Seeing so many people make fun of China in the wake of the Coronavirus digusts me...

Seeing so many people make fun of China in the wake of the Coronavirus digusts me. China is based as fuck and if you disagree, you really don't belong here.
China is by far the world's most developed country, and their response to the Coronavirus (which is NOT their fault) has been immaculate.
If I ever heard some piece of shit faggot make fun of the Chinese in real life, I'd punch them in the eye.
China has the best culture, the best food, the best women, the highest IQs, etc. If you don't stand with China, you're a glownigger tranny and need to gtfo my Yas Forums.
Everything about them is so much better than the shithole West, and I'll be moving there as soon as I get the chance.

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Fuck off gook.

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The PRC is the most based, right wing country in the world.
Their government model is crafted after that of Adolf Hitler, but they made it even more successful.
The only reason they're not 5 times as powerful as the US right now is due to the Maoism that they suffered under from many years, which they should not be blamed for.
But now that they're fash, expect the GDP per capita to be higher than that of Switzerland within 5 years.

Dilate your rotten necrovagina, glownigger
Super outdated propaganda, faggot. China's infrastructure has exceeded that of even Germany and the Netherlands

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

chinks arent human
and pol thinks what it wants, you are no arbiter, the fact that you think you are shows how unfamiliar you are with the topography here, shill

Everyone on Yas Forums is pro PRC except for the tranny glownigger lefty/pol/ shills

Keep coping, look at these videos. Not even niggers are this sick in the head, slant eyes who test positive are purposely spreading deadly diseases to infect more people.

Attached: 1585008349695.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

This is left wing, kike propaganda.
China leads the world in every type of innovation, and their immaculate work ethic plus high IQ makes them unstoppable.

Daily reminder that when the world realizes China released a nation-killing bioweapon on the planet because they couldn't win a trade war with the West every country on earth is going to band together to turn that august hellhole into a cloud of radioactive vapor.

Tick tock.

Attached: Coronavirus Timeline.jpg (1001x1364, 1.2M)

The corona virus has a bigger radius that the average Chinese penis size. You mad bro? Need some bat soup?

Attached: china cochina.jpg (512x341, 46.65K)

You wish, butthurt Mexican tranny.
You're just jealous that China has high IQ, high GDP growth, immaculate culture, and no kikes or Mexicans

>I'll be moving there as soon as I get the chance.
see ya

>muh dick
Fuck off nigger, only low IQ people care about penis size

You're just jealous. I'll be living in safe orderly society with amazing job opportunities, god tier food, and beautiful Chinese babes.
While your western whores guzzle Tyrone and Jorge's semen, and the white people that are still left will be degenerate heroin addict trash and faggot swoyboys

You actually believe that propaganda?
Leftie kike retard.

i fucking hate china, you, and all zipperheads alike. they all smell fucking foul, can’t process basic information, and they all beat dogs.

>insert based gook chink chunk ming mung noise

Dilate your rotted out necrovagina, commie trash

All I read was:
> Ching Chang Chong chubga chubunga chunga America Chang chinamga chinanafa chinnigga

Nigger tranny

How many rice rations are you getting for posting this gay thread?

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You can’t do shit insect.

*laughs in 7% GDP growth and 105 IQ*

Shut up, 87
Your country is a socialist failure with no hope for any positive change. Keep jerking off to Narcos: Mexico while your country implodes and drains its population into the US

>105 IQ
Oh boy, HERE WE GO

Attached: 1585084100850.webm (480x616, 635.86K)

Also, I'm white (but I do wish I was Chinese)

>105 IQ
Wow, that IQ doesn't seem to be helping much!

Attached: 1585014495241.webm (360x640, 2.36M)

>if I call it kike shit maybe he'll believe me

You subhuman gooks are going to face hell after this, I hope you know that.

Seeing so many people promote China in the wake of the Coronavirus digusts me. China is worthless as fuck and if you disagree, you really don't belong here.

China is by far the world's most shithole country, and their response to the Coronavirus (which is the single largest fuckup ever committed in the history of the world and completely their fault, maybe even deliberate) has been slow, deceitful and full of lies.

If I ever heard some piece of shit faggot promote the Chinese in real life, I'd punch them in the eye.

China has the worst culture, the bats food, the ugliest, lying dogfaced pony soldier women, the lowest copycat IQs, etc. If you stand with China, you're a CPP WUMAU cuckhold faggot who has to lie to make your next meal and need to gtfo my Yas Forums.

Everything about them is so much worse than the West, which is the best, and I'll be blockading and burning it as soon as I get the chance.

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>105 IQ
Despite such a "high IQ", they just keep offing themselves!

Attached: 1584854005735.webm (600x360, 1.58M)

I'm white, you glownigger
Dilate harder

>105 IQ
It's almost as if

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>t. Seething hungry gook

Go eat a dog. You are a rat.

>105 IQ

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lol fuck China.

These guys eat bats, dogs, monkeys, and pangolins, buddy, if that isn’t savage I don’t know what is.

>105 IQ

Attached: 1584852662292.webm (640x480, 1.97M)

>105 IQ

Also, nice space program. Vid related.

Attached: 1584852732998.webm (640x480, 1.66M)

>*farts on your chink ass*
Kys Chang

You jelly chino virus?
Bet that your low estrogen effecting your mood

this is so fucking disgusting

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Nice US Proxy, Ping.

