Why is this country such a shithole?
Why is this country such a shithole?
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A mixture of natives Indians and Spanish never a good combination
They’re called mestizos.
Not Hispanics/Latinos.
Watch it nikolai.
Spanish fucked up by mixing with the natives.
Kek. Says Pidorashka
That's not china
Is that lord nazi ruso?
The result of Spanish race mixing with the natives.
We have a bigger GDP then all of Russia and a bigger population , idk what you talm about failed commie
Khokhol, please
russia is worse
should have never overthrown the Porfiriato
Then why are you in the states?
mexico presidential oath
please go back
Shut up and post hot Russian girls stupid Russian.
you mean the russian pedo? then yes.
Obligatory American post taking partial blame for our cia
We don't care
>Why is this country such a shithole?
They dont have guns + have relatively low iq.
Cause half of their senpai is enriching my country & they lack those talented family members in their own country
Honestly I dont mind Mexico at all. I just made this thread because of that one anti-Russian mexican I keep seeing.
t. OP
>based schizo
Because you do the *sniff* and the "puf puf".
Without sniff and puff it won't be that shithole.
Stop consuming shit, morons.
Shut up Russian scum. Mexico is our southern brothers and sisters. Also home of Juan Diego and our Lady of Guadalupe. You Christian Russians also adore Our Mother so STFU.
they're brown and low IQ. it's just genetics
Race mixing. Thats why Turkey and Brazil are also shitholes.
Cause USA is number 1 . I didn’t say anything about it not being so
The Southwest is our rightful land , be ready to be conquistado you white cuck mutt . Unlike you white bois we actually stand up to all the races
Because of Mexicans. Yas Forums acts like they’re trad and conservative but they’re just niggers. They behave like niggers. They live like niggers. They just have a better work ethic, insomuch as they will actually get jobs while niggers won’t
Funny thing is, Russian isn't much better. In fact, your depressingly gray and cold country full of schizophrenic drunkards and brainlet bimbos can be much worse.
A mixture of genetics, exploitation and very bad international geo politics.
Everybody who gets in to power deems it a shit hole and pouch the bag to invest outside the country, most governors, legislators and anyone in governments has or buys houses in America, most of their families are raised in America they have no patriotism towards Mexico they basically see Mexico as an exploitation ground.
Doesn't help that 90% of the population has room temperature IQ levels and anyone with half a brain fucks off as soon as they can.
This is why I am writing this post
It's full of Mexicans
Are you stupid? What does it have to do a thing with the other?
Three times the gold that the US has
Three times the silver that the US has
Three times the copper that that the US has
Three times the oil that the US has
Rich soil and no winter to speak of; can raise 3 or 4 crops a year while the US has severe winters and sometimes catastrophic summers..
Mexico is so poor! HELP THEM USA you gringo fuckers! HELP THEM.
chicano detected
You can’t trick me Jamal
>that flag
Tell me which race has been dying to be niggers? Didn't almost all kids in your country want to act like them, talk like them?
You can say we are scum, but don't compare us to you and your niggers.
Because they are ruled by their aristocracy. They were ruled by the Aztecs, then they were ruled by Cortes and the Spanish, and after independence they are ruled by people who do not give a shit about the populace. You see this all over Latin America.
pic related.
Why do russians enjoy living in massive poverty???
It is inhabited by the results of crimes against humanity
A mix of lack of discipline, lack of vision, a lot of hate, a lot of false pride, this country is shit because lack of education and a love for "short cuts"
Well you’re the one we’ll be seeing getting chopped up by some Mexican cartel member on Liveleaks
>Funny thing is, Mexick isn't much better. In fact, your depressingly brown and hot country full of schizophrenic drunkards and brainlet bimbos can be much worse.
>The US is #1
>The Southwest is our land
Can you Mexicans ITT just _answer the question_?
redskins of the south be bad
Stop it you know damn well you'd rather live in the states you uneducated retard. The only reason why mexicans get mad at chicanos is cause they're envious. We live with niggers but you live with cartels which are like a giganigger
He's right tho, if the peje decided to exploit the lithium and solar system in Sonora Mexico could be energy independent in less than 5 years.
Both components are literally there, year long infernal sun and the biggest lithium reserve in the planet.
I don't know if you're waiting for God all mighty to tell you to read the instructions and put your energy independence together, instead that stupid communist fuck is building another refinery in the middle of a mangrove that is protected.
Everybody in Europe is screaming that Mexico needs to switch from pemex to solarmex but all its going to happen is that the chinks via Canada are going to siphon all that precious mineral, are going to pollute and exploit the land and won't give you enough to fix the ground once they fuck it all up God knows they're dumping all kinds of nasty shit in the sea of Cortez already
eh its pretty comfy desu
nice sunny day today, lots of birds chirping outside
wouldn't trade places with any of you desu senpai
It's a highly complex answer that would be completely lost on Yas Forums.
However, in very simplistic terms, it's the same reason why Russia can never get rid of corruption and oppression.
Go back
It has been 90 years since we had a descent generation.
We need a mayor change to purge the corrupt system we have.
Root out the trash and rebuild.
We either act on something big or just let ourselves be absorbed by nation unions and dissapear into a sea of Muslims and niggers.
Also why do slav girls look cute, but slav men look like retarded frogs?
Low IQ, is a big factor, most are super dumb but have a strong sense of tribal bravado, it's like they're stupid and proud of it. Also their government, Mexicans are incapable of ruling themselves, their government is one of the most corrupt in the world and almost impossible to fix at this point, it's been like that since the nation was founded.
America is probably gonna have to go down there and put the beaners in order cause of their drug problem.
The country is actually very pretty. The problem is our "fuck everyone, if i can get away with it" culture.
>The country is actually very pretty.
I believe you desu. I want to visit.
It is #1 , tough the SW is ours . Once we take over the states and they annex to Mexico or make a new country governed by the rightful people , we will be #1 country. I mean it’s ours , the states and lands are named after Spanish and native names , can’t deny it can you .
It's filled with latinos aka the brown mongrel spawn of Spaniard conquistadors and natives.
I know he's pretty fucked with this but to be honest is haterbase is getting pretty cringey and bluepilled lately
>Cheers on shitty kike companies to privatize the water
>Keeps sucking old presidents balls despite the fact all of them have been as fucking retarded as el cacas.
>Now they want a president like Bukele to shut them and make a big debt to the FMI whitout knowing he was explicity causing the fucking caravans that fucked us over these lastest years.
It's full of Mexicans. Next question.
>Also why do slav girls look cute, but slav men look like retarded frogs?
That's a bigger mystery
every other generation it's something new with them.
right now it has a lot to do with the US drug war that keeps the cartels equal in power to the federal govt.
I was born here , come take me out . I bet you can’t even bench 2pl8 or squat 3pl8 gtfo.
Aztecs. It's always Aztecs. Buncha losers.
>Doesn't help that 90% of the population has room temperature IQ levels and anyone with half a brain fucks off as soon as they can.
>This is why I am writing this post
You have to go back. Fuck off.
This painfully accurate. Unfortunately for Mexicans they don’t seem to understand that you can’t raise kids in a western culture without nurturing parents. Having a dad who is always at work and a mom who is incapable of showing unconditional love creates these la raza Chicano retards who develop a chip on their shoulder against the culture around them
>The Southwest is our rightful land
Shouldn't have lost in a war you started then. Hispanic diaspora has to be one of the most cucked ethnic groups in all of history.