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Lets invade again

why can't you faggots all look like her?

Bro lmfao why would you take pride in being Mexican yet post pics of some retarded ass thot. Charro outfits are for men only you fucking coomer.

Unironically kill yourself.

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That's a Mariachi outfit

And Charros/Mariachi costumes are for both men and women

Dick deactivated

Hola desde Mty


No they're fucking not. Women wear skirts and dresses. Charros/mariachis are for horseriders. Which a woman shouldn't be doing unless in the privacy of her own ranch.

Doesn't excuse the coomer posting anyway.

I hope your town burns to hell for housing so many Jews and synagogues.

There's a reason they call you stingy.

DF master race

El Coronavirus se la pelo a Mexico Gracias a nuestro gran presidente AMLO.
No, de verdad... no onions amlover pero hay que reconocer que este hombre si tiene skills

Esto. Putos judios

It's funny when Amerimutts don't know about other countries but they still talk about them

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Most americlaps don't even know about their own country.


Si solo supieras (:


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>hablando spanglish

Cuelgate de un poste

Porque mis queridos mexicanos están tan obsesionados con ser/hablar/vestirse como americanos ? Este es un país de mierda, ya quiero volver a mi casita en el DF

Imagine allowing your women to dress like men lmaooo

Typical bourgeoisie behavior

Viva Mexico
Viva Texas
Viva Spain
Viva Fiesta

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This is pretty much quintessential American culture user. Tribal started in Oaxaca/DF and the boots were first made in San Luis by people that got deported back. but it really only took off in the USA. This country ruins everything.

El estado absoluto de los gringos

Great post user

Mommy is calling us for dinner, she brought teddies

I'm a big fan of racist spanish Mexicans, we need more of them around.

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Cuando sacan al pendejo del amlo?

I'd let her cross my border, if you know what I mean.

hola saludos de Guerrero

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Pirata de culos

>norteños burgueses disculpándo este tipo de cosas


Reminder: Every mexiposter is a sheltered rich faggot that goes to a private school and hates his own nation and race and wishes they were white. Not a clear representation of the average Mexican.

You'd have better luck talking to an average blue collar mexican guy replying to an american poster.
Get ready to join the Union when the virus is done destroying you.

Which is why they are usually based

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Projection: the post

i like you.
alot of decent folk.
see you at jobs often.
in construction.
most of you are aiight.

heil hitler.

No beaner actually looks like that.

Pic related is what Mexico (and the southern US States) are filled with. Disgusting shitskin creatures

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Jews user.

They're fucking Jews. Jews run Mexico. Every time you see a white looking fucker on TV larping as Mexican, it's most likely a jew, not a Spaniard.

They run our large companies

They run the media

The banks

Everything. They look down on mestizo and indigenous people even though >we Are the ones tied to the land. The jew subverts and destroys every race and culture on earth. They infect every race and every nation with their decadence and degeneracy.

>cope: the post

So how fucked are you guys exactly? I heard el peje was telling everyone the beer flu is a lie, how long until CDMX is under martial law?

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Post this qt for the general next time and not that weeb goblina

>367 cases
>4 dead
and already on phase 2 (out of 3)
Glad they realize cannot take that many sick people and time to act is now

You're full of it, my own uncle is a Spaniard from Mexico.

Nah. Not really. They care more for their shekels than improving our race, they laugh as they collapse mexican economy and infrastructure and laugh as millions run across the border here.

The "high IQ" people of a nation have a duty to educate and be leaders of those with "low IQ". Since these people aren't really mexican, and aren't really concerned for the well being of a nation, they get the rope.

Simple as

Largate pinche bola de cebo

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Very beautiful state user. Acapulco was great this past January.

This girl is East Asian LOL

But user! here we're all little girls.

>personal anecdote

Um ok lmao ?


Can you explain me?

El Universal said yesterday that we had 361 cases confirmed of Corona Virus, but we have only 251 now, what the fuck?

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The only "Mexican" I care about is fictional.

>all white people in mexico are actually jews
Ok pendejo

No American would have any idea what those are if you asked them. Every time an embarrassing or third worldish aspect of your country is brought up you blame it on America even though it was YOUR people who started it.

We’re already invading you

More than you seem to have

In case you did not know user all the jews that were kicked out of Spain following the inquisition went somewhere.

Guess where the fuck they went? Guess what they continued to do?
Slander the name of Christ
Turn our race into a laughing stock

And they want the same for your race, as I'm sure you know. It's quite easy for a jew to blend in Mexico

Cartels work fast user

uuufff no mames wey

we hate those too here in Mexico. You must understand that we have been overriden by the Mexican mutts, real Mexican Master Race is glorious, hard working and good looking

Look up what happened to all the jews following their expulsion from Spain.

Look up the founding of Monterrey.

Look up the sheer amount of jewery in Mexico city.

You rat. The "spanish" that came in the mid 1500s were mostly Marrranos. Aka crypto jews.

Both usa and mexico need to unite against the fucking jews. We must create Holohoax 2.0 without it being a hoax this time

Let me guess, anybody with a last name ending in "-ez" is a Jew? You bumbling retard. You conspiracy brained moron. Sit down and let the big boys speak.

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The rest of Mexico makes fun of Monterrey for being Jewish.

Mexibros are stupid. Unless you are 4'11 and your name is xoloquetzalquintl...your ass isn't mexican. You are leftover nigger slave, leftover asian slave. The true Spaniard is from Jalisco and has blue or green eyes. Put down the fucking tacos and feather duster and pickup a book. Pinches pendejos valen madre.

Subverting us

>doesn't know that jews like to change their last name to fit with the goys

Perhaps your uncle was a good upstanding white Spaniard, but the fact of the matter is that most of the ruling class in mexico is not white Spanish but disgusting rat jew.

Newfags I swear man

I would marry that girl, idc if the rest of her family comes over to the US

Gib castiza gf

True. Jacobo Zabludoski was Jacob Epstein.

Can one of you guys help me make a thread on here? I'm not home right now and the current IP range is banned from making threads. All I wanted to do was make a thread with webm related and the OP saying "IS COFFEE GOOD FOR YOU"

Thank you for any user willing to do so for me. :)

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como se dice taco?

Those are the poor retards that don't have the brain capacities to be normal humans in Mexico so they come here for the free gibs, 50% of mexico are these people.

>a Spaniard is from jalisco

Jesus Christ user, stop.

The fact of the matter is all of that white vs Indian shit needs to stop. For better or worse mexico is a mestizo nation, and thankfully its 2 good races, native and white. This infighting between who is lighter and darker shields the Jews that run Mexico and are the source of all its misery.

Jew politicians in America and the CIA, the drug runners all used to be Chicanos
Jew bankers behind the scenes

No, you're a useless faggot.

None of the Mexican girls look this good in the SW USA.
Bunch of 4'11" goblin trash.

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Yes. This is coomer posting.

right? It's got jungles, forests, beaches. It's so green, everywhere, and so many mountains.
Yet it's among violent states and Acapulco is the most dangerous city in the goddamn world. Literally the capital of homicides. I wish Coronavirus would whioe all those fucking niggers out.

Why is Slim such a fat fuck? He eats Mexicans like you for breakfast.