What's wrong with this, exactly?

What's wrong with this, exactly?
>inb4 muh jeezus
>inb4 muh kiddos

Attached: bigstock-Gay-Couple-Kissing-in-Paulista-222170278.jpg (2048x1366, 1.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's not natural

AIDS and prolapsed anuses

Most fags are shitbag people


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Statistically and scientifically proven to spread disease.

OP is faggot and this shit is gay. kys

its unnatural and disgusting, don't you feel a natural disgust towards the act of it?
maybe that feeling is only accessible to people with souls and a moral compass

>What's wrong with this, exactly?
they are doing it in public
t. faggot

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thats not social distancing

No more arguments

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It's fucking gross. Men fucking stink, semen is repugnant, they look like fucking ogres and are all hairy and bony. The best they are worthy of is not being hated.

Women are soft and curvy, smell like vanilla and strawberries, warm your heart with a smile, have voices that can sound angelic and have soft long hair that brushes over their skin. They are innately lovable

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The family and the tribe relies on the contributions of the individuals that comprise them. This includes the furthering of the genetic line because the young care for the old. Not only will this faggot not have kids, he'll also not be productive choosing instead to suck nigger dick. In the worst case scenario he will attempt to bring this equally worthless niggerfaggot into the family to be a second parasite.

>In 2018, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 69% of all new HIV diagnoses in the United States and 6 dependent areas.b,c In the same year, heterosexuals made up 24% of all HIV diagnoses.


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nothing. pope said they can go to heaven

>t. virgin


It helps to facilitate the erosion of the traditional family unit by normalizing unnatural/non-beneficial unions, thus undermining society as a whole. It also works as a slippery slope into mainstreaming other socially degenerative behaviors.

It's because your'e incapable of never shutting the fuck up about it.

Screw my qt 3.14 gf of 20 years on the reg, waffle-kun

It isn't the individual. It is the glorification. It is the mandatory acceptance of the entire gay community whose leaders and loudest voices are degenerate, godless fuckers who promote sin and an extremely unhealthy lifestyle... unhealthy for your body and soul.


that's some gay shit you posted OP

btw your inb4s are valid points so go fuck yourself fag

it's gay

its gay

Aids you nigger faggot abomination

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I hate many things, But honestly I never hate faggots

It's just gross to make out in public. I tell straight couples to get a room too.

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Lol go touch kids you Christ jerking evangelical

its a rebellion against nature and God. Homosexuals are largely just men who have mental problems, or who respond to the pressures of male competition by opting out and mimicking women in the social scheme.

They've always been around, and they always will be. The issue isn't their existence, or toleration of their existence: the issue is the glorification of this lifestyle. We shouldn't be cruel to fags in my opinion, but should recognize that they're socially flawed and degenerate, and keep them in their proper place.

ok groomer

mutt's law is incontrovertible

Pedofile faggots need the rope. Coronachan will thin the herd.

It causes me to see HIV prevention ads

Its pretty gay desu


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It give me feeling of wanting to vomit, i can't explain it more than that. Nor do i feel i need to. It's just like looking at a wet turd with a slug on it.

Gross. Gay

>jannies still nowhere to be seen
>faggot bait thread still up

This activates my almonds.

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it's gross

Hang yourself, faggot

If faggots had the same percentage of communists as the general population, I'd not have a problem with them.

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>What's wrong with this, exactly?
Why should I accept, normalize and/or tolerate that?

Of course going against the word of God and the innocence of children is not enough for you faggots to stop fagging.

Because you stick your peepee to other man poopoo and lick the poopoo
Thats disgusting and gay
If i you gay people come here I'll fucking wrap you in carpet, pour gasoline on you then set you on fire
Fucking mentally ill degenerates

What you’re describing in your first paragraph is more in line with transgenderism. They have unironically, discovered what is quite literally a “gay gene,” which is to say that their sexual preference is quite often involuntary. I big agree on the latter half of your comment though.

nothing, except it looks wet in the background. They should put on some rain jackets in case it starts raining again. They might get cold.

Why are you so fucking mentally ill that you keep posting this every fucking day. Go out and get some dick and shut the fuck up. No one gives a fuck!

This photo reminds me that I have not been able to buy ant pork mince for a week now due to corona panic buying.

That cute :)

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This faggot is correct.
Public display of affection are gross.

smashing your cock up a man's shitpipe doesn't create new human life.

literally the only point of life is to recreate itself. the sex urge is what makes us want to.

gays pervert their sex drive so that it creates nothing (and spreads disease).

Sex = man + woman = baby
gay = man + man = disease

We are animals. Scientifically, we are in the Animalia kingdom. Animals produce certain hormones when sexually aroused to reproduce themself, be fertile and create an offspring. It's instinct.
So, if you have those hormones spiking with someone/thing you can't reproduce, well.. there might be something wrong, biologically.
But we know now that our brain can IMITATE certain feelings or behaviour for a better "state of mind", but it's still not natural.
Now we justify it with love. I can understand, love is love. Just don't mess with me.

