White people are the master race

>white people are the master race
>are they the strongest? No, subhuman niggers are stronger
>are they the smartest? No, subhuman chinks are smarter
>do they manage to rule the world despite their disadvantages? No, subhuman kikes are much more powerful
>but still, white people are the master race

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I've never seen a more perfect thread

We're the Mario of races. Good all around. Blacks are the Donkey Kong. Jews are the Wario. Get it?

Whites are the perfect balance of collectivism and individualism.


None of those things you listed are true tho

Whites are stronger than blacks.
Check you own uncited stats, or preview strongman records.
Niggers evolved to run, not stand their ground.
They are good at running, I'll give them that.
Dunno bout the chink thing, but having 20 times the amount of people means with the same bellcurve you see more on the far ends.
You only hear about the chinks that make it out, not the billion toothless illiterate peasants that surround them.
Rote memorization isn't actionable intelligence, it's imprinting.
Keep kicking that can down the street, I'm sure a "canadian" or "kekistani" will bite.
Compare white civ to nonwhite, then realize what makes the master race, the master race.
Whites write the concertos design the tech and invent the transit housing and set the global standard of living 6 notches above the rest of the world.
Our political and governmental structures are copypasted world over by lessers.
Our weapons and tools conquered the world and her trials, and again, we let the lessers have them, out of complete pity.
I'm sure you want to convince people, but first you're gonna have to convince yourself.

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>We're the Mario of races. Good all around. Blacks are the Donkey Kong. Jews are the Wario. Get it?

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>>shoes on carpet
>>high divorce rates
>>reiterating white losers like Hitler

sigh mediocre

This is you if you was wondering

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t. filthy insectoid chink wiggler

>one plays a game designed to entertain white children as a grown ass "man"
the other forgoes social pressure and fear of harm to take a stand for something he feels is right

wow such comparison
even your shitty cherry pick makes you look like a mongoloid

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Being jack of all trades is good because it balances out the onesidedness that comes from being under the spell of your strongest trait. Balanced aproach is the only way to sustainability.

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>Are they the strongest? Yes.

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Aged great

No one said they are

They said they want to be left alone and not have to feed the entire world

Whites are physically the strongest race you dumb, drunken, self-hating cuck.

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>chinks are smarter
Kek no
dirty chinks are even dumber than niggers

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His gene pool literally is.

>are they the strongest?
Yes, my country wins there
>are they the smartest?
Yes, the Finns (education) and Swedes (invention) win there
>do they manage to rule the world despite their disadvantages?
Used to, including your country (RIP Hrærekr)
>are they the most prosperous nations in the world since the birth of Christ?
Yes, and only their own generosity and empathy, twisted by Jews, holds them back

Whites are the creators. Just look at all the technology, medicine, etc around you. It was all invented by whites

1. Iceland has the highest rate of world record heavy lifters

2. Europe and the US have the highest rates of Nobel prizes.

3. Kikes are overrepresented in position of power because of nepotism.

I will concede niggers have a higher density of fast twitch muscles and longer legs, which makes them Excel at sports, but who really cares?

the negroid is best at running because he has to desert his family.

>Niggers evolved to run
They only come from a single tribe

>rule the world
Whites literally conquered the world. Name an area on the planet that wasn't ruled by whites at one point or another

Those niggers are mixed with whites. Africans are shit and weak

>1 post

another feature of whites is that they ignore, bend or can't accept the truth/history


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Whites have never accomplished anything with out the help of other races, and that's literally in history.

>they ignore, bend or can't accept the truth/history

wat. Give me an example of what you're talking about Squanto. I have a hard time imagining what you're talking about.

>that's literally in history.

show me this history you're describing dumbass.

I can’t believe how many shills are on this board. And there’s shills on both sides. It’s always some thread and then immediately after they switch proxy and leave another comment to support it and give it a bump. I know it because it takes one to know one. I’m a multifagging VPN nigger as well

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Well how about the fact that we are slowly being genocided. Softly.

Instead of rounded up and shot we're just being replaced. Bit by by. Generation by generation.

Most white normies would say that's a conspiracy theory.

>nigs are stronger
only because they go to jail and have nothing to do but work out meanwhile in Africa they are malnourished
>chinks are smarter
mr Goldstein owns the schools and takes Chinese bribes as well as gets government funding to educate Asian kids that never even attended a high school, they show up with a napkin with crayon credentials and ask to be educated then mr Goldstein reports that every Asian student graduated with perfect grades regardless of how bad their scores on tests are
>kikes are more powerful
everything involving jews is a lie on top of a lie and they will act tough in order to get you to back down

Electricity? I’ll eagerly await for you to be 1 post by this Id.

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>give me an example of whites ignoring the truth and history
Yas Forums

You stupid nigger.

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White people are the default race

>are they the strongest? No, subhuman niggers are stronger
All the world's strongest men and best MMA fighters are white. Only one lifting record is held by a nigger (bench press) and that's fairly recent.

>are they the smartest? No, subhuman chinks are smarter
All of the smartest men in history were white. There is no chink equivalent of DaVinci, Newton, Galileo, Tesla, Dostoyevsky, MichaelAngelo, Beethoven etc.


You live in a world built buy white people you stupid subhuman.

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Hello my fellow jew in Russia

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lmfao crackhead

Why do you think Mongolians use Cyrillic exactly?

Пpoвaливaй в 2ч пeдиpac.

If kikes are white then how did the Nazis tell the difference between them?

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-t hasn't watched professional weight lifting

You probably aren't russian either

>in Russia
Is toothpaste

That's the standard hallmarks of a pure untainted slide thread.

These threads are cope and you ethnics know it.

White / Europeans are responsible for 99% of notable inventions and technology, they dominate the Olympics and medal standings for most sports, they colonized and out-strengthned the Negro race and Aboriginals and Indians without any effort at all (what is colonization + slavery?) the White race is clearly maxed out in just about every statistic. God even made them more beautiful on average; it isn't even fair at this point.

>worlds strongest men are white
bullshit, how many black and how many whites did apply did apply to the competition?

Asians are only considered smart because most of the official IQ datas are collected in their universities.

Whites split into different categories:
Onions liberal faggots
Hillbilly country fucks
Nerdy incel losers
Chads the one percenters

I haven't played a video game since 2012 and I understood the reference faggot.

You don't apply, you have to qualify. Niggers compete in local strongmen competitions but almost never qualify for the big ones.

Without Aryans; the kikes would still be in the bronze age, the chinks would still be in the iron age and the nigs would still be in the stone age.

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Actually niggers are faster, not stronger. Whites are more predisposed to building up large muscle mass, hence the reason for nearly ALL of the strongmen in the world being white

>best at building civilisation
>best at destroying yours with high tech development
All we need really

Whites are so dominant that it takes other Whites to stop them from completely scorching this Earth. Brown/Black races are a complete non-factor. Jews are perhaps the only element which captivates our interest... and they (surprise surprise) look "White" too.

Chinese are not to be underestimated though.

cucked and basedpilled. Jews are the master race, they literally control everything and you can't do anything about it.

Whites are the strongest race - World strongmen are Whites.

Whites are the smartest - Highest proportion of genius level intellects.

jews are simply more criminal, nepotistic and dishonourable.

You’re a clueless faggot mutt.

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Honestly whites aren't that great, BUT they at least built the most stable system with the most amount of freedom possible... until they fucked it all up by giving their women rights and cucking to foreigners