This is what the average Canadian elementary school looks like

Any thoughts?

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I bet it looks more like an empty room right now.

feels pretty bad, I grew up in Canada and my school from K to 8 didn't have a single black, brown, or asian kid. in high school there were 2 black guys, one was pretty cool and good at basketball, the other literally became a drug dealer and stabbed a girl to death.

recently saw a photo of some of the jets visiting my old school for i love to read month and i counted the ethnics. it was more than 30% of the class. from literally 0 ethnics to 1/3 of the school in less than 15 years

I see older women on dating sites all the time. 30+ and they're hoping for a millionaire to fall out of the sky for them. They should be beaten at this point or forced to breed.

I remember being the only white kid in my class for a few years. Fuck Toronto.

European exit lights are green.

they started changing them to green because green is the "colour of safety" and the immigrants cant read english

Looks like a sea of shit. Nothing but shitty black hair.

i spent a year in catholic school in toronto and there was only 3 white people in the class of 32

i had a dream i was still in school last night. The classroom was a big room on the 3rd floor and it was advanced school work and i didnt understand it. Then the class ended and i walked out with my friends and we walked down the stairs which were massive and outside there was a playground outside which was also massive and all the kids which looked like they were in highschool were playing on it. I realized everyone looked like they were older and in highschool but the entire school looked large comparatively like we were all actually 8 years old. It was a real peter pan moment like I remembered what it felt like to be 10 years old again going to school and i wished i could go back to such a simpler time.

Imagine the smell

lmfao whites are dead

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canadian government is stealing kids to groom them as trannies

>Wong is heard proudly describing the scope of his children-only “gender therapy” practice, noting that his youngest client is not yet three years old and that he has 501 orphans and foster kids in his local practice.

>If true, this indicates Wong has likely used his relationship with the BC Ministry of Children and Family to diagnose more than 10 to 20 percent of local children in government care as needing his “gender therapy,”

which makes sense red is just stupid

Y'all white people everywhere be gettin replaced and its yo own damn fault.

Really? Looks too white.

Indians Immigrating To Canada At An Astonishing Rate

Indian immigration in first 11 months of 2019 increased by +105%
Indian student numbers in 2018 increased by +127%

Attached: canada 1.jpg (299x168, 10.73K)

Do any anons have experience going to a diverse school and what was it like? I’m from Scarborough and went to a high school were 75 percent of the students were Indian, Chinese, Flipino, paki and Afghan. Most kids there were very academic and focused on getting into top STEM programs for university. Most were very socially awkward, but some kids were cool and easy to get a long with. The remaining 25 percent of kids were either black or white. The black and white kids were either ghetto trash or chad tier and were there to play on the sports teams. One of our gym teacher’s was a coach for Scarborough’s OVFL team ( Scarborough Thunder) so he got a bunch of football players to transfer over to my school, because of that we ended up being really good at football and would go to city finals most years. Most guys were mutli sport (basketball or hockey) so we ended up being good at other sports as well. There weren’t that many couples at my school since half the kids were brown and asian spergs and didn’t know how to socialize with girls. Probably about 80 percent of the guys at my prom didn’t even have dates. Despite all the diversity there weren’t that many mixed-race couples except for white guys with Asian girls. A couple of the black guys were dating white girls but they went too different schools, and there was one really hot Indian girl who dated a white guy who went to a school called Sir Oliver Mowat and ended up making the NHL but his career didn’t last long because he tore his ACL twice in one year.

These diverse schools are typically low performing schools. I feel bad for the white kids who must suffer in them.

>A quarter of Canada’s immigrants arrived from India in 2019
>India was by far the main source country of new immigrants to Canada in 2019.

>1. India 85,585 (25%)
>2. China 30,260 (9%)
>3. Philippines 27,815 (8%)

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no its not you cherrypicked a region in Canada again, have fun with the idiots

Too white

hmm well at least pajeets dont chimp out as much as blacks and seem much less nefarious than the chinese but what are they going to do about the smell?

Attached: diversity is strength toronto canada.jpg (862x766, 159.71K)

Its not nonwhites fault white women are too selfish to pop out some kids.

Its a fucking school faggot dont get upset at children.

>Canada grants over 139,000 study permits to Indian students in 2019
>up 68% over 2 years
>1. India 139,740 (34.5%)
>2. China 87,710 (21%)
>2. S.Korea 17,060 (4.%)

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looks like a bunch of well mannered children. Good job to the parents and teachers for raising them I hope they all become productive citizens with happy and fruitful lives. I also hope OP dies soon for being such a colossal faggot



Go to a elementary school anywhere but GTA, Montreal or Vancouver and it looks nothing lile this. Hell I live in Oshawa and my kids elementary school is probably 90% white.

Imagine being the one white kid just waiting to die.

kek. But they all had to go home early

Bit honestly I don't understand what the problem is have you seen our demographics ? The non white portion is like

8% Asian ( mostly chinese and flipinos)
5% Pajeet
5% natives
3-4% black
1-2% Latin American

We don't get europea refugees. We.sont have USA caravan migrants and black slaves. The minorities here don't do shit

Those things are not human. Neither are you shitskin.

Basically every canadian poster on Yas Forums is a shitskin.

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I went to an elementary school in Calgary that was near 100% white - there was only one brown kid named Ian and everyone bullied him saying "Ian, Ian farts till he starts peein" till he eventually left the school

my town had a few shitskin arab kids and they were the ones who would drive around town and beat up random people. Guy i worked with got pushed on the ground and kicked in the head by a group of the monkeys.

HA! My country is whiter than yours chin chong!

Of course you don't see the problem with that picture, stupid goy.

and you are?

surely it's just a coincidence that the housing market spiked and no one can afford to raise children?

