Trump is a woman on hormones. Look at that face
>democrats blocked trumpbux bill
pls no bill. i want line go down
even our shitty powers-that-be are gonna help us losers, out.
$750 cash
$750 cash
Double the rate $$$ of unemployment from $550 to $1010 a fortnight. (for 6 months)
I'm gonna be sitting high and dry on my mountains of TP and sardines!
its a Glorious time to be alive!
oh, trump sucks.
Trump is part of the elite, of course he is a she
Democrats still blocking our money. I'll probably never vote dem again and I'm starting to think Yas Forums was right about jews
>Imagine fucking donnies pussy
dumb faggot the republicans wanted huge corporate bailouts and were unwilling to compromise with a better deal for the WORKING CLASS. Trump is a total buffoon faggot. screw him and screw these shits
Git them tendies and bux mate
Makes sense. He can't even grow a beard or any facial hair. I don't think there's even a picture of him even with stubble.
What does that webm come from?
Dems sabotaged it is what I heard. Can't confirm but it wouldn't be out of character for them to do that. Might come down to an executive order in the end. Dems will block it but I believe Trump has the power to overrule. May have to go through the courts if the dems really don't want it to go through. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, burgerbros.
Stay mad fag I got my AUS neetbux.
Almost here.
Being blocked by the Democrats.
The deal couldn’t go to revote until tomorrow. Hold your tits mate
I've voted Democrat my whole life until now cause of this shit. I need that money
Everyone is back to work on Monday no Trump bux are coming
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. the average person uses 7 rolls per day. if you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. over 100 a month. tp will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
you can blame this thing
ps shes worth 110 million dollars from insider trading.
Corporate bailouts is the new catch phrase for morons who dont understand economics. Who hurt you man?
Why's McConnel trying to undo Dodd-Frank NOW? Why are the rethugs trying to use now as a lever to give $500 BILLION DOLLARS to corporations and rich people without any Congressional scrutiny? Why can't you fucking gump-humpers just use the InterTubEz to READ THE FUCKING BILLS?
Can't read? Can't comprehend? No wonder you voted for a human hog.
Quasi-Jew here. Yas Forums is basically right about the Jews but the emphasis is all wrong and the specifics verge on paranoid schizophrenia at times. The Jew thing is just a natural consequence of competition between ethnic groups. It could have been the Jews. It could have been some other group. But it's the Jews. Jews are just playing their hands well. Jews aren't special.
Pelosi wants to give DACA illegals amnesty, and TrumpBux, that's the hold up. She won't relent. She's making this political for fun.
It's a game, you idiot. They stall and haggle to make a political show for both parties, then give you the absolute minimum they think they can get away with and stuff the bill with gibs for themselves and corporate Jewmerica.
maybe virus will wipe out the dems fingers crossed, although i feel trump is salty he and his greedy cronies cant suck off the government tit now the dems blocked the bill so hes urging BACK TO WORK so their companies and investments dont go belly up and bankrupt. god forbid they become peasants like us
No trumpbux only high interest loans. The Democrats really fucked the country over this time, worse than I imagines they could (and I hate the GOP).
I did read the bill. Which is why I jumped ship over to Trump like allot of people have been lately. Pelosi literally tried to sneak amnesty for illegals in the bill. Seriously wtf?
Fuck Nanzi
And fuck illegals
Both have been fucking us for a couple decades now
dems countered with a bill that is 1400 pages long with garbage for fuel emissions, wind and solar tax credit and union bullshit. They are worried about global warming nonsense at a time like this.
we could all have been paid $1400 by now if it wasn't for their corruption and bullshit
Yeah! Pelosi know what's up! Make sure the anchorbabies are safe first, trannies can open up their own banks to dispense triple-strength welfare to said anchorbabies, niggers and roasties, and retards have enough donuts to weather the coming economic storm, THEN help the working class. We can't sacrifice our principles for a short-term gravy train on wheels greased with bigotry!
B..but in a crisis like this WE NEED RACE AND GENDER QUOTAS FOR EXEC BOARDS!!! Its funny that dems didnt seem to have any problem with obama's stimulus plan that literally enriched the people around them and their companies. No of course, that was fine
please God tell me that you're the son of a prominent feminist?
Nah, it’s the Dems fault. They are killing America
>How about a loan?
So you're basically saying it's just because they have no hesitation whatsoever when it comes to practicing extreme nepotism.
what about the neets tho?
