Other than water and electricity, why should I have to pay hundreds if not thousands a month to live in something that is already paid for. Landlords literally make money by doing nothing.
Kill your local landlord
People who hoard land to then turn around and price gouge should be put in prison and land confiscated.
can't pay rent? move out of the fucking city you fucking hipster and buy a piece of land
holy fucking shit
I know right just give it to me for free I earned it by taking it.
get a job kike
Yes, because buildings grow on trees.
Why not just pay for what you used?
>hate on landlord
>they stop allowing people to rent the land and just keep it for themselves instead
Is this an improvement?
Most landlords need to get real fucking jobs. They are nothing more than another form of welfare.
Kys Commie
i did, it's how i got my first 2 apartments maybe stop eating out every fucking day, stop buying avocados and essential oils and maybe you can do it too
Threal problem is the banks inflating property prices & colluding with local governments to import people to drive down your wages & fill those apartments
>why should I have to pay for something that’s already paid for?
But it’s not you colosal idiot. Mortgages exist which landlords are paying. They assume all the risk of investing hundreds of thousands and years into a building that they might hope to pass onto their kids. You pay for the privilege to use his property.
If don’t like it, go buy a house- maybe then you’ll realize how stupid these arguments are.
Oh look another totally organic "landlord" thread to add to the other 500 this week.
Commie shills clogging up our board.
you guys need to seriously relax. If you hate landlords so much, become one. be the change you want to see. instead of being jelly and advocating for violence. grow up. pathetic.
>posts twitter tranny with lgbt complaining about private property
is this reddit?
This. Rent wouldn't be so high if it weren't for the government intentionally fucking everything else up.
>why should I have to pay for something that is paid for by somebody else
>they make money from literally nothing
They builded the fucking house you would not have it if not for that
If you hate your landlord so much burn your house down
If everybody burns their house down on the same day maybe landlords will get the hint
>stop buying avocados and essential oils and maybe you can do it too
nice b8 m8
I just want landlords to humble the fuck up and work a steady job. It's highly unprofessional and acting like a slave owner to let your tenant KNOW that you only care about them as your income. There is no excuse for that shit. Those are slumlords, white trash that didn't want to work a real job, and then they constantly cry about how everybody supposedly "owes" them money that they are probably spending on meth rather than the mortgage.
I got one. It’s how I bought my first rental property. I also am a renter myself because I can do simple arithmetic and don’t spend my money like a retard.
Renting is a good fucking deal if you only get what you need, but I guarantee all you fags complaining about not making rent have at least a couple hundred square feet of useless space you fill with shit from Ikea and pay to heat.
the real redpill is realizing third world countries are nicer places to live for a white person
>Tfw buy newly built homes on secret jew back channels for pennies on the dollar and turn around and lease them at 1000% markup
well then go buy your own land retard
landlords don't build houses. construction workers do.
>fucking hate my landlord
>can't pay the fucking rent
>oh let me go to starbucks and get my daily overpriced coffee
>also i can't be bothered to cook basoc meals so i'll grab my daily 20$ shitty salad
>acting like a slave owner
Yeah like those slave owning grocery store clerks who keep enslaving me by charging me for food.
Why are there so many landlord threads as of late?
Paying rent isn't the problem it's the amount charged for said rent.
So workers & carpenters should have a home to live in. Not fat slob paypig landlords & their camwhores
>if you hate jews, become a jew
>if you defeat them, they win
thank you, rabbi! very cool!
You're a fucking retard, grocery store clerks don't beg you for your "income" you goddamn mongoloid.
Just turn all housing into co-ops
Nobody forced you to rent it you dumb nigger.
>landlord sits at home all day every day in front of the tv doing drugs
>you bust your ass at two jobs
>only interaction with landlord is them being cunts and freaking out about how you're their only source of income
>kikes in this thread pretend that shit doesn't actually happen or don't understand why this is just another form of welfare
Wolfsheim is from the time before /new/. Assuming it's the same person.
I'm sure you're a newfaggot in spades, you even use a memeflag.
I understand hating rich landlords who own multiple properties, but what about ordinary people who work hard and save up for years to buy a property, and then rent that property out to other people as a means of paying their mortgage?
>if you goys dont want to give me shekels then just live on the street!
>get arrested for vagrancy!
>destroy your life!
based rabbi
Explain that to everyone who currently owns property, whats in it for them?
You know alot of landlords work there ass off to mantain their peoperty and work with there tenants. And those slum lords fuck them but you know what? Slumlords have slum prices. You're a bitter cunt painting a broad brush.
>oh sure i'll sign this contract and i'm aware i'm choosing to stay in a big shitty overpriced city instead of a nice clean place full of nature
>dude wtf i have to pay the rent
>Is this an improvement?
Yes, prices would plummet and we could stop having this debate because we could all afford houses.
So Yas Forums, I invested my money and have three properties. Not my only income, but it pays for the mortgage. I have money saved up for an emergency which will cover my mortgage for a few months. Tenants are paid up. What’s with the Jews trying to drive a wedge here?
Why are my only choices to be a boot licker or to be a fucking commie?
