I'm not amused anymore

I just got back from the grocery store and they've started doing that maximum social distancing autism at the store thing here now and it just felt like some bonafide dystopian bullshit. I'd rather get sick and die than live in a world of bread lines and marked and measured personal space bubbles. But that isn't even my decision to make anymore.

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Well did you atleast get soup gourmet soups and a bag of milk

Leaf, I'm so sorry we used to talk about raking all of you. When they force us to stay in our homes for good, can we just play video games like we used to? Hell, I won't even tell you to stop calling me a mutt. By then, I'll miss all the banter that never got under my skin.

Nothing quite says "you live in a world of progress and prosperity" like being told to stand in line by pajeets lugging crates full of canned food around. I've never even seen pajeets in Germany before. Where did they come from all of a sudden?


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not an argument
I was just so emotionally jarred by the whole scene that I just turned my brain off and packed a full weeks worth of groceries into my cart (I normally go shopping twice a week to optimize the freshness of my perishables) and lined up to get out of there.

They're a cancer

we just need more diversity

I was pissed when trader joes quit doing coffee samples "for my safety"
But yeah run 3 registers limit of 20 people in the store and people are buying $1000 cart loads.

At least I dont have to reuse my bags

Same OP. My mental health really can't take much more of this. I lost my fucking mind the other night. Its hard to look at this situation positively simply because there is no good looking outcome as of yet. I hope I get the coofs at this point, dying would be preferable than living in the dystopia were headed at right now.

you cant hover over the person swiping a card oh woe is me.

totally feel you OP. people are ready to do some pathetic shit just to keep themselves from getting sick and maybe dying (1% at that!)

i mean, if some major doctor were to say eating raw human excrement would immune you from this flu you'd be seeing people walking around with shit smeared on they're lips.

people are so cowardly. no sense of honor whatsoever.

>*lick lick lick*
how do those boots taste faggot?

It's ok, we have to stick together! If things don't start looking up, we look towards each other for an answer!

>not being a disgusting normie crammed up against other normies is 'dystopia'
i hope you all get corona too user

The world right now is better than its been in ages. I wish theyd keep on doing this.

Think of the bright side. You dont have some chink coofing on you at least


The world will feel the incels feels. Literally the greatest time to be alive. I hope people literally die of depression

Fear is a poor advisor, but it causes many things to appear that one pretended not to see. The problem is not to give opinions on the gravity of the disease, but to ask about the ethical and political consequences of the epidemic. The first thing that the wave of panic that has paralyzed the country obviously shows is that our society no longer believes in anything but bare life. It is obvious that Italians are disposed to sacrifice practically everything — the normal conditions of life, social relationships, work, even friendships, affections, and religious and political convictions — to the danger of getting sick. Bare life — and the danger of losing it — is not something that unites people, but blinds and separates them. Other human beings, as in the plague described in Alessandro Manzoni’s novel, are now seen solely as possible spreaders of the plague whom one must avoid at all costs and from whom one needs to keep oneself at a distance of at least a meter. The dead — our dead — do not have a right to a funeral and it is not clear what will happen to the bodies of our loved ones. Our neighbor has been cancelled and it is curious that churches remain silent on the subject. What do human relationships become in a country that habituates itself to live in this way for who knows how long? And what is a society that has no value other than survival?

I like it. It keeps the nasties off me when I just want to grab some shit and go. Fuck anybody who has a problem with it.

The other thing, no less disquieting than the first, that the epidemic has caused to appear with clarity is that the state of exception, to which governments have habituated us for some time, has truly become the normal condition. There have been more serious epidemics in the past, but no one ever thought for that reason to declare a state of emergency like the current one, which prevents us even from moving. People have been so habituated to live in conditions of perennial crisis and perennial emergency that they don’t seem to notice that their life has been reduced to a purely biological condition and has not only every social and political dimension, but also human and affective. A society that lives in a perennial state of emergency cannot be a free society. We in fact live in a society that has sacrificed freedom to so-called “reasons of security” and has therefore condemned itself to live in a perennial state of fear and insecurity.

Also haha leaf you have to stay in canada.

Now you Cant come across the boarder to shoop at trader joes for half the price of your Canadian stores.

