Coronavirus is fake. It is total fucking bullshit lies

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Prove that it's real.

Well, everything that's been happening? you think everyone is on the same page in some kind of conspiracy theory just to convince you of something that's not real?

Provide the proof or shut the fuck up

go to a nyc hospital and find out. faggot.

The proof is all over the place, so even if I posted it you'd still be like "yeah, ok that shit is just a post from you"

yeah, like this guy said ----> Go to a fucking hospital and sneak into the section with niggas who got it and catch it yourself.

It’s fake. There have been attempts on my life since I started talking about the truth

Bitch I know people that have gotten it, shut the fuck up.

It’s clearly a large number of people conspiring toward a goal. I’ve seen many world leaders and governments.

So is it a theory?

It's probably not because you're speaking the truth. It's probably that you're so fucking stupid that everyone always wanted you dead, and now that they know the world is ending they might as well take advantaage and try wiping your dumbass out.

You know people that have fallen ill or you’re a shill

its not fake, but the panic is fabricated


Take your meds


Attached: batfren.gif (480x340, 2.43M)


Take my dick

Not an argument. Prove that it's real.

Dude it's happening in Romania and we are shit at hiding conspiracies.

Literally somewhere to post that I'm showing symptoms. Started getting slight chills, then like getting smashed by a truck, full on fucking cold as fuck. Morning started off groggy and out of it (a hold over from last evening). My nipples are unironically sore like I did a workout.

Is bat dood wounded

Pretty solid comeback

Cmon man there are reports from hospitals all over the world of staff and people discussing how theyre dealing with. Hiding in your mom's basement with your head in the sand and then shoutinf "FAKE" is about the dumbest fucking thing ive ever seen. Fuck you for making me answer


It's not that it's entirely fake or not, it's a hoax in Italy absolutely. Worldwide they're about to get positive tests bc the tests pop for coronavirus', not exactly this specific one, if this strain even actually exists in the world.

This is a major deep intelligence operation and the reality is it's nowhere near as hard to pull off than people think.

Compartmentalization and a planet full of people who believe authority with zero question.

Most of our testing for other things is as bad as 90% false positive, yet you're telling me a new virus has a test that is 100% accurate? Joke.

Showing symptoms of some other disease



Are you one of them

Hey not bad

The mantra of "We must flatten the curve" is like "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction" or "Assad is gassing his own people" or "most of the world is going to be underwater soon." Dr Wolfgang Wodarg is calling the coronavirus an outbreak of mass delusion and panic. (

1) Nobody dies only of the coronavirus: 99% of those who die with it have comorbidities, and the average age of death is 80. People are simply flooding into hospitals to die there who ordinarily would have passed away peacefully at home.

2) Doctors and nurses often go into isolation for 14 days for fear of spreading the virus, causing shortages of staff.

3) Italy, the cause celebre of the overwhelming of medical infrastructure, had an outbreak of tuberculosis before this all began.

4) Panic about the virus causes many to flee from cities into the countryside, overwhelming resources in areas which are ill-equipped to handle a large volume of people.

5) Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University points out that the only true case-study which we have of the coronavirus shows a death-rate as low as 0.05%.

As Dr Wodarg says, the way this works is, first you manufacture a contrived pandemic by intentionally testing everybody who is ill for coronaviruses. Then you inflict tyranny on the general public, who, owing to media panic-mongering, actually beg for it. Finally, like Italy and China, you stop doing the tests, and claim that your authoritarian measures have solved a problem which you created.

The coronavirus is also masking the 2020 economic crash.

I mean, it is chinkoid in origin, and those squintniggers wouldnt know truth if it came up and shit in their ear.

Attached: (You).webm (700x298, 2.69M)

Compartmentalization and a planet full of people who believe authority with zero question.

These false flags have been laced with reality, probably no different here.

There may have been people actually shot and killed in Vegas, but there was most certainly bullet sounds from the speakers.

This may be a scenario like that.

How can we even rule out cloned humans who participate as state actors at this point? Who the hell knows.

What we do know is this stinks like so many other things stink.

I'm convinced we can't really emotionally handle what is behind the curtain.

Not chinkoid
‘Not a virus


And all of a sudden, OP dices

>Get rekt boomer

How does one dice

What proof would be substantial enough for you? With enough skepticism you could get it yourself and say "it's just a trick!" Even if you saw it under a microscope how could I prove its covid and not some other random virus?

Using OP's retarded argument for all I know every disease besides the common cold and labyrinthitis is made up.

Prove it.

Good thinkin

You won't be saying that if you contract the virus.

Thought you couldn't prove it.

Theyre rebooting the matrix soon

>My nipples are unironically sore like I did a workout.
You've got bigger problems, user

Can you see a virus?


It’s still the biggest news event going right now and people are still gonna talk about it so why the fuck are you even bothering
Just go outside and enjoy having the place to yourself, you fucking faggot

I'm asking what sort of evidence you would consider legitimate, because no matter what people provide you can always say "I don't believe you that's not proof". Which could go for anything. Prove the world is real. Prove the sun is real. Prove the common cold is real. Prove America actually had a civil war. Go ahead.

>it's a hoax in Italy absolutely
Checked. What makes you so sure about Italy? And why do you think Italy would be chosen to go full hog?

Something definitely feels fucky about it.

Interesting point.

That sounds like Thai knob rot. In a few days your testicals will double in size and become very sore. Good luck user.

How can virus be real if our eyes aren't real?

sounds totally believable

How can we know the test is for this virus? If you have a fever does that warrant forfeiture of your right to privacy? We already lost our right to assemble... whats next?

When you die from the virus will that also be fake?

Ban of civilian use of industrial equipment

>(((people discussing)))

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My chest has never hurt from the cold
>almost worried

What do you think is behind the curtain user?


Gay if true

I'm not calling bs on the virus itself, but I am on the hype. There's people everywhere calling it fake and not one single person has posted a medical diagnosis paper PROVING they or anyone else has it. I for one know if I have it and people are telling me I'm a liar the first thing I'm gonna do is post proof and shut everyone the fuck up.
(Please screen cap this because now that I said it on the internet it's gonna become a trend, watch!)

Nobody here is denying that coronaviruses exist; there are innumerable kinds of them, and new ones appear each year. What we are saying is that there is not a shred of proof that Covid-19 kills people. All we are doing is testing everybody for it who comes into a hospital and then adding them to a pile of death statistics when they die of something else, which they do 99% of the time. See I offered some thoughts about Italy in my post, see above.

Was terminator a documentary?

You're the one making the claim. Burden of proof is on you, faggot.

You probably just have failing organs

Same shit here in my county, not much going on but they somehow have all these numbers. I know one supposedly infected though. They also only had 1 pen for every tested person to use and sign stuff in that container and the pen was never disinfected, so if one had it, the others who came there healthy can get it easy. The personell there just shrugged their shoulders.
I think the test is what makes you "sick". I am not even a shizo, I have that info from a "official" source and people who got tested. Makes no sense at all.

I work at a state lab. It’s well run. We are truly getting positives on pcr samples about 10% of specimens run.

It introduced the idea that that was the future instead of the past. Notice the plot devices are always “wrong timelines” too

It certainly seems like some people are denying it even exists.

I agree with you though. The whole mortality rate of 3-8% doesn't sound right. I bet it's less than 1%