This is why I want to live in the countryside you chimps freak out when ever another chimp eats more ants then you.
Their life is spared.
>they own it
>its your home
lol women were such a huge mistake
Buy your own place then, nigger.
>and then rent that property out to other people as a means of paying their mortgage?
why don't they get real jobs?
>Kill your local landlord.
Trump s a landlord with thousands of tenets.
The only way to beat the jew is to become the jew, and then only jew actual jews, while taking pity on the good people that think like yourself. You have to subvert the subversives. or wait until the civil war 2 and kill all of them.
>I don't comprehend voluntary interactions - the thread
>any issues w/ the apt the landlord has to foot the bill
>if he doesn't do said work can get in deep shit legal trouble and never be able to rent again because lawyers will rip their assets to shreds
Why don't you own a house, rentcuck? I hope all of you soiboy faggot renters get what you deserve.
>prices would plummet
Ah yes, if nobody could rent anymore all the prices for houses would plummet, since now you cant have multiple people living in one building.....?????
> listen to this faggot
I'm not a landlord, I'm just not a retard who thinks he can rent a place to live and then get pissed off he has to pay for it. What are you going to do when your landlord stops paying for utilities? Shit in the yard? Yeah, you'll be living on the street because nobody will rent to you and you're too stupid to buy your own land.
Then why can't you nigger?
and I hope your house gets destroyed by natural disasters and your insurance company shrugs their shoulders and leaves you to cry in the dirt.
lol..another poor fuck that cant afford to buy their own home crying about rent...fuck off
>alright so you want this job, eh
>well no shame in that! the economy's so tough lately
>all those silly social programs robbed the middle class of their wealth, small businesses are just plain gone
>now thousands of people all want this one job at globohomo megacorp
>says here you have an eviction
>and you made death threats on the internet
>your home
It isn't
They already did, that’s how they were able to afford a second property to rent. Get a real job and git gud at it, commie.
Youre right, they don't beg. They demand it. Or you go to jail. Landlords don't beg, they demand it in exchange for you having a house to live in. Go buy a house and shut the fuck up.
Isn't it just a market based rent? Everyone is free to list their home or apartment for rent at whatever price they want. If you offer a BS price people will just rent from someone else.
>most renters need to get real jobs
I know I'm not the only one to not have any problems with my landlords. Hell I like renting since i can move around all the time. Lets me do travel work across the country. Landlords dont mind because I pay the agreed amount on time every month then leave once I'm done.
I think we just have a case of mad deadbeats in shit careers living above their means.
Salty faggots in this thread.
Guys if you can’t afford to buy a house, why are you renting where it’s too expensive for you to save? I made $35k out of college and could barely afford to live with two roommates, so I moved back in with my parents and saved an extra $800 a month. You know that you don’t even need to put anything down on a home loan, right?
I'd just buy another house.
Lol you retarded
Because it's due to finally boil over in this country. As soon as wagies get an increase, rent follows that exact ratio.
If landlords were the (((Professional Land-Leasers))) that are worth the money they receive, there would never be a single case of poor living conditions. Hell, with all that wagie money, I would laugh in the face of any Boomer still dependant on public utilities
They own the land that they build on? They pay for the materials and architects? Or the taxes? Or they pay themselves? When they can do this, they become owners. Physical work alone is not the 100% of the requirements.
Dont landlords also maintain your property for you amd pay the property taxes? Anytime anything in my house breaks the landlord sends someone to repair it.
i really don't understand how self-entitled some people can be, those houses and apartments are MY property. you are staying there under the agreement of providing me rent, how is that so difficult to understand?
yes, it is conveniently placed and has great access to services and transport -- that's why i bought it. just because you like it and think you should get it for free doesn't mean the world spins in that direction, you stuck up brat. find the money to pay me for using MY PROPERTY or get out.
why don't you just buy your own house than?
Of course something is bad from another perspective but only when both perspectives know it is bad is when one person or the other will initiate violence as either an act of silencing, disagreement or an an act of power.
Also stop using retarded Twitter posts as a thread starter, for it lessens the overall quality of the bants.
>wish pic was related
They also fix up your home because women are borderline retarded and cannot even change a tire let alone fix a leaky pipe or do sheetrocking and painting. If buying a home is so easy do it. Prepare to have to fix it up constantly.
Then buy your own house if you don't want to deal with a landlord or live with friends or family until you can.
kill yourself retard
..I love renting to poor fags that can`t afford to buy their own homes because they live way above their means and put everything on credit cards..what a bunch of stupid fucks
So go buy your own building.
>Landlords literally make money by doing nothing.
I know, it's almost like property is an investment which carries risks you assume when purchasing it in the hope that you turn a profit on your investment.
>cucked by the construction industry
can't build your own house, cuck?
Bernieshills coping with the fact that a literally crippled boomer is beating the shit out of their lord and savior.
Yep, literally only obligation is to mow the lawn, aside from rent, $800 split 3 ways for a 2000 sqft property
>demand for housing goes up since people can't rent and must buy
>prices would fall!
Poorfaggotry knows no bounds.
I've said all this various times before but it all bears repeating so let's examine you for a moment. You're the sort of person who comes here all the time railing about how "If x doesn't do y, people will stomp their heads in! Bunch of parasites!" Well, you're obviously angry enough to do something like that. Why don't you? It's because you have low agency.
The very reason you occupy the political space that you do is precisely *because* you're not someone who can engage in behavior that requires forethought, discipline or sacrifice. You're not a person who does things. You sit and wait for others to do them. Or you angrily demand they do them.
You think you chose your political ideology. Actually, it chose you.
So sit and make your threats about what you're going to do when the revolution comes. It might. But you'll still do nothing. You'll never be physically or mentally healthy. You'll never have good relationships with your family members. You'll never have loyal friends who wouldn't yank you back down the moment you secured a hand or foot on a single rung above them. You'll never find fulfilling employment or succeed in business, you'll never even try. You'll never have power or influence. You'll never see your dreams for this world realized.
Stop thinking that coordinating your visits here constitutes "operations". You've changed no minds and made no difference. Go take more drugs and watch more Netflix. Nobody cares.
>work hard, build up wealth by saving some of your income instead of spending it all
>forego a bunch of cool shit you really want because as cool as it is, it depreciates instead of earning
>take your meager pile of capital and employ it to create a new revenue stream
>literally set yourself back a hundred thousand dollars, just to maybe get $200/month in revenue after dealing with your retard tenant's shitty behavior
>wHy dOnT yOu gO wOrK aT StArBuCks???
>my son you have 3 options
>you can buy a plot of land in a beautiful quiet place outside the city
>you can pay the bank jew for a limited amount of time and buy a home
>or you can be a rentcuck for the rest of you life
most landlords DO have a steady job outside of owning property, and if they don't, that's their prerogative.
As for landlords being upfront and letting tenants know they need to pay their rent, they have bills to pay too, if the tenant really is unable to make rent they should at least try to workout a deal, if the owner of the property can't survive without missing one month of rent they really shouldn't be a property owner anyway, but if they are, tough shit! it's not the govt's responsibility to step in and alleviate your unfortunate but legal circumstances.
besides if you live in a lib state like CA you can have basically shack up in the place for 3 months before they are legally allowed to remove you by force anyway. The laws are totally in your favor, you just are spoiled and want the property owner to bail you out when they aren't legally obligated to do shit.
of course you make an antisemitic joke, you are a bad person
People are livid everybody isnt panicking/ cowering in fear for some reason. Probably retarded tarrant posters and leftists faggots
>the only thing they do for a living is own your home
>your home
No, that's MY home. i let you stay there, for money. You don't own it just because I let you rent it, idiot.
yeah i'm pretty sure this is why we don't have free-market capitalism. god won't let us have it, he's busy punishing them for their garbage behavior with poverty, and with our disdain.
They have all the liability. Pay all the school taxes because you can't keep your legs closed. They have to pay to redo the entire apartment every time some piece of shit turns into a heroin addict and trashes the place. They stop paying rent and it takes 6mo for the courts to finally kick the crack head out. You get nothing back. It will take 2 years of rent just to recover the costs.
>Already paid for
And you didn’t pay for it, someone else did nigger. Maybe they lived in the house before renting it out. They own it, they worked for it, you’re just a nigger too dumb and/or poor to own anything of value yourself
Build your own house.
>Don't tread on me
>Monarchial mindset
No American would hinder the general welfare at hand to have the biggest line in the sand
Rentfags seething now since they spent all their money on shitty tattoo's, travelling to bumfuck nowhere every year and blowing every paycheck on craft beer and weed.
Face it, you are just envious your landlord had the good god damn sense to actually spend their money wisely rather than waste it like an absolute retards.
Now that the economy is in shambles, only those who planned ahead and actually spend their money on capital and secured a future for their income will get ahead and you stupid fucking renters will have to suffer all the more for your idiotic mistakes.
They're legit lucky this isn't on May Day. Note that I do not condone commie actions.
Lol you're a pussy! Read your own bullshit you goddamn homo. Learn from it. Realize what a shitbag you are and strive to do better.
>live way above their means and put everything on credit cards
I’m divided on credit. On one hand, I think it’s one of the most devious things that Jews ever devised; on the other, it’s a great way to sort out who’s responsible with money and who’s a giant fucking moron.
Leftists don't respect property rights and rule of law. If you want to own your own home, buy it. Don't rent. That was your decision to do so.
>but I can't afford to buy a house!
Well then, it's a good thing that landlords exist, right? Otherwise you wouldn't be able to rent an apartment, you'd have to either buy or be homeless.
Now user. When most people say 'kill the landlords', they dont mean 'kill that guy who has one extra house and he rents it out to a friend of a friend instead of letting it sit there'. They mean the professional landlords.
>800 split three ways
How the fuck can you not afford rent?
I feel bad for landlords, they're going to get targeted like wild game in the future..
And who pays the construction workers to build the houses?
Who pays for the materials that are used to build the houses?
>New revenue system
>Literally set yourself back
Maybe, just MAYBE being a living tax penalty isn't supposed to be an industry