Let's talk about losing face and how to deal with it. Today I accidentally shared my screen in online lecture and people saw my browser bookmarks and desktop picture. Should I make a public announcement that it was a joke or should I sail the storm calmly?
Let's talk about losing face and how to deal with it...
just ignore it and hope no one ever mentions it again
if they do bring it up say it was a joke
>Today I accidentally shared my screen in online lecture and people saw my browser bookmarks and desktop picture.
get rid of the weeb shit or get better at hiding it. But just ride it out. People care far less than you think.
I'm sure you didn't keep your weeb nonsense hidden well and they already knew. I wouldn't worry
>browser bookmarks and desktop picture
Post them
Lmao I have this exact fear. I’d be expelled if this happened
If it’s weeb shit don’t worry. If it’s a swastika flag over a pile of dead kikes then head for the hills
What a faggot, embrace it or kys
Be a fucking man and stand behind your shit. Only pussies cower in fear.
tranny gangbangs and dragon dildos probably
How bad was it?
Post more Yun Yun, you can't lose.
ahhhahahaa dude lmao hahhaa hehehehheeheheheh aaaaaaaahahhaha dude just hope no one saw and don't say anything
Since I worship Hitler and fap to loli hentai I'd definitely be fucked ahahaha
fuck normalfags and moralfags
Just own it.
You should cold downward a motherfucker who's got lip to voice you some fuckin problems and carry on as who you are
Swerve on a fucking faggot for giving you mouth, and move on alpha as fuck
If you're an animefag you deserved to be exposed.
Weebs get the rope
This, also I called someone a gay nigger in the chat, I thought I was sending it privately, but nope, straight to everyone in the chat. The lecturer stopped speaking for a few moments and them continued. I got an email asking for an explanation that will affect my future studiyng.
Anime is a lot more popular than it used to be. A lot of normies are glomming onto it now, and they're used to seeing anime reaction images on their normie social media accounts. Don't even worry about it unless you have loli porn or something as your wallpaper.
based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled
I've had it happen OP, people don't care and will likely forget.
No one really gives a shit unless it's something too bizarre, OP.
Quick story: once I was at a shitty bar where a DJ was playing some music and a slideshow with some pictures (can't remember what) were being shown on the wall with a projector.
All of a sudden some people started quietly pointing and laughing. When I realized, a bunch of "cartoon porn" pictures started showing up (not hentai, mind you, but the really shitty ones with Simpsons and Jetsons incest). It took about 5 minutes before someone decided to warn the guy.
Anyway, 10 minutes in and people already had forgotten all about it. Can't even remember what city this was in nowadays
had this happen in year 8, teacher plugged my usb in to get my homework off, my entire usb drive was displayed on the projector.
>zelda hentai
>jiggly girls
ya wasnt epic
>keeping porn on a usb
Neptunia wallpaper. I have many shameful bookmarks like Yas Forums and some anime girl galleries.
>guy watches cartoon incest porn
>people forget about it 10 mins later
That's not a good thing. 10 years ago he would've been seen as a weird pervert.
This is a symptom of societal degeneration. Not that you'd care. Most of you pieces of shit jack it to incest porn anyways
how long was the exposure time, we talking 2 seconds or 20 seconds
you're a moralfag, harry
10 years ago he would've been a-ok if he had entire albums of gangster rap music
10 years ago japan was still 100% jew free meanwhile you suck heeb cock 24/7 and slave morality from christcucks
Dumb Yunyun poster, its what you deserve you friendless loser
Go into self imposed exile. you'd be surprised how effective it can be.
So? I shared a pee pee poo poo meme with a class of 150+ students in a lecture last semester. If the students can't handle it they aren't based enough to get an A in the class as far as I'm concerned and should just forget about being an engineer
Tell him you meant to tell a friend about Gay Niggers from Outer Space.
own it bro, women love confidence, pay little mind to the females, they will crave your attention. females are fragile and are scared to even mention it
If you need to save face why not take a leaf from some very important countries and copy their response.
Send anime tits to everyone in your class, along with a personalised offensive message, and send a draft to yourself.
Then claim that you were hacked, pick out a random person, because you refused to take part in their homosexual furry degeneracy.
He was probably seen as a weird pervert but in the end they will just go about their lives. Can't be arsed to care about some random dude's issues.
Yunyun is best girl, ur waifu a shit
Never admit to wrongdoing, or fucking up.
Why pretend you're someone you're not only for faceless normies to accept you. If everybody in your class thinks less of you except for one person who'll befriend you, that'd be a success, wouldn't it? It's not like you shared porn or whatever
But Aqua sama is superior
What class was it?
Get over it, you queer. All those normies in your class are gonna forget about whatever weird shit you had on there later tonight when they're all drunk and fucking each other.
Actually, no. You should make a public announcement. That'd be hilarious.
Was it hentai?
Say it was educational, you showed your family an example of tentacle hentai.
>nazis in 2020 are pedophiles that spend their time watching japanese cartoons
Hitler would burn you alive.
Just lowkey admit you like anime and then change the subject, haters gone hate.
And if that scares you think of it this way, you cannot possibly be more of a faggot than the guy who dressed up like hit or miss and did a presentation on it.
>Neptunia wallpaper
Post it
How the fuck do the mods not delete this garbage thread and leave the other dumb anime faggot who is talking about his nofap totally unrelated to pol?
You post the truth, they fucking delete your threads. You post this distracting rambling retard shit, it stays just fine
>muh pedos
Typical amygdalalet
>Neptunia wallpaper. I have many shameful bookmarks like Yas Forums and some anime girl galleries.
Oh look, it's literally fucking nothing.
At least you didn't post pic related.
pergele :DDDDDD
The animation in the show was good for like the first episode then it took a massive shit.
Just say
>oh ha ha
like Tommy Wiseau then carry on
this isn’t political
Dont mention it
They are too busy deleting interesting threads and alien pictures to allow shills to post blacked for the millionth time and NWO bullshit.
Quit whining, you gay nigger. Nobody cares.
I‘d say hitler would burn you alive aswell but he already tried
Okay there, Hans
>using wallpapers
ill never understand why people dont just use a solid color like me
>imagine being stuck with Yun Yun
Oh God I came.
If theres one show that benefits from cheap animation its konosuba
C'mon son, Megumin is obviously first choice waifu. Aqua is a drunk slag who's only good for pumping and dumping