Or do they still allow shooping runs across the boarder?

It is not surprising that for the virus one speaks of war. The emergency measures obligate us in fact to life in conditions of curfew. But a war with an invisible enemy that can lurk in every other person is the most absurd of wars. It is, in reality, a civil war. The enemy is not outside, it is within us.

What is worrisome is not so much or not only the present, but what comes after. Just as wars have left as a legacy to peace a series of inauspicious technology, from barbed wire to nuclear power plants, so it is also very likely that one will seek to continue even after the health emergency experiments that governments did not manage to bring to reality before: closing universities and schools and doing lessons only online, putting a stop once and for all to meeting together and speaking for political or cultural reasons and exchanging only digital messages with each other, wherever possible substituting machines for every contact — every contagion — between human

god you're a creep.

And you see the real effect of this. Is that normally at 5-6pm on a grocery store you can weave through all the aisles, fill up your cart, and go through the self checkout without another human being getting within 20 feet of you. But this has artificially stretched the peak shopping hours and made the after-dinner shopping crowd MORE DENSE.
The dystopian part is being instructed by people at every turn of where to go and where to stand and seeing fucking propaganda posters everywhere. The store is MORE CRAMPED because of their stupid social distancing initiative.

>I just got back from the grocery store and they've started doing that maximum social distancing autism at the store thing here now

I've already been doing those practices for a decade now, because I'm surrounded by alien foreigners.

I feel you bro. I guess where I live my shopping experience is different.

Wait until the perspex screens go up in front of the cashiers - you will think you're in a bank, lol.


They've done that too now.

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Just waiting for the first reports of the Covid dead rising from the grave. :D
Normies aren't much different than zombies, other than you can kill one legally.

It's fucking fake.
Is it airborne or does it live on surfaces?
How do people actually get it??
Why does standing X feet from someone on protect me ?
Why is everything except entertainment deemed "an essential service" ?

Life is back to normal with stupid rules, over a made up virus.

If it was deadly and that contageous, they would not want people riding buses to work and working.

How many people does a cashier at a grocery store see a day?
How does waiting X feet apart but being 1 foot from the cashier protect them?

It's all stupid bullshit.

It seems cause trump values celebrities over everyone and made up this hoax so celebrities could save face in their pedo charges to normies according to Q tards.

If this was actually something to worry about, they wouldn't hem and haw and do nothing.

They only closed borders in canada to no one
Literally no one.
People still fly in from hot spots to "get home"


It's fake as fuck and if it's all so rich celebrities save face, Im pissed.

We must remember that not one person has an answer, but an understanding that we have a choice to aide or to sabotage it. If we look at the whole world, a person might forget that they do not live in other parts of that same world. Yet, they will try to imagine what they've never experienced.

It isn't hard to imagine an end to all of this.

It's a hoax.


Don't be stupid, that's how happenings happening, hollywood always show the result of it but not the process, be strong and in the end of it you can loot and rape as much as you want

I know the feels leaf fren. Don’t give up and work to stay sane.

Spoken like a true kike

Anyone want to discuss how these policies make things more dangerous?

Or the fact that many refugees have aids, teberculosis, and other diseas more deadly than Coronavirus and they have never sent them back or isolated them for medical screening

you like being in stuffy environments like a animal? I actually like the low traffic and empty streets, its so much more calmer without the shitty music people blast and the reduced amount of spics i see on the streets.

based kike maybe you get quick death instead of gas

Based post considering the flag.

I am with you user. Shutting down society for grandma is stupid. Grandma will be dead in a few years, let her go to heaven early so we don't starve or go insane!

It's true. They had strips of tape on the ground for "social distancing" and only 25 people could enter the store at a time. This is at a sporting good stor. If everything turns into these cattle chutes I'm gonna flip the fuck out on this martial law shit.

Why go at normal times? You can shop at any time now.

But im using local grocery store pickup. Really they aught to do this to keep the stores safe. Only store employees ar ein store, they deliver food to your car in parking lot at scheduled times.
Hopefuly in the future this is how all groceries are done and we can eliminate the stores themselves and just have people running in and out of warehouses. you can shop in real time outside remotely, browsing their current stock, then select what you want.

