Why do non-whites browse Yas Forums?

Why do non-whites browse Yas Forums?

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Both of my parents are Japanese. I just sometimes go through it for fun. There’s a lot of really funny and weird stuff people post

This picture is a perfect example of why non-whites should NEVER view this board named Yas Forums. Why is a SPIC advertising himself calling people niggers and using racist slurs when he's a little fucking Mexican? How fucking ignorant can you be? right.

He's probably lurking right now

Didn't know Adam Sandler's a /pol faggot

go back to td

Yas Forums has never been white. Look at meetup pics.

memes and info

I larp as whatever the opposing view is in every thread I post. That means sometimes I end up being a white guy

What's td?

Really high energy you can’t see the material anywhere else. The entire internet television a is jewish black people no Americans at all. Your fixin to see them fucking in front of you with dead white people everywhere on the screen if you close your eyes like an Asian you will see them moving like an illustion. If you close your four fingers and look through the middle finger slits they will turn into monsters in front of you. What is it like to see monsters wearing white peoples skin on the television. I’ve seen them turn different colors

This smdh faggot ass stormcucks

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Thanks nip

Yas Forums was made to shitpost
Why do people take this site seriously?

To get back at whitey by spamming interracial shit.

just here for a laugh. I don't take this board or anything else seriously.

>one post by this id
This one gonna get 300+ replies, guaranteed.

It's a fact that there are tons of shitskins on this board.
Why do white people browse Yas Forums?


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Be careful. You might piss him off.

Memes, happenings, lulz

Because sometimes i got banned from Yas Forums(nel) because i typed jews, niggers, chinks, gooks, chinese virus, cuckold, transgenders and feminist should die and any mention about holocoster

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are we bothering you?

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my aryan irish/german mother married an italian then divorced him.

td bank

>implying any true whites actually post here

Technically speaking there shouldn’t be a forward slash.

If you tried to make it 'whites only', jews and brown people would be besides themselves to subvert, and then there would be even more non whites here.

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because in theory this is supposed to be a politics board.

>It's a fact that there are tons of shitskins on this planet.
>Why do white people exist?

no idea, i'v been here since 2011, i coulen't escape despite my best efforts

Literally me, unironically :)

because we can.

It’s an American site, where are they supposed to go

He tried to warn you,Yas Forums. But you didn't listen.
People who don't look like the GoldenOne should not have any rights.

This is CBS news reporting that there is a secret hangout in the dark web where people say nigger, more at 11

Japs are honorary whites so you're cool

>tfw no spic virgin aspy bff
Why even live

Because I hate myself

I'm white but probably the same reason I do. It's just so fun to spectate this festival

I find you people funny.

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>implying that anyone on Yas Forums is white

So because I’m not white I’m suppose to ally myself with blacks? That’s how liberals think.

>1 post by this ID

If you look at the pol meetups they aren't all white. Yas Forums used to have a nationalist presence before it was stormfag white nationalist stupid like we have today.

Because Yas Forums is hilarious and being called spic scum or something along those lines doesn't faze me at all. It is also a great time killer, and I'm here forever anyways.

>you unironically cry while doing research into what it is like to actually be human.
Shitskins aren't human but I applaud your efforts

>So because I’m not white I’m suppose to ally myself with blacks?
No just stick to your own race. Why do you have to weasel your way in with white people? Fuck off spic

I just like to talk about how much I love cute blonde white girls and get whitoid larpers seething.
t. arab

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Are you a pajeet?

Keep telling yourself that son.

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Some of the jokes or insults people make about me being a burger cracks me up


Hitler sided with the Japs so you get a pass.

This is false. however, nips tend to stick to their own kind, so I don’t hate them

Why should spics like niggers? Every nation should be free of the jew and multiculti hell.

You are spic scum

So because I call a nigger a nigger, you think I’m trying to weasel in with whitoids? Kek at the narcissism, no wonder you fags are celibate.

White nationalist support nationalist of all races doing their own thing you dumb faggot
It’s also not just for WN

No one cares

Because although Im not white, I hate niggers and muslims.

He’s in Mexico, you nigger.

why does OP have memeflag

Basically the same as this spic here. It is really funny seeing what some of Yas Forums believes in. it's almost like watching that one conspiracy nut spew the craziest shit and truly believe it.

They like the kek and the redpill.

Digits confirm you're here for life

Why don't you go back to your own country then? You're a parasite too. IF you truly oppose multiculturalism and globohomo you would fuck off back to wherever you or your family came from

More like Meetup spics LOL

if you're telling someone to stick to their race and don't go degrading themselves to fit in with foreigners, there are better ways than calling him a spic and telling him to fuck off.
it's psychotic to constantly berate the only wogs who are lucid enough to see the shit that's going on and how they're being set up to fight us, just because they're wogs. responding to good will with insults and mockery is beneath us

Found the nigger wanting more spic allies

A thread died for this.

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This. It's also fun to troll the sensitive conservative white virgin on here

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They are the Uncle Ruckus-es of whatever non-white race they are. Pretty simple desu

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They heard about big bad 4Chinz, and how it's the headquarters of racism and want to see for themselves, invade and perhaps even sway people back to ordinary cuckery. However as they lurk they see shit that makes sense and explains a lot of things, ESPECIALLY about them, then the real SEETHING starts as the monkey inside them is feeling uneasy and the shitstorm of slide threads is what we get. Much like our countries once they come here they never leave

because I have more in common with the values presented here than anywhere else.

Reddit, tumblr, twitter etc are all gay as fuck.

fuck off shitskin you're part of the problem. You're not "based" and no matter how many relevant facst you know you will never be one of us. Go back to where you came from if you truly believe in opposing globohomo neoliberalism

you ever watch a ralph/mister metokur stream? The same fatass sounding, light voiced little faggots that call in and have obvious autism are the same retards that post here.

the same with shitskins, they just wanna feel "in" here cause you're all lonely friendless faggots

The chocolate sistashs secretly want to get bleached.

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Whites are always right. It's a good place to get non-biased, trustful info on global news.


To belittle the sad short men who consider themselves “white”. Go on, say the word!

>responding to good will with insults and mockery is beneath us
No one cares what you do in your own country. Opposing multiculturalism in your own lands? Good.

But make no mistake if you live in a western country as a non white you are part of the problem and nothing will change that besides going the fuck back

He honestly is whiter than even me. I think I'm pretty white

You sound drunk and maybe not white. It’s an anonymous board. We all want jews out of our countries. Even African countries would be better off. This we agree on.

>Why do non-whites browse Yas Forums?
To trigger whites

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Like I said, I hate muslims and blacks.

This is because I work with on a daily basis and know that muslims can never integrate. A muslim would never dream of marrying a non muslim.

I am friends with blacks too but they are too uncivilized.

Everyone is allowed to hate Jews not just white people

Yeah just ignore all the proof and call us dumb, nigger