This idiot president just announced on national television he does not care about the "little flu" and people should...

This idiot president just announced on national television he does not care about the "little flu" and people should return to the streets

we are so fucked

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Little flu? Gripinha? Resfriadinho?

Perfect chosenite golem obsessed with

He is correct. Most people dont even show symptoms. The economy is planned to crash by the elites, thats why the media is causing mass hysteria so that we stay at home distracted by the virus

Wasn't one of his close aides infected? Yet neither he nor Trump got sick and they're both old men.
This really is a nothingburger.

enjoy the ride

they voted for him
they made their bed

>tropical jungle music plays

lmao nigger, who cares

why is every Brazilian i've ever interacted with IRL a smart, competent, and white archconservative, yet every single one I've ever seen online is a HUEHUEHUE communist freak? did Dilma subsidized favela wifi or something

>Irreparably compromised Brazil's prestigious diplomatic corps and its status as the leader of the non-aligned movement just to suck Zionist cock.
>Caused permanent damage to Brazil's ecological wealth because of short-sighted greed.
>Sold off stakes in strategic resource sectors to the Gringo while calling himself a 'patriot'.
>Sold Embrear, the only pride of Brazilian engineering and manufacturing, to fucking Boeing on top of that (LMAO).
>Hasn't done fuck all to address virtually any social and economical issue.
>Not only mismanaged a pandemic but was actively responsible for its outbreak

I mean it's clear that Brazil has had more corrupt leaders but just being corrupt is very different form actively doing harm. Bolsonaro is probably going to be remembered as the worst leader in modern Brazilian history. Prove me wrong.

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Go cry in a corner giganigger

Ohhhh nooooo 2000 people in Brazil (over 200 million people) have the flu ohhhh nooooo. Bolsonaro bad.. How will Brazil ever recover ?

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So let it crash, we need a boogaloo in this place so we can get rid of the parasites

Why aren't we seen deaths in the thousands if this virus is sooo dangerous?

Thats fine,let chaos begin if its what humanity wants

Thats cuz it is, apeman.

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And now we see why brazil is in the position it is today; attitudes like this

We'll see in 2 weeks. That's who exponential growth means. But many American hospitals are already working on capacity levels right now.

only brazil?

>Deaths: 18000
Mutt logic

You're right. All our recent leaders were blatantly corrupt leftist trash. He is not an intellectual, he speaks what the thinks, but he works exclusively for the good of our nation, and is incredibly honest in regards to public money.

its just a flu amigo.

Oh, it's this thread again.

You can keep reposting that garbage in every thread, but at the end of the day you're still an AIDS ridden assblasted monkey sucking cock in Berlin.

I meant to say, you're wrong.


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he knows trying to lockdown a place like brazil is impossible

there's nothing to be done, this place was just a big experiment from the very beginning

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>going to war

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this a thousand times

i think this will lead to increase of state debt,not crash,that is why (((media))) push for lockdown.

everything Drump does he does the same, Trump could take a dump on the dinner table and Bolsonaro would do the same.


maybe we can turn this faggy pandemic into a super-ultra-giga-pandemi, maybe it can even mutate into a 50% death rate giga-virus.

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Based. Only whites can afford hospital in Brazil right?


Just like trump.

nope, we have nigger-friendly public hospitals, but they're crap.

Is he wrong, Yas Forums?

Besides, he was stab in the guts on 2018.
You are a MSM drone, fucking sandnigger. The president in Brazil has jack shit for power, all the power is in the hand of the 500+ congressman and 100+ senators, together with the dozens of party's and the whole political/corruption of Brazil. So shut the fuck up Hanz, little bitch. Go take care of your north african invasion. He's no dictator, if the corrupt congress and senate don't stop being the corrupted creep that they are the country would go back that the way it was before the 60's. It was a peaceful and not violent country back then, now is a shithole marxists. And all the other brazilians in this thread must be socialists/commies 200%.

It will help clean your country of degenerates.

sure hope so

Go prep your wife's bull and leave the politics talks to the men

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That defeatism is what got your country in this mess

Mutt's law

Yep, never trust the jew guys

I hope for the best with your country, bolsonaro is based.

mexico and brazil need some culling tho

And people complain about AMLO here

We have 7+ billions people in this world.
>We need to reduce this.
Let the weak perish to make humanity stronger. You complain about a bunch of chinks and seniors dieing?

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and not bumping

I don't know about Brazil but in America all our politicians are over 70 and corona is a death sentence. They've got a definite interest in shutting everything down.

My gf said no one gives a shit about it but places have closed in her city and some businesses are giving people food and sanitizer. All Argentinians need to go back.

Because we are all unemployed NEETs here

I could say the same thing about Americans kek

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Based. I hope this shithole burns.

>We'll see in 2 weeks.

mf managed to be worse than pt

fucking amazing honestly

There is a difference between being corrupt and being a idiot. Now you know why idiots are more dangerous overall than corrupts

based they see through the jew plan, dont fall for it

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(Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na na na na na na na)
Based! Based! Based!
(Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na)
Based! Based! Based!
Da da da da da da da da da da da da da!

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because you only interacted with the ones that were smart enough to be abroad.