeans if they're a bit big

>Not subscribing to your inceldom LE TRAD based wheat fields of Evropa bullshit means I'm a betacuck simp
If you're such a trad stop shitposting on Yas Forums and go toil in the fields you shut in

lad's run out of food

Fear the Jew

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And by 'frontline staff', he means 'my ebay account at a competitive rate'

Time stamped picture lad, I'm getting a stiffy already


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nice tip

The wops don’t know what they’re doing, trust the proud Anglo RNHS

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they are some of my best customers!

Wow, the 5000th time this has been posted in this general has really cut us deep to the core...

She's hot!
Definitely would!

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also get a pair of raw Levis and wear them for 6 months without washing them. You'll take them to the grave.

>American trad conservatives are going to start listening to a literal tranny