Here you go, user! This is for you

>Here you go, user! This is for you.
>Oh, no need to pay it back. I owe YOU!
>Together, we'll make American even greater that it was before!
How can I not vote for him this year?

Attached: 1585096615357.jpg (1024x616, 118.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

My favorite part of all of this is Jewmer trying to make it into loans. LOL, how stereotypical can you get?

>Oh, no need to pay it back. Because it's going to be worthless soon

you'll pay it back tenfold with taxes and inflation you fucking retard.

There is no stimulus.

When are trumpbux coming and how much?

Here's $1000 dollars. Now we are going to pump $10 trillion into the fed. That will be $1000 a month in interest charges please

It's a stimulus idiot. It's our tax dollars returning to the people

>buying your vote with useless paper

Not with negative rates

But it's not happening.

Ill wait for that check

this, people want gibs so bad they are going to be even more pissed when there's no tax return next year. if we old off, by the end of the year we will actually get real money.

Never because Nancy put full communism into the bill. It even has language directing the bulk of the money to "other than white" people.

Trump just said he won't sign it as it is. Landlords and tenants BTFO.

You'll be waiting a long time.

Attached: 1585086245718m.jpg (755x1024, 193.35K)

Here's some basic math for the basic-bitch Republikikes:
One time payment of $1,000 per working person
63 million workers
63 Billion dollars in Trumpbux.
$400 Billion dollars for pic related to spend however she chooses. No oversight and untraceable.

You should be happy the bailout failed, you would have received 63 Billion and had to pay back 1.2 Trillion, including the slush fund.

Attached: sigal-mandelker.png (845x450, 544.61K)

>cuck jewmer
>let's make it a loan goyim

Even worse than the gibs.

Edit to have him holding toilet paper.

YOOOOO Thanks LIL Donnnie
how bout you burgers use ur trumpbux to buy a rake and stop ignoring the problem

I miss the old Jacksons

They're fucking demons.


Attached: Trump Bux.jpg (400x400, 58.32K)

>It even has language directing the bulk of the money to "other than white" people.

why am I not surprised? even Obama gave me a stimulus of like 200(?), it was nothing compared to what I was making that year. but this year I am drowning in bills, cannot afford health insurance, VA hospital is 60 miles away, whole family is laid off.

they are going to force us to accept government hand outs to survive. next step will be forcing us to take a vaccine in order to get the handouts. and finally we will all get chipped and go to digital currency. this plan is very old.

Yes, they are. It would have been the biggest theft in history. Count how many suckers on this board took the bait and begged for it to happen, and you'll understand how fucked we really are.

Attached: trumpstimulus.jpg (719x513, 188.76K)

another one just showed up

>Constitution says Congress decides where money goes
>Trump didn't even come up with the idea of handing out checks
>"wow, trump is giving me money, so awesome"
So this is the power of trumpcucks?

>>Constitution says Congress decides where money goes
then how come he took the blame during the dog and pony impeachment trial for blocking ukraine, if he gives trumpbux he gets credit then too.


>Trump has chance to give almost 1/2 trillion to israel
>everybody wants the small amount of free money promised them too
>Trump doesn't sign the bill even though everybody wants him to
There goes MIGA and Zion Don...

Attached: 1585097080131.jpg (753x653, 99.14K)

Because it was unconstitutional for him to do that, numbnuts.

I've got some bad news for you. The picture I posted is of the AMERICAN deputy treasury secretary, not the Israeli one. That's Trump's employee.

1200 will buy them some time but the inevitable lynchings will be priceless.



She didn't get what she wants, probably an Obama holdover eh? Too bad there's a law preventing him from firing them en masse.

Nope, she's his appointee. I think you stepped in the pile, friend. Maybe all the flags in her office fooled you.

Everything with the word "free" on it should ring the alarm.

>It's our tax dollars returning to the people
>3 trillion dollar projected deficit this year

Paying debt with a debt. Works like a charm, and you got your military to enforce it through the world. Who cares.

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Attached: trump-hook-nose.png (680x654, 656.03K)

Can't wait to get my money back

Yes Trump observed the schedule of civil service appointments which the swamp has been keen to keep on the payroll.

He has to by law, in many cases. But she didn't get her $400 billion so again this proves Trump isn't MIGA or Zion Don.

>DOESN'T give money to Israel
>still somehow this means he's a kike

Bibi didn't get his 38 billion either, lol.

You're trying too hard. Just accept the obvious. Move on with life.

Exactly. It's all just numbers used to justify ends.

I mean really they owe the American people alot of money back. Let's not bullshit here.

The obvious is that Trump will win again and Israel's out $438 billion on his watch.

I know you'll be here when he wins again. You'll seethe pretty hard and we'll all be here to rub it in for you.

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Thanks, Shlomo. Now get in the oven.
(You didn't think you were fooling anyone, did you?)

gas jews

I'll give you a quick test and if you pass it, I will show you respect.
Tell me one negative thing about Trump. I can find one negative thing to say about someone, even if I'm voting for them. If you can't do this, you're just a shill.

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49 Republican Senators voted for the theft.
Only 4 didn't.

Attached: trump-americafirstrally.webm (480x848, 1.86M)

63 Billion in "Trumpbux" is less than 10% of the "stimulus package."
I guess elephants do work for peanuts.

Attached: trump-america.jpg (371x313, 23.36K)

Maybe the OP is scaring them away.
Maybe they're too shocked or embarrassed by what redpills I've posted in this thread.

Attached: trump-tillerson-played-by-netanyahu.jpg (968x1024, 109.72K)


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Maybe they just can't handle the truth.

Attached: jack-nicholson.jpg (1200x630, 53.84K)

What's your reaction to this post:
It would be more interesting to read than you checking a double.

Trumptards, folks