Attached: 1585057322713.jpg (1000x603, 308.64K)

>create virus
>infect the world
>thousands die
>start spamming the world with propaganda.
They need to be nuked off the face of the earth.

>blah blah digusts me.
guess that makes you a little bitch then.


LOL OMG LMFAO they're like an entire fucking country of Wile E Coyote BAHAHAHAHA

Attached: wile_e_coyote_super_genius.jpg (400x400, 43.48K)

Have you ever meet a chink? They are flat out retarded. The only reason people think they are smart is because they live like slaves and are incapable of social interaction so they spend all day memorizing math equations. Other than that these subhuman cowards are less intelligent than niggers.

I have never liked these ugly, diseased, runaway insects. This virus has completely put me over the edge. I live dt Toronto and will now insult every single slanted eyed runaway faggot I see. The other day I just about shoved one onto the subway tracks. They never fight back.


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>105 IQ

State. Enforced. Cheating.

Just like everything else in China, it's all a scam.

>Everyone I dont like is glownigger


Shutup redditfag, youre just mad the chinks are kicking you worthless english teacher/sexpats out finally. Get rekt.

>Imagine just trying to be China
>Try to just have a normal fucking modern country like westerners
>Comical shit like this happens left and right that would never occur in a civilized world

These motherfuckers are goddamned hilarious.

Then they go lying and boasting around the world like they're the best shit since sliced bread...LOL

They've been isolated too long and don't even know how the rest of the world sees them. How obvious and comically humiliating their lies are.

What a bunch of fuckin' jamokes. If I was chinese I'd be too fucking humiliated to even live.

Attached: chinaman.png (1280x1024, 17.14K)

Let's just lean back and ponder on that thought:

At least they didn't fuck up a nuclear power station.........yet.

Attached: Imagine a nuclear power station in China.webm (640x360, 202.35K)

Shit's ridiculous. And where the fuck did that tire come from???

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Does the ccp pay you in yuan or usd for your posts? Just curious.


Attached: Wellnowimlateforwork.webm (400x300, 2.77M)

Their actual space program isn't much better.
Dropping missile boosters on villagers is a fairly common occurrence there.

Look up the effects of hydrazine to see why this is a huge problem, it's one of the most toxic chemicals we can make.

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>implying the Chinese are able to invent/create something on their own

High IQ indeed. Fucking hell.

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Can guarantee some people in this photo died a terrible death after this one.

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good one Chaim

Attached: Rub.jpg (728x879, 57.29K)

Did your imported chink prostitute wife tell you to write that, or are you paid directly by the chinks?


Seethe harder Ling. We're going to bring your nation to its knees and then burn it.


Attached: 1557154343357.webm (320x568, 2.57M)


>Workers at Chinese steel companies have been buying masks and protective suits abroad, including from Japan, Germany and Italy, according to the nation’s iron and steel association.

>Monica Mi, an export manager of a construction material factory in Nanjing that sells aluminum curtain walls, has even been asking her clients to buy masks for her factory workers in the past week

T. Low IQ glownigger

How are they NOT developed?

Sorry Chang, but has trips of truth, Kek frowns upon China for their unabashed degenerate failure at literally everything. Expect total annihilation soon.

If you're anti-PRC, you're a glownigger

Stay humiliated chankaroo. Barbarians can't be handed technological advancement they didn't earn as a civilization and just get caught up with the rest of the world just like that. It doesn't work that way.

You guys have another thing comin' after this virus shit is all over.

Never before in the history of the world has a fuck up of this magnitude happened and your collective lack of humility and sorrow is astounding. Your lack of fear at the obvious payback coming is awe inspiring.

I have to say I'm fucking impressed with your indelible ability to be the biggest, cockiest most unapologetic assholes the world has ever seen

You literally wrecked the entire world. It will never be forgiven and it will never be forgotten. Even if some peaceful resolution is managed we will mock you for this fuck up for the rest of your sad nations existence. You literally stained yourselves for eternal history. There you sit among the pages and pages of historical greatness sitting in a pile of filth after you shit yourself publicly in front of the developed free world.

Your comical inability to handle the technologies that you're stealing and dabbling in would be beyond comedic if it wasn't so fucking tragic and damaging.

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Did Mexico pay you in in USD or pesos for this post?

Sorry about your house, Zhang. Dont worry about your bloody urine and burning skin. It'll be over soon!

Attached: china-rocket-booster-1.jpg (640x322, 62.25K)

T. Surinamese 3rd world tranny trash

They're a hivemind of mindless evil insect people without empathy or creativity. They are not human, and they must be wiped out. Enslave their men, murder their women, dash their children's heads against the pavement, crush China, may it be forgotten as a sovereign nation, it brings shame upon the earth with its mere existence.

*laughs in 7% GDP growth and 105 IQ*

Lowkey this will turn Chinese into ultra survivalists moreso than they are already

>I'll be moving there as soon as I get the chance.
The why did you leave, Chang?

Rarely do I see posts this based. Bravo.

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Danish did a study after the news broke that the virus was contained in China
chinks are less likely to say individual freedom is more important than the public collective and have more trust in the government now

>Laughs in objectively better culture, morals, and existence in general

This dude lived in China for years, pretty redpilled about them.
Talks about dead bodies being left on the side of the road and people laughing and taking photos with the rotting, crushed, corpse.

So nothing has changed I see