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Why are the degenerates getting so mad over the rise of traditional Catholicism?
Logan James
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Robert Adams
>girl, dont be a trad wife to a based catholic Yas Forums browser! he is a potential domsetic terrorist
Jace Nguyen
find a hobby. twitter is not real life
Jaxon Turner
Christian Bailey
How can they be a lesbian if they're not a girl?
Lucas Martin
It wouldn't be suprising if alot of anons in Yas Forums were closet gay or trans. Most people on this board anyways are sexually repressed and try to cope with it.
Gabriel White
It's retarded people things, you need to have mental illness to understand these people
Joshua Allen
this