This minimizes contamination

>I'd rather get sick and die than live in a world of bread lines and marked and measured personal space bubbles.

Well I wouldn't so keep your distance you germy retard.

The reality is the preliminary statistics on it warrant some caution. However there is no empirical study that has been conducted or is even on the books to be conducted in order to determine whether:
A. Coronavirus is killing all these people and/or sending them to the hospital
B. All these people are already destined to get sick and die and we're just happening to find that they are also infected with coronavirus because it just happens to have already spread fucking everywhere.
And we're only testing sick people.
We had the same doomsday bullshit with H1N1 swine flu however many years ago and the actual mortality rate ended up being 20+ times lower than the initial projections. Because right now we're only testing people who are very ill.
>inb4 muh italy
There's heaps and heaps of articles from before this bullshit coming out of Italy calling for expansion of the health care system in order to accommodate the aged and dying population. More than 1% of Italy's population has been dropping dead per year in recent years just due to being so old. Italy is crowded. Young Italians move the fuck out of there.

>Hopefuly in the future this is how all groceries are done and we can eliminate the stores themselves and just have people running in and out of warehouses. you can shop in real time outside remotely, browsing their current stock, then select what you want.

I'm just waiting for robots to deliver me cheeseburgers and pizza directly to my face and work my jaws for me.

Regular shooping trips involve putting stuff in your cart sipping coffee & buying what you need. Inspite of diverse people the flow is relaxed.

Now you are being bossed around by grocery clerks, & they are getting off sexually on the power they hold over us shoopers

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its by an the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben


Fuck off commie. I want to see the boxes first.


>Go to Canadian Tire
>Giant plastic shield in front of cashier

I went shopping today and the Safeway had put up plastic shields between you and the cashiers.
Basically like what they do in nigger hoods where they get robbed all the time, but now everyone is like a criminal nigger because of invisible virus fear.

bag of malk*

as an INTJ I really enjoy this new distant social reality, fuck you

Of course you are not. The moment that your precious "happening" comes knocking at your door, you shit your paints. Typical Yas Forums behavior.

its not scientific, its a literal hoax
you have to be 70iq to believe this propaganda

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Take the nihilism pill guys. None of this shit matters. Either a. We're fucked and it's out of your hands. Or b. We're fine and it's out of your hands. No point stressing.

Bootlickers get the rope. And belong on reddit. And you have it ass backwards. Most of us just want to take our chances with this thing and have our normal lives back. But we're not given that option. Because we're literally being bullied at gunpoint by the government to bend over backwards to protect the weak. Your post is 1000% projection and you should die.

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Got any swish ?

If your normal lives have been affected by this you are a disgusting normie NPC and need to be controlled.

If everyone was an introvert the virus wouldn't spread to start with because we would rather sit at home than 'travel'.

Imprison all E types

This is our life now. I like it. It's like being in a movie but it's real haha.

That's the point. It's a demoralizing and authoritarian conditiong operation

The future has no place for you.

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Oh he GOIN get raked

Trips of Truth.


says the person who has anxiety when he is not maximizing his infection risk

They should open everything back up, you will all get yourselves killed while we survive

i wouldn't be surprised if it is. but even if its not, are people really ready to give up the manners by which they live just to keep the bare fact of their existence as a pulsating, warm body that breathes in oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide, that feeds and shits etc?

like, is being virtually lobotomized is better then being dead? or think about Alzheimer patients that are being fed through a tube in their nose.

who the fuck would want to "live" that way?

heh... what a time to be alive, im agreeing with a kike you know, Goldberg, maybe in another life or universe we could have been friends but not in this timeline not in this future

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This is the last thing I will ever say to a meme flagger.

My job is 'essential' so I'm allowed outside lol. I don't even care about going outside and all these normies are going crazy wishing they could. Truly we have inherited the Earth.

>I'd rather get sick and die
You say that now until your lungs are collapsing and you die a slow and painful death.

They sell bags of milk in Canada

Attached: milk_bag.jpg (1400x1050, 236.44K)

Nothing is happening tho, besides more rights being infringed upon.

based and redpilled jew
