Strike and Mike 104

Discuss while coronachan consumes the world

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Other urls found in this thread: zxKlZgrZg

show link? please paychads, give us poor folks a treat. For the white race.


hate inc.

Inb4 begging starts

not even

PS link plz, paychads

Nope too late

C'mon guys, I already gave my moneys to chapo. Gib link for free.

Forty dollars a show? Idk senpai




Forty dollars?
Discount code plz

Please paychads

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threads are for TRS discussion and not for posting links.

anyone else feel like jazzhands is unbearable to listen to anymore? the chasm between how smart he thinks he is and how smart he really is gets on my nerves.

Also discuss:
- last Sunday's FTN 298 paywall hour
- last Thursday's Jazz & Jesse 92

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PayCoronas pls. send the link to defeat harvnats and kikes

>it's a literal 5 hour episode of mike and striker doing holocaust autism

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That’s all I want to hear during this quarantine

wow they really know how to keep content fresh and relevant

henlo frens Sven can eat a dick.

Moike has been butthurt about that lolocaust garbage since that faggot triggered him on Twatter

gib show and all kikes in the world will get coronavirus in their butholes

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>last Sunday's FTN 298 paywall hour
Yes, I would very much like to discuss this

>destiny was so triggered by the gishgalloping comments made about his debate style he calls striker a gishgalloper

Ayyyy lemme cop that FTN paywall from Sunday please!


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What habbened

wait, did striker and destiny finally debate? what happened? any good zingers?

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Bix nood

Stiker didnt do so hot but i havent gotten through all of it destiny is too obnoxious and bad faith

check this thread.
it's not the beginning, neither the only one, they went for days about this

nothing, some fag that's supposed to be "redpilled" tried to pull "muh holohoax is real, you look dumb, we should ignore the founding myth for why the destruction of the white race is OK, etc. etc" garbage and moike owned him. little nigger has been crying ever since.

literally if you claim to be "redpilled" and "woke" but you still defend the holahoax you are retarded, i'm sorry. even if it was real we should always always poke holes in that narrative. the fact that it's fake as shit just makes it easier.

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Ayo that motherfucking holocaust is fake as fuck. 6 million? Get tha fuc outta here with that sheeeeeeeit!

>literally if you claim to be "redpilled" and "woke" but you still defend the holahoax you are retarded, i'm sorry
Mah nigga

At first I fell for the meme trannies originally seeded on here that Destiny owned striker. Just listened to it and all it is is the sociopath Destiny lying with confidence, making it look like he knew what he was talking about when he didn't.

yikes. i barely made it thro the moike debate (and he didn't rly go hard in a lot of place, but it was Ok). still bloodsports is fake and gay.

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This one was awful destiny was truly at his most dishonest but he was hitting striker with some many thunderstrikes that striker struggled a bit. I havent gotten through half if it yet

To 'beat' someone like Destiny at debate, you have to be very condescending and belittling. Trying to argue with him in good faith can be a mistake. That's what Striker was doing. zxKlZgrZg
it wasn't that great, striker shouldn't have even started on the jazz (music) thing. it was pretty unproductive. the jq and holocaust stuff is like the last hour i think. honestly no real memorable zingers but destiny tries to taunt striker saying he is getting owned by someone that sucks cock.

Bumperino for the good boys

Absoultely. Destiny went on a 20 minute rant calling striker a dumbass because destiny is too stupid to get strikers point about goldman sachs and then at the end just says yea I agree withyou

sven : "noooooo you can't just post links to paywall shows on /pol"

Paychads: "haha catbox machine go brrrr"

>destiny tries to taunt striker saying he is getting owned by someone that sucks cock
So he’s a literal fag and not just a metaphorical one?

>the sociopath Destiny lying with confidence, making it look like he knew what he was talking about when he didn't

that's every moment of Destiny's life
he's like a permanent 13 year old that never matured

destiny has openly stated he prefers unwashed taint, he is an unironic faggot.

god i'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard. this little faggot always argues in bad faith, why do people keep falling for this shit. bloodsports was dead, let it be so. and come on only an intellectually dishonest person can look at the JQ and not come to the logical conclusions the alt-right did like 6-8 years ago. destiny is just a little faggot, couple of zingers in a debate don't rly change anything, truth is the truth. very few people are convinced about anything in a debate anyway. meh, might listen to it if paykangz don't post soon.

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Destiny defended goldman sachs and bank bailouts just too try to own striker his dishonesty is limitless


Here we go again

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Is destiny a confirmed jew? The linguistic speed and argumentative Talmudry would be very rare in someone who wasn't a kike.

well tbf he openly stated he's a neoliberal piece of shit. i've been visiting the reddit for sanders lately (not much to do, can't play alyx no vr set tt) just to collect salt and so on and oh boy these people hate neoliberals even more than we do. it's so funny reading their hatred for em w/o being able to factually and correctly deduce what the problem is. honestly there are so many posts that with a few tweaks can be made to be the most anti-semitic things ever, hehe. no wonder the establishment hates bernies and his supporters guts.

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Martin Shkreli gave us all the handbook on how to 'beat' Destiny in a debate. Too bad most aren't following it.


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well his mother is Cuban, and a lot of the “Cubans” that based Castro chased out were Jews

considering how mad he got at vaush for being a radical anti Zionist odds are good he is a jew


Post link

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examples plz, help share the laffs in these difficult times

kill yourself bowlcast faggot



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Here it is, guys.

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Listen here, Gypsy, you better knock it off or you're gonna get a beating.

little fucking paykikes, they get ruled by people like me

can the bowl patrol finally release episode 9

bottom text

oh sorry dude, i don't screencap stuff, it's just for my own amusement. just go the subreddit if you wanna collect some salt. last week was all "how bernie can still win" after he got his ass wooped in florida, arizona and so on.

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Found it

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>5 hours talking Holocaust

So... did it happen or nah? I can’t wait 5 hours.


is this some sort of flex so you can up the bread?

otherwise stop it gypsy.

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PoorFags leave.
5 hours of charts and drawings. Wow, amazing.

hi proxy sven

Cry more. 5 hour long show is Truly a time to be alive.

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We need an enoch cat edit of this

It's Vee. he's been collaborating with Sargonites and Antifa (Funny right lol) on Discord groups. They flood right wing threads with BS

5h strike and mike is the best thing in live during quarantine.. but a paychad has to post it..

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not a discord tranny but striker did not do well in that debate, mike did reasonably well (only watched the first hour) in so far as that it seemed to be a tie that neither pinpointed actually contention issues and just skated around on topics. With striker though he got btfo even if I don't want to admit it, the entire jazz section at the beginning was embarrassing, the discussion on high art, regarding banking striker seemingly got his ass handed to him by not understanding how the systems work and on the JQ he clearly hadn't planned his response out well enough. He got completely cornered when he brought up Irwing and the court case and practically ran away at the end


lmao, sad if true

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how do i subscribe to this without it showing on my credit card? I don't care about giving them $10, I care about being on a list
If anyone has any solution, I'll buy the show and post it here.

I know it’s fucking great