Yeah because the most important thing to do right now is to delay giving money to people who were living paycheck to paycheck so we can dump 1 trillion dollars or more into green energy instead.
Pelosi belongs in jail.
>1200 to 750
>oy vey goyim why do you need 1200 dollars?
>you're going to break me goyim I can't afford 1000 dollars
>fine goy here's your 750 dollars.
OP is a seething shitnigger.
this board has been full of shills the last few months. way more than usual. are you surprised people are trying to use the panic to their advantage?
They're trying to tack on a bunch of unrelated bullshit.
$260 B paid out in Trumpbucks is only going to cost $6 T, a fucking steal!
He said it was easy to bolster the public-health agency and cited his business approach toward running the federal government.
"I'm a businessperson. I don't like having thousands of people around when you don't need them," Trump said. "When we need them, we can get them back very quickly."
The president said some of the experts targeted by the cuts "hadn't been used for many years" and that additional federal money and new medical staffers could be obtained swiftly since "we know all the good people."
End DACA by executive order, sign the bill
Dumbfuck Trump can't negotiate so you ain't getting shit
Any funding to Israel right now over the American people would really get the sheep to wake up.
So os the trumpbux just a tax break or what.
the democrats are holding it up because they want abortion spending and money for illegals. they won;t get these things but they will kill as many americans as possible stalling.
they will scrape it in using their children.
They are on easy mode with free rent and food bux and medical and school and and and
NY could go red after this
I'm hungry
it has to pass the legislative branch before it goes to the executive you stupid fucking maple nigger.
Literally just a show while the virus spreads
anyone who believes trump doesn't want it to spread is a fool at this point
The WH and Congress will give trillions to banks, cc companies, casinos, Big Oil etc and the FED will assume all underwater loans and the only thing we'll get is more of the same.
What are you going to ask for next? Hand sanitizer and toilet paper? Nope, nope, nope: what you are advocating is socialism.
America is more an "every man for himself" kind of place.
>it has to pass the legislative branch before it goes to the executive
It's not unheard of for an executive to make a few calls and lobby for his bills.
Here in the real world, that's more effective than rage-tweeting.
I wouldn't go that far. There are Jews who aren't ethnocentric, for example, but being pro-Jew is common within Jewish circles. I mean, why wouldn't it be? There are a lot of people of European descent who are anti-white. That's actually the main problem whites have imo. I'm not saying don't notice the Jews, but I am saying cleaning house should be a bigger priority right now.
>unwilling to compromise with a better deal for the WORKING CLASS
Yeah, the working class needs green deal policies and amnesty for illegals NOW.
mnuchin, at the request of trump, is giving nancy a dicking right now to try and get her to tell the dems in the house to stop killing americans for illegals
>It could have been the Jews. It could have been some other group. But it's the Jews
It just so happened to be the jews consistently since at least the time of Christ thousands of years ago. But yeah, totally incidental bro.
Yeah, and I'm sure a bill that enforces mandatory diversity quotas for corporations is a reasonable middle ground.
That's basically what I've heard but I'm not gonna read a thousand pages worth of legislative proposals that have nothing to do with Britain so I don't really know what's happening exactly.
the best one is probably that democrats tried to add new regulations for airlines that would make doing business harder during a time where airlines have lost half their business
Demonrats tried to bundle the deal with
- total open borders
- you can only get bucks if you implement divetsity officers.
Leftists are pure fucking evil.
Not incidental at all. Just a fact. Europeans could crush them easily if they really wanted to but Europeans are too busy bickering amongst themselves and feeling sorry for other races. Like I said, the Jews have played a good game but they aren't invincible. Don't put the other races on a pedestal. Come up with a plan.
Par for the course then, pretty much.
I dont like corps as much as the next guy, but without those corps bailouts, the next guy, and me, wont have a job after getting trump bux.
>Economy is only climbing because its hoping that random motherfuckers are gonna get random cash to go spend more on stupid shit.
>tfw guaranteed to see an immense drop after two more days of the deal being bickered about
I love this rollercoaster of bots reading headlines and panicking harder than the investors who use them.
>America is more an "every man for himself" kind of place.
Unless you're a multi billion dollar corporation.
Unironically this.
Pelosi is a fucking blessed angel compared to the cheeto in cheif. Thank goodness we only have a few more months left of this bullshit.
You're blaming the wrong politician.
Nancy and Schumer are who you want to talk to OP.