They really don't want hydroxychloroquine (with azythromycin) to work


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-24 After Trump Hyped Chloroquine as a Covid-19 Cure, a Man Died Trying to Self-Medicate With a Version o[...].png (1212x939, 686.6K)

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I'm just giddy thinking about trumpeteers chewing up fishtank cleaners

I not encouraging people to drink aquarium cleaner.
But it's just bizarre that here we are, ostensibly going through the worst pandemic since 1918, and there's this much hostility to a promising cocktail of old, well-understood drugs.

Because the deep state is trying to incite global panic, and this turning into a nothingburger is the opposite of that.

>retard thinks chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are the same thing

Medical people are such good people that literal sociopaths are sometimes redeemed in the medical profession. Tryst with trust, and trust in this: there are many good people working to find an answer.

Overdosing, and antibiotics can kill you flat out when you take more than the recommended dosage. Azythromycin doesn't treat the virus itself but the bacterial infections that the carrier succumbs to. You're only supposed to take it for a week.

Two reasons:
A. Trump endorsed it.
B. It's an old drug with an expired copyright. Anyone can produce it so big pharma can't monopolize on a drug that millions of people would depend on to survive.

Attached: 1522790995394.jpg (599x355, 70.3K)

Wrong word.
I meant patent.

Attached: 1473096905932.gif (360x240, 653.35K)

They wanted to scare the world enough that we would willingly embrace UN take over of national Healthcare systems globally and eventually defense

it does work tho

Attached: cFUbqgW.png (839x886, 591.62K)

Because its piss cheap. They need to accumulate most of it on the market to sell it for 100x profit. This takes time.

Attached: rothschild_chlroroquine.png (727x470, 65.78K)

>muh six million tablets by the end of the month

>hydroxychloroquine (with azythromycin)
look at who owns the patent, or namely (((who))) doesn't profit from this

You keep thinking the new world order is the UN, they have to disband the UN by definition.
EU is already fucked, and they skipped right over Canadamrexica superstate.
7 countries remain opposed, this was all leaked after 9/11, Iran Syria NK and four others I cant even remember because they are not a threat.

Its already over.

You can not profit or gain more control over the tax livestock if you have a simple effective cure.

Greatest Ally!

Teva holds the monopoly on HRT meds.
Womp womp
Guess you won't contract Corona-chan, but they'll certainly sterilize you. Might even grow a nice rack in the process

So who are they?

Attached: chloroquine_patent.png (696x604, 165.21K)

Gee, really activates the almonds

vaccines were ready to be sold. deep state is mad. gates BTFO

Cure = no more scaremongering
Cure = no vaccine that might have worse side effects
Fuck the media.

Wow it’s almost like a doctor should prescribe it or something.

>The “Trickett Wendler, Frank Mongiello, Jordan McLinn, and Matthew Belllina Right to Try Act of 2017” passed Congress on May 22, 2018.
Private clinical trials are hugely successful and very cheap. Good bye big pharma.

Attached: private.png (621x835, 130.22K)

Okay now that is interesting. The patent was signed in 1992 and the company was kill in 1994. So who was phone? I mean who own the patents now?

No it isn't. The testing of the drug is what's important. anyone can make it and study it. It is public.

same reason anyone on pol who is right wing does the opposite of whatever leftists advocate.
You are all contrarians

They're desperate. They know the Dem candidates are trash
>Trump: H2O is good for you you should drink at least 1 liter a day
>Retard drinks a liter of H2O2 and dies
>Media: hurrrr Trump killed a man

Trump said Hydroxychloroquine, not fish tank cleaner but the retards keep pushing it as if he said something wrong

>with a version of the chemical
It's a completely different molecule. That's like calling sodium hydroxide a different version of table salt.

The patent expired in 2015. Nobody owns it.
That's why the drug is dirt cheap.

Attached: 1541549224115.jpg (573x730, 120.44K)

Chloroquine LD50 is approx. 2 grams. Therapeutic dose is 200mg.
He was eating it with a spoon as per the wife.
The media does not want you to know how effective private testing of drugs is.

Because it’s snake oil


Is it now?

Attached: Hydroxychloroquine.png (1457x834, 545.84K)

You know why.

How much did he take? Is it a painless death? Asking for a friend.

Will it turn me into a cuteboy? Will I become less hairy and grow my hair back? I guess the next best thing is to become a daddy to a cuteboy.