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well, trannies literally mimick women, but with fags, I more so meant that they will adopt feminine politics and support it. It builds up a broad coalition between women, who are far more susceptible to commie propaganda, and a whole slew of men who have been indoctrinated into being fags or fag-adjacent.

As in, the actual pee pee in the bum hole bit doesn't bother me that much other than me thinking its gross and unnatural, but the political ramifications of the psychological archetype produced in fags and their allies represents a political threat.

you feel what way for a reason.it's biological. it's in your gut.listen to your gut instincts. fags r fucking gross and spread disease and degeneracy.

I'm bi, there's literally nothing wrong with a dude loving a dude.
OP made a slide thread.

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In their own home? Nothing on the surface, but...
- this picture was specifically made for LGBTQwhatevercomesafter propaganda purposes.
>muh dick is sometimes in a guy's arse, let's make that a political issue!
- one of them seems close to 100% white, white men not fucking white women at this point is basically a crime against humanity.
- the other one seems not so white, yet they are kissing. A welcoming kiss to the invaders of your home, how nice.
I mean I could go on just about this one picture, but you get the point. There is plenty wrong with this marxist bullshit without even mentioning kids or religion. All the above points (and more) are messages contained within that one little propaganda piece your posted, and all of them are tailor made to undermine and destroy western civilization, and demoralize any stragglers that would resist. For helping spread that, OP, you are not only a faggot, but more than deserving of the death penalty.

why you all ppl saying this are not angry about heterosexual people not having babies because monye muh career etc ? If the birth rates are falling in many industrial countries it's not because everyone is gay, it's because the 95% of heterosexual ppl are not having children anymore and the few faggots have nothing to do with this

Why do faggots constantly feel the need to virtue signal about your faggotry and put their sexual orientation on display for everyone to see? I don't get it. Straight people don't go around gloating about how proud they are to be straight. Is it really so hard not to brag about how much you like cock? The males of the specie are supposed to be the rational ones. Faggots put sexual satisfaction ahead of logical behavior like reproduction. Faggots are mentally closer to women than they are to men. Faggots will never be world leaders, innovators, or anything of worth. All you will ever be is a laughing stock no matter how hard you attempt to groom children and normalize this behavior.

We need a homocaust.

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They don't build strong societies

inb4 Alexander the Great was a fag. No he wasn't.

it's gay

It happens in nature dipshit, which makes it natural. It doesn't result in offspring. But you are equally related to your nieces and nephews (not direct descendants) than you are to your grandparents (direct descendants).

Kin selection (survival of your nieces and nephews) is very much a natural thing.

Nothing is wrong, it's just too hot for them to handle

It's a nigger in the picture and it's a conversation about faggots doing faggot things, like what do you want you fucking retard?

One rooftop would fix that shit lol

>there's literally nothing wrong with a dude loving a dude.

In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men often get other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections. HPV (Human papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Some types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancers. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than heterosexual men.

The only thing wrong with it is how hard my dick is getting from it.

if most of you didn't support the conscious dragging-down of masculinity in order to make your effeminate, perennially-threatened egos feel more secure, then I wouldn't care if you wanted to have disgusting, degenerate sex with other fairies in your own home.

But when I walk down the streets of my cities with my children, and I see deranged poofs in leather holding furry dildos screaming about their "rights," all I can think is: we need to be rid of this

Damn, you sound just like a lesbian.

Because it's fucking gross. Also kys.

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>Suicide rates.
Homosexuality is vile. Bisexuality even more so as you filth spread disease to heterosexuals like a common negro.

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Neither are getting blowjobs from a females mouth.

Maybe we should stop driving cars and use our feet?

The human brain evolves. Either get with the times are get out.

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You're right, sluts are degenerate, but that was already common knowledge.
Gay, genuinely monogamous, long term relationships are totally fine.

>1 post by this id
Think before you post. OP is a soulless chink bugman shill with small penis and smooth brain who thinks like a cat. His parents are ashamed.

>thread just created

Wait for OP's 2nd post if you want (he will now, but it makes them work harder), but he won't reply to you.

And the problem is being gay?
Sounds to me the problem is diseases existing.
When polio was rampant, it the kid's fault, right?
What about Alzheimer's? that's old peoples fault right?
I'm sorry, but if your sex drive compels you to be a certain way then it's just that fucking way. the only people who are fucked by this are pedophiles and people who can only get off with animals or by harming someone else.
Those people should be eradicated.
Gays hvae harmed no one and should be left alone.
And, we should seek to eradicate all diseases.

Neither is browsing logchan

It's disgusting and irregular, like someone born with a third hand.

they look underage, kys

What's wrong with this, exactly?

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Quit fantasizing about me 3-handing your cock, faggot.

Walk around with shit on your dick and you're bound to catch something!

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it’s gwoss. putting ur penis into a hole whose tissues are designed for outward movement? also there’s shit inside there. gwoss

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Visceral hate. I can't and don't have to explain it. It's fucking disgusting to me. They should keep it inside, as should all heteros.

Really makes me think

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based and underrated. i hate those faggot commercials with tons of niggers in them

I want all you american lads to seek professional help so you can stop living in an unending fever dream of veiny black bratwursts

Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

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