Why do you deny the Holocaust?

Anons that deny the holocaust or deny part of it; what part(s) do you deny and why?

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>Why do you deny the Holocaust?
>Muh pilpul tactics
Hey rabbi.

Some jews died in WW2. Jews were held in camps in WW2. Jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'death camps'. There were no masturbation death machines. There were no railway cars that went directly into ovens. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.

The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore there prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.

The full truth about jews and WW2:

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You deny white genocide?

They should employ some old-school cremation tech.

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Holodomor? - I don't think people deny it.

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I don't because I'm not a retard

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This guy below

He gets it.
The Germans kept meticulous records, they weren't ashamed about killing Jews, they worked them to death and then recorded it.
They don't have 6 million deaths listed.
Also 5.7 millions Jews before the war, Hitler killed six million. So that means after the war there were 5.8 million Jews..... Wait hang on. Censuses showed the Jewish population increased over the war? But Hitler killed more Jews than there were.....

jajajajjajaj anybody else laugh at that final box. jajajajajjajsaj

1. There was no German plan for the physical extermination of Jews in WWII.

2. There were no homicidal gas chambers designed, created, or used to carry out such a plan.

3. The "six million" number is a propaganda figure and is not related to the actual number of Jews who dies or were killed through the war.

The Soviets and their Polish allies fabricated evidence against the Germans. That is why all the "extermination" camps existed in areas occupied by the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union denied access for independent investigation of these camps by Western observers. Meanwhile, Western powers investigated the "gas chamber" claim in the camps they liberated and found that these claims were false.

The Majdanek "extermination camp" proves that the Soviets fabricated evidence of "gas chambers": bitchute.com/video/W1Qsy9iY93I3/

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God i wish the holocaust was real

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Show me a photo of a Holocaust gas chamber.

Kikes claim Auschwitz with 15 ovens was able to burn 275000 bodies per year which are 753 per day.

Madrid right now adds 500 deaths from coronavirus each day. With 28 ovens they are unable to burn all bodies, so they had to use an ice rink as morgue to preserve the bodies.
>Sauce in English: aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/spain-makeshift-ice-rink-morgue-takes-delivery-corpses-200324115155671.html

This really activates my almonds.

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They claim that the ash cremains of those hundreds of thousands of Jews were dumped in this pond at Auschwitz. Not a single ounce of bone ash has ever been excavated from this pond, despite the fact that bone ash is not soluble in water.

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I don't. I promise.

Some Jews died but not nearly 6 million. Nobody was gassed or put in a cage with a bear and an eagle or milked to death with a masturbation machine.

The real victims of WW2 were the Germans and Japanese who were mercilessly slaughtered and raped by the allies. The Jews got off comparatively easy, by and large they got to sit out the war and hang out in work camps while others did the fighting and dying. Things only really got bad for them near the end. And after the war they got their own fascist ethnostate in the Middle East.

I dislike the whole holocaust debate because it centers Jewish suffering when they suffered less than most other groups before, during and after the war. Even many of the allies such as Chinese and Russians suffered a lot more than Jews.

Also it is kind of irrelevant. Let’s say it is 100% true and they really turned 6 million into lampshades and soap..... it still would not justify any of the things they are doing to us today, genocide for the entire white race because of that would still be just as wrong and I would still fight against it.


this is essential viewing as is pic related

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That is Krema 1 at Auschwitz. The Auschwitz Museum admitted in the 1980s that the gas chamber was "reconstructed." Even Wikipedia calls this room a "reconstruction":

>After its decommissioning as a gas chamber, the building was converted to a storage facility and later served as an SS air raid shelter.[192] The gas chamber and crematorium were reconstructed after the war. Dwork and van Pelt write that a chimney was recreated; four openings in the roof were installed to show where the Zyklon B had entered; and two of the three furnaces were rebuilt with the original components.[28]


In reality it wasn't a "reconstruction" it was a hoax. That room was originally a morgue. It was converted into an air raid shelter. The Soviets/Poles turned it into a fake gas chamber, and didn't admit it was "restored" until the 1980s, when a Jewish "Holocaust Denier" filmed an admission on camera that this gas chamber was fake.