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this is how I remember school in Canada.

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>tfw you went to school and there was only minority in the entire county
He owned a Chinese food store and made hundreds of millions in real estate

>Over the past two decades, there have been approximately 100 murders attributed to Indo-Canadian gangs in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia: over 50% of these murders have occurred in public settings. The issue of Indo-Canadian gangs has received tremendous media attention. Community concerns have focused on the nature and extent of the recent gang violence and what should be done to respond and prevent it. Some observers have cautioned against overreacting to the involvement of Indo-Canadians, while others view it as a serious problem. Still others have debated whether the community should get involved or whether it is exclusively a police matter.

Attached: canada crime gangs.jpg (564x423, 250.46K)

>Guy i worked with got pushed on the ground and kicked in the head by a group of the monkeys
If that's a beat down to you pussies........

Seriously, you kids here talk all this hardcore kill nigger shit and then let pajeets beat you up.

That happened to me to for being a mouthy punk to older kids.
I got up and walked away from and learned to shut up.

One time, I was drunk as shit wandering around downtown trying to find some nightclub in a drunken stupor and stopped this guy and his GF
I donno guess I spooked the guy, he turned into chuck norris and round house kicked me in the face and I just stood there a second, shook it off and then ran the other way

Get tough pussies.

>A letter addressed to Parhar and Bhajan Singh Gill, general secretary with the Progressive Cultural Association of Calgary dated June 6 from then-interim Calgary Police Chief Steve Barlow, states:
>“We can tell you that the current violence within the South Asian community is drug-related and involves drug trafficking from the street level up to the highest levels of organized crime,” the letter reads.
>“The recent homicides, shootings and other violent incidents are an immense concern for the service and we are doing everything possible to ensure it stops.”

>“The police said sometimes the families of the kids involved with drugs or the gangs, sometimes they know some information but they hesitate to give it. And sometimes parents notice something and they know the kids are involved but they don’t know how they can help the police or the law enforcement.”

Attached: canada crime gangs 2.jpg (352x343, 31.81K)

Do you whites even exist anymore?

>100 murders in 20 years
>5 per year
>population nearly 3 million
>almost exclusively intra/inter gang violence

wow pajeets killing 5 other pajeets a year. what a hellscape

I'd rather have poos and chinks than spics and niggers

That's what my elementary school looked like and I'm 30. So it's far worse than you think.

Dude Surrey is ranked 85th in criminal activity in Canada and we are a safe country


Growing up, the few ethnics in my class were from "wealthier" families and had good grades.

No Negro chimpouts or any of this nonsense that you find in America.

This. All the foreign kids were the smartest kids and rich.

Why do you spineless white cucks allows Jews to live? I seriously dont fucking get it.
You are literally getting genocided without even lifting a finger

This. All the Muslim kids I met here were Pakis and Bengalis who lived in mansions in their old countries

that's how it starts, then those have kids and then those kids fuck everything up

This guy is so fucking stupid.

toronto is a multi culti shit hole, corporate job force this whole diversity is our strength. I hate living in Toronto , you sit at a restaurant and overhear conversations of white girls bashing straight white men. If you dont agree with mass immigration, islam, liberal policy youre branded a racist and people will try to use it to fire you from work, not necesarily what you think but if they know youre conservative they will find a reason to fire you. I'm kind of done and thinking of moving to Europe or up north, invest after the crash come and buy a house somewhere where I can find a woman that wants kids and isnt a feminist.

Looks like a Syrian school.

Only God can decide that

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all it takes is a cold winter with no power to go back to 0

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absolutely disgusting

Probably Vancouver, it's not like that in the non-degenerate Eastern Canada.

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I had 1 Lebanese from a wealthy family, 1 Palestinian (who's mother was extremely nice to me whenever I visited his house) and 2 Blacks (one of which was apparently in the 'gifted' program).

I'm not under any delusion though, 100% White is preferable.

It's sad the British character of this nation is completely dead.

The French smartly quarantined themselves to Quebec and can control their cultural influence far more.

When I was a child we were proudly taught the legacies of the Founding Fathers of Confederation, Sir John A. MacDonald bringing the East and Western colonies together, uniting Upper and Lower Canada.

Now he is widely considered a genocidal drunk stain on history, at least that is what I am told by the media and by impressionable young people.

It's fucking pathetic, I live in a big city most of the White Canadians I know barely even have historical ties to this nation, mine go back 300+ years with Scottish and English roots.

not blending in well eh rabbi?

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Wtf bros, you told me chinks were behind all the shitposting in Canada! I only see poos, answer me, do you want to apologize?

They're well behaved, educated, and organized but they are also extremely ethnocentric. They only care about their own, that's what Canada is becoming.

You see how Indians, Chinese, Filipinos do business, it's make a buck any way they can off White people and undercutting prices with no guarantee of good service, community contributions, etc.

Allied victory

Lol this is how the average Indian guys look in Toronto

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It's over.

Toronto metro area demographics

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That's not the point smallbrain. It's visual proof that something is wrong, and their parents as well as the government are the ones at fault.

What does "Canadian" mean here?


Canadian means Anglo/french families that have been here over many decades basically

White people obviously aren't being ethnically cleansed. Go to sleep.

Did the coloured kids bully you?

I know we give you Frostbacks a lot of grief here on Yas Forums but you're experiencing the same globalist cancer that infected the US around the end of the Vietnam War wrt forced cultural enrichment.

Once that globohomo's reign is over and the average Leaf finally wakes the fuck up, you'll be left cleaning up (((their))) destructive policies via taxes.

The only real solution is educating your fellow snow-niggers.

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