You guys are such fucking hypocrites


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>Getting some of the taxes you paid back is the same as free income for being a baby-raping leftard failures.

The only issue I ever took with platforms proposing UBI is that they also required civilian disarmament for no apparent reason.

>One or two time payment of your own taxes back while 30% of population is temporarily unemployed
>The same as a check a month for life for nothing

Also UBI is smaller government

One time Trumpbux payment
Lifetime UBI

Come on, are you really this stupid? I guess you are considering your flag.

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I'm not against UBI if there is not unchecked immigration and we decide as a group to kick out those not willing to live like respectable human beings

small government is a fantasy, it's not even on the table

They paid more than $1000 in taxes, they should be getting more

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>for no apparent reason
Come on, we all know the reason.

he just mad Trump stole Yang's thunder forever.
then later this year Trump will legalize weed and the left will have NOTHING to offer ANYONE

UBI during free economic freedom vs free UBI commie money while the Givernment shuts down your work??? HOW IS THIS THE SAME>>>> its fucking illegal to earn money, OBVIOUSLY we are for UBI if its illegal to work wow communist filth JEWISH STINKS

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It's not UBI fuckface.

not socialism, tax cut.

taxcut user, taxcut.

>Wanting to get the cash you pay the government back makes you a hypocrite.


Every one of you drumphtards who said we can't elect Bernie because of socialism needs to give your check to a bernfag, cause you don't believe in communism.

>paid into the system
>gets money back rightfully back


Be a good goy and refuse the taxes given to you that you yourself paid.

I would like the roughly 125k back that was stolen from me to prop up porky and niggers too

Idiot, it’s the government destroying itself. Are we not supposed to take advantage of programs that are already been given out?

>the government decides to send everyone $1000 dollars in a time of crisis
>claim republican voters shouldn't accept the money because they hate able-bodied people on welfare

That's retarded

Why? It’s my fucking money I’m paying and getting back. Giving my money to a liberal arts college or a welfare queen isn’t my idea of where the theft of my money should go.

Really sad attempt at getting people to give money to your favorite kike

Fpbp. OP blown the fuck out.

Most reps I know think the government should basically just exist for emergency situations so it seems consistent to me.


Jokes on you I actually love socialism. I just prefer to have NATIONAL before it.

1. Cash in Trumpbux
2. Buy a 7.62 Rooftop Ballot Box
3. ???
4. Profit


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solid burger logic

Not a leftist but that's how it works in all Social Democratic countries like the Nordic ones. Nothing is free, the entire point of a system like that is to have high taxes which then pays for things like welfare, healthcare etc (therefore is returned in a way) to the people.


/thread. OP is a cock sucker

if you believe taxation is theft as a libertarian, you're just getting your money back.

OP is a faggot. FPBP.

>mfw Trump is suddenly good at math

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We’re not all the same person tard. Yas Forums has all the views and we just pick the one that ended up being right in hindsight.

>its wrong to get your money back

>this level of mental gymnastics
LMAO, MIGAtards will support trump no matter what. He could go on live TV and sacrifice a baby to moloch while eating Hillary's asshole and they'd be calling it 4d chess.

I'm in favor of corona cash desu, they're gonna brrrrr the money out regardless so it might as well go to actual people instead of kikes.


Do you think we are Capitalists?

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700,000 then we worry... Till then fuck off shill

1 post by this fucking moron

They're always hypocrites on here, you get used to it after a while.

>1 post
>"Incoherent posts"
Hi Chang

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Hahahah coping leftist cannot handle a dose of truth



paid $12000 in FICA in 2018. Got $1700 refunded. They're still coming ahead

too old

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This. I'm okay with some socialist experiments if the same people pushing for it didn't seem to hate liberty's safety net.

>Endless UBI is completely different from a one time payment under extraordinary circumstances
>Saying these two completely different things are different is mental gymnastics.....somehow.......
It’s almost like you just fucking hate MAGAchads and want to manufacture a reason to bitch about them

>One time refund of taxes you've already paid to help get through a disaster that forced most workplaces to cease their activities
>Being given the tax money from those who work while you do nothing at all forever and for no good reason
Ancoms having a hard time distinguishing between the two make a solid case for their ideology being a magnet for mental illness

good for sick weak people, i'd rather work hard and spend my money as i need it, rather than pay for welfare bums

Socialism is fine as long as its the nationalist variety

This map only makes sense if they count prison population

>memeflaggot. 1 post by this id. shill
Yas Forums is one person

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FPBP. Ancom fags are getting desperate.