My friend at CDC

my friend at CDC

>inb4 my dad works at Nintendo
>I'm not lying, you faggots, I'm trying to save your lives

my friend from CDC confirms today that the American medical system will suffer complete collapse by April 1, according to current models. By delaying national shutdown one more day, Trump just murdered another many tens of thousands.

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Other urls found in this thread:–Saudi_Arabia_oil_price_war

fake and gay

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> murdered

Not knowing what words mean

Were pretty much fucked.

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I have two friends at the CDC and they both told me the virus is just a meme that Drumphf is using to distract from his ties to Putin

>Trump just murdered another many tens of thousands.

>1 April

>J-just one more week and the whole world will end. I mean it this time!

I work at the CDC. Trump just saved millions. The medical system is better than ever.

>>Trump just murdered another many tens of thousands.
the ones he's murdering are the idiots who are stupid enough to listen to him.


you lie.

is there some significance to the date?

not knowing that willfully allowing preventable deaths is murder.

I work for DDT. Drumpf did 911 and killed gorillions!

You lie.

What a retard. Is anyone actually following social distancing procedures because the federal government recommends it? That's like saying we're all healthy cause the federal government recommends healthy eating in the food pyramid.

My dad works for nintendo and agrees

I have 3 friends that work for the CDC and on of them is a manager there. They all said that coronavirus is just a distraction from the oil price war that enticed the rich to sell all their holdings and buy oil at the new low price knowing it will snap back up and they will make quick 140% profit and that OP is a gay faggot.


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Dilate Tranny
Trust In Trump

Just got back from work at Nintendo and my son told me to check out this thread. How did you know this?


Her post continued: ‘His blood sugar levels were only 3.7, his respiratory rate was 18-20 and his heart rate was 180, the sweat was pouring out of him but he was shivering, he was panting for breath and he had photophobia.’

for the anons with kids...

What's his favorite lunch restaurant. If you can't supply the objectively correct answer to this, you're outed as 110% LARP.
-t. Former CDC Microbiologist

Niggers are posting video of themselves on worldstar just going up to old people and coughing in their faces, coughing on produce in stores, gathering 100+ in the streets and refusing to leave when the cops show up.
People have still been packing into bars, going to tourist vacation spots for spring break, etc.
Self quarantine measures are mostly pointless. Standing 6ft away from other people at all times means literally nothing when the virus can live on surfaces for over a week and 99.999% of people out there didn't think to disinfect all of their food purchased in the past 3 weeks.

The American medical system is a joke anyways. It's not only completely useless, but actually harmful, for anything outside of physical trauma. Fuck off faggot.

You can't back your assertions with fact.

i can.

Therefore you LIE.

Enjoy hell for trying to fool people into getting sick.

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I can back my assertions. I work for the CDC. In fact all of my friends also work for the CDC, and all CDC workers know each other. I just texted the entire CDC and asked if anyone know some faggot OP. They all said no.

HE'S CDC, I'm Navy, dumbass. We don't work together.


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The fact that I’ve seen this trash image twice disturbs me to my core

Is it mcdonalds?

Based. More proof that Zion Don doesn't have a clue.

as I said, you're a liar.

thanks for the elegant proof, pic related.

go live life like nothing is going on and catch the shit if you want. win a Darwin Award if you insist, we wont miss you.

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yeah but most of the dead will be rainbow coalition mudpeople so his "reluctance" is solidly in the "based" column

I totally believe you are not a subversive Chinese pos.

I know, but the OP is about how detrimental it is for the president to abandon social distancing recommendations in April. My point was that such a suggestion was stupid and baseless.

Typical response from a liar, doubling down.
>blormph killed trillions when people are blatantly disregarding basic hygiene and even going out of their way to cough on others because its a funny meme for niggers
>its totally drumff's fault hurrr
How low IQ are you honestly?

Merchant detected on the last line. Don't trust OP.

oh ok.

CDC stands for Complete Dicksucking Camp and I do not doubt you have two friends there.

If I lose my job and house in the inevitable depression that comes from stopping all business for months at a time, I am gonna kill a bunch of newspeople in minecraft then an-hero.

I work for WWE, please watch mania

wrassling is gay

Hydroxy chloroquine will be our saving grace .

literally who cares? trump is just for TV. it's the governors who are controlling the shelter in place advisory.

Is this like the fbi lovers texts?

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April fools day.

A spike just flew into my asshole

Covid is 100% cured with generic drugs retard it was spread by chinks however

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I suck the dick of a guy who works at the cdc. He told me I was the best

IDGAF. Trump needs to stop being a pussy and open everything back up tomorrow.

You mean April Fools Day user?

>Face too full of dicks to read a simple sentence
Checks out. I asked what HIS favorite lunch spot was.

My dad works at the airport he said OP is fag.

>Trump just murdered another many tens of thousands.
To save billions.

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What the fuck, he told me the same thing!


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CDC worker here. New epidemiology report is being worked on to determine how widespread the effect of OP sucking dicks will be.
This could be the big one.

I work at Coronavirus. AMA

Its fuckin crazy like they need a father figure

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Corona is killing Dems over repubs 2:1, why would Trump call it off in an election year. That’s just dumb politics.

>April 1
not getting me again with that one

If lockdown continues to May, there will be a completely collapse of healthcare because nobody will have it due to losing their job and their employer health plan. The health insurance companies will also go out of business since they’ll be spending more than they have and won’t be getting any money in return from businesses

>my friend at the CDC
Who gives a fuck what your janitor friend said.

>Is anyone actually following social distancing procedures because the federal government recommends it?
I work for my State; I live in a remote location and have effectively been quarantined [due to the remoteness] for more than a week now, doing some remote-work and reading up on various documentation.

So, yeah, my org is taking this pretty seriously.

>Complete collapse
>There's a cure
You kids need a fucking hobby.

I'm donald trump and I just killed a hooker

BASED AND–Saudi_Arabia_oil_price_war PILLED

April fools

>insurance companies
relax bro
the US taxpayers will bail them out then pay them to get their money back before being rejected for coverage.

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you know this is a cheetah?

This is bullshit. Not going to happen.

my friend at the YMCA says OP is a faggot

It's over. Pestillence arrived.

I didn't ask if people are taking social distancing seriously. I asked if they were because the federal government recommended it, and will then not take it seriously the moment the federal government doesn't recommend it.


why would it be just starting if china has seemingly stopped having new cases? they aren't lying are they?

>Checks out. I asked what HIS favorite lunch spot was.
If it's in NM or AZ, I'll say Blake's Lottaburger.
Out east, Carl's Jr. (or is it Hardee's?)
Out west... if it's CA probably something faggy, like Taco Bell.

Source: facebook


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People are fucking retarded if you think you can keep up a full on US quarantine for 9 months or whatever the fuck they want. You get a month max before people go nuts and just say "fuck it"

Literally the only thing keeping boomers alive, I hope it does collapse entirely.

I get the feeling my State is getting a bit of the lead from Federal-government, but I don't *know*. Which is why I framed things as I did.

worryfags are the most pathetic people in existence.

Nah it won't collpase, but it will be a mess. Here you can't find a doctor anymore, if u get sick (and I'm not talking abot Kung Flu) you're screwed.