Pic related: The blueprint of this building, which written when this would have supposedly been in operation a gas chamber. The room you posted, the fake "gas chamber", is the long rectangular room on the top right. This room is labeled as a MORGUE on the blueprint. You can even see a Swinging Door in the blueprint that connects this room to the ovens. A Swinging Door would be useful for workers to transport corpses from the Morgue into the ovens (hands-free), but a Swinging Door is impossible to use in a homicidal gas chamber because it cannot be made gas-tight and it cannot secure a panicking crowd.

So you failed to post a picture of a gas chamber. You showed a picture of an air raid shelter that the Soviets turned into a fake gas chamber.

How about you try showing me a picture of a real Holocaust gas chamber? You are 0 for 1.

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I've visited the gas chamber in dachau before, fuck off I've seen it with my own eyes

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>1 post by this ID
The thing is, the more you try to shill the hall of cost in here, the more newfags lurk and find out that after all, 6 gorillions were not gassed.
Call french kike, i miss him

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The video where the Jewish "Holocaust Denier" proves that the "gas chamber" shown to tourists at Auschwitz was constructed after the war. He films an admission by the head of the Auschwitz Museum: holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1004&play=94#watch

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cuz who cares what kikes think lmao

I have a low agreeableness personality and have over 130 iq. I don’t take authority as fact and actually do research. It’s at the very least a gigantic lie and at most a compete hoax.

Did you have a time machine too?

Even the US Holocaust Memorial Museum admits:

>There is no credible evidence that the gas chamber in Barrack X was used to murder human beings.


In fact, in that gas chamber you were shown, the sign in pic related used to stand in that room for YEARS. The sign reads "Gas chamber disguised as a shower room- Never used as a gas chamber." How comical is that? The Holocaust lies are comical.

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soon everyone will know this. rabbis on suicide watch

>The Holocaust lies are comical.
Your delusion is comical

Not even my normie friends believe the holocaust anymore. My fucking asian gf from caltech is now a race realist. It’s fucking over. The truth is winning and we are literally laughing at people who still fall for this shit. It was a good run kikes but all great little stories come to an end don’t they?

>Masturbation death machines arent delusions

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>no evidence
Where are the mass graves? You had to capitulate that they weren’t all cremated right? Where are the graves? 200k were killed by starvation.

Why do Redditors just get assraped on this board when it comes to race or the holocaust? My 115 iq university professors wouldnt lie to me right? They are like geniuses and science is my religion.

They are, but nobody shills for masturbation machines except for stormniggers. You're not even attacking the main narrative at that point.

>Where are the mass graves?
Are you saying that you've never seen a Jewish mass grave? How long have you been doing your research?

>mass graves arent delusions

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I don’t deny that the Germans killed 300k Jews. Why do you deny white genocide and the Jewish role in it?

They're not. Not even prominent deniers like Irving contend this. There are several pictures of mass graves. You just haven't done your research.

The numbers that would have to have been cremated compared to the number of crematoriums just don’t add up. There were certainly atrocities during WWII, but the jews didn’t fare particularly worse than communists, Slavs, political undesirables, the news tall handicapped, etc.

The biggest red pill is when comparing the media and entertainment coverage of genocides and mass killings of a much higher magnitude and much more brutal nature from more recent history. Barely anyone knows about recent genocides in Africa, or far great genocides throughout Europe and the Middle East, yet there is a minimum of 10 movies and TV series about WWII/the holocaust each year. Anyone with an IQ above room temp and a passing interest in history is eventually confronted with that difference.

I ask this guy to show me a picture of a Holocaust gas chamber, and he gives me the post-war "reconstructed" gas chamber at Auschwitz, and the "Gas Chamber disguised as a shower room - never used as a gas chamber" at Dachau. You should reconsider who is delusional here.

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>Why do you deny white genocide and the Jewish role in it?
Because you're not being genocided, technically, look up the definition of the word. You're just being demographically cucked out of existence.

what if there was a virus like COVID-19 and it was taking out so many jews because they weren't eating well enough and hitler was like yo know what, lets try and help, and he moved them from their dinky little huts into luxury resorts provided by the state but it was too late, in a panic, he used superior engineering to find ways to cremate the bodies, saving the remaining jews who didn't get the virus or who were ch'ad enough to survive it, but it causes delirium and confusion so when they were asked about it later, they all turned on them. there were no dead bodies that could attest to the efforts the nazi protection squads took and unfortunately due to exposure to jews the nazis probably died or suicided.

they died for (((you))) and they get no respect

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Show me a picture. How many were in mass graves and how many were cremated? Where are your numbers?