Attached: 1438402584276.jpg (250x250, 19.97K)

OP, its actually hydroxychloroquine. But I'm sure you knew this. It's not like you have an agenda behind pushing this drivel

He probably enlongated his QT interval and had a cardiac arrest.

Teva also owns creator of azythromycin

I'm not a medfag but when Pneumonia hits doctor used to say it's bacteria. Has anyone used regular antibiotics?

The shit that idiot drank didn't even have that in it. Guy was so retarded he drank cleaner with a chemical in it that rhymed with chloroquine.

This makes me think that Trump is alright after all.

It was chloroquine phosphate

What is actually HCQ? Both are used in the treatment of Covid-19. Trump was talking about both of them.

So what is this going to look like when Time Traveler Trump is right again - America reopens on Easter and was cured with Hydroxylchloroquine and ZPacks and the media spent the entire time trashing him?

Bingo. So that is the reason why David Rothschild is FUDDING the cure. (((they))) cannot profit from it because its a public drug. We need to spread this information to everyone. Maybe someone is picking the story up.

(BTW I could not respond from brave and had to reset mybrwoser because I got an "Suspicious captcha" message. WTF? Are theytrying to get me?)

>NaCl is essential for you
>Better drink some pool cleaner
Darwin award

What else it could be retard? Chloroquine base?

Seems like this person took a version only recommended by the CCP.

Bump for private collaboration between scientists (worldwide via the internet, instantly) and Right to Try clinical trials being done in days, not years. The Bigger Pharma is the harder it falls.

i dont think anyone gives a shit, bro

hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have the same mechanism of action. They do the same thing. Hydroxychloroquine is tolerated a little better due to its metabolism (less likely to OD), but they are both prescribed to treat/prevent the same exact illnesses.
Will you retards just shut the fuck up about lmao pool cleaner.

Attached: retard alert.jpg (766x693, 236.47K)



Armchair chemist here. There a O4P instead of just a O and there's 3 more hydrogen atoms.

What do these extra atoms do? And how was this new compound formed?

Mate, that's stupid. Trump was talking both about HCQ and CQ. Both are used to treat covid. The fact that CQ was phosphate doesn't matter, human medicine CQ is in a phosphate form too. It's just salt. Drugs are rarely used in their based forms.
That retard just took too much.

it works, private studies can confirm that. That is all that matters at this point. You or I could purchase these chemicals and test them.

if it got cured and this was all fixed by election time, Trump is a shoe-in

so don't be a retard and OD.
Everyone else, including (you) is saying that chloroquine is aquarium antifreeze that is entirely unrelated to the antiviral drug hydroxychloroquine. They're basically the same fucking thing.

>be globalist satanic elite
>plan this out from the start
>release the virus
>it's going great
>the herd is scared shitless and asking for more regulation
>ground prepped for one world government
>forced vaccinations to inject the cattle with whatever you want
>make a massive profit on top of it all
>suddenly this shows up, extremely effective
>someone must have let it slip through during designing
>too late to fix the virus now
>try to bury it
>doesn't work
>try to smear it
>Trump tweets it making it forever impossible to bury
>dream falling apart right before your eyes
>panic and screech uncontrollably through all your propaganda channels

It’s a lot more understandable if you acknowledge that TDS is a real thing and it’s victims are sick and depraved.

Trump talking about Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine
>A drug called chloroquine
>Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine

>That retard just took too much.
It has the same LD50 as Ibuprofen. People don't care what they're taking so do not know what LD50 is or how drugs are even approved for trial animal trials let alone clinical. It's by design.

One is medical grade and the other isn’t.

Hydroxychloroquine is more effective then regular chloroquine but they are both do the same thing.

The point is at no stage has trump advocated people should buy fish tank cleaner and self medicate. It's like someone drinking a bottle of hand sanitizer because it kills germs then blaming the government.

based raoult

Odd that this person took something listed in documentation by the Chinese though (and never listed by the USA).

Or was this person smart enough to find it but dumb enough to think it was the same?

Salts and bases in pharmacology

True. The media is worse than ever, even Soviet Era propaganda wasn't this bad.

no, they both are you fuckin honorary leaf.

Yeah, a doctor that isn't playing mad scientist. You know, the kind that do it under proper supervision when they're actually permitted! It's just too bad that it isn't permitted outside of any trials!

It is not poison. It works just fine, just not as well as hydroxychloroquine.
He was eating it with a spoon. He overdose. The LD50 is 2 grams. Therapeutic is 200mg
See this post. Pic related.

Trump could find the cure to cancer and these people would take a giant shit on it