What's interesting is that the Holocaust didn't become "big" until the 1970s. Until then most people hadn't even heard of it. Unlike most historical events, which are MOST alive in the public conscious immediately after the event, the Holocaust industry reached its peak in the 1990s. This article by Ron Unz (a Jew) provides an excellent overview of this historiography: unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/

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>death camp survivors
>thousands of them
yeah right

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Why don't you just Google the pictures?

Awww little shitskin finally outs himself. You’ve done everything possible to turn white nature against himself. Destroyed the family, destroyed unity. Made everyone think that they are evil. Feminism, mass migration. You will pay you little nigger.

>hall of cost affirmativist

What's you point kike? At least french schlomo is fun

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Because it's a lie that has been used to supress any criticism of jews and spread hate for Europeans.

Mass demographic replacement is: “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;”

I've seen it with my own eyes, FUCK OFF

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Because there are no pictures of Holocaust gas chambers because they didn't exist. They are either post-war construction projects by the Soviets (Auschwitz, Majdanek), or there are no buildings at all and Holocaust hoaxsters just say that gas chambers existed there.

There ARE no pictures of real gas chambers because they didn't exist.

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>Show me a picture
Screenshot an image search for Holocaust mass graves and post it on here. This is important. I need to know if you have the capacity for basic research to see if you're worth engaging with. Do this and I'll follow your request above.

All of it.
Because jews said it.

I honestly don't care. The only question is, were the accusations against jews right? If so, they had it coming anyway. 6 gorrilion more.

That's just gaudy Jewish art, that's not a gas chamber

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>basic research to see if you're worth engaging with
Someone with a brain won't debate kike shills like you in here, we know your ways Moshe, we'll just spam hall of cost delusions and if anons ask for material they will have it

Why aren't you sucking baby dick instead of miserably try to derail the thread?

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Because their narrative of what happened is comic-book villiany it would make anyone with a fucking brain go "hmmmm, i don't know about that." There have been genocides since the begining of civilization and none of them decided to make soap and book covers out of people EXCEPT for this one for some reason.

They don't have to make up ridiculous stories to make us think the holocaust was bad. Seriously, wtf.

Actually, I will post pictures and film of gas chambers. Honestly, these are kind of esoteric. Enjoy




Another survey from the jews, asking what the most semi-believable part is so they can expand on it and bury the rest. Fuck off Schlomo.

>Someone with a brain won't debate kike shills
Not a kike. I'm showing you how to get to the images. You know, teach a man how to fish and you;ll feed him for a life time? What's wrong? I thought revisionist were interested in the truth?

They use that in every single hall of cost thread, surprised the kike shill hasn't brought up the Einsatzgruppen boogeyman, which is semi believable, until you look deep into it, like all the shoah

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Agreed. You could call it "mass demographic replacement" because that verbiage makes sense, you just can't call it a genocide.

>"but it was real to me"

When Majdanek was liberated, it was declared that 2,000,000 people were killed. Today the death toll at Majdanek is 78,000, see:

It was also originally declared that Majdanek had 7 homicidal gas chambers. In 2005 the Majdanek museum admitted that 5 of those seven gas chambers were fake. The remaining two, which are included in your link, are partially covered in this image here:

The Soviets built an additional structure to connect these delousing facilities with the bath facility to give the appearance that Jews took a batch and then were marched into the gas chambers. But even Holocaust historians admit that this connecting structure was build post-war in Soviet-occupied Poland and that these buildings were not connected during the war. Majdanek is covered much more extensively in this video, watch it and tell me you still believe that Majdanek gas chamber hoax:


Pic related: One of the 5 gas chambers that the Museum admitted was fake even had a window inside it!

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>a few thousand soldiers mass killed 6 million people with no resistance or rebellions
>the Jews were gassed shacks with no ventilation
>the Jews were also so kind and willing enough to go inside the chamber and stay in place so the Nazis had no reason to have a doorknob or lock of any kind
>the Germans, who were known to keep meticulous notes and documents, had no files on the mass extinction of Jews
>the only admittance of guilt came from soldiers who were tortured by having the balls crushed
You're right, why would anyone deny the holocaust? Obviously they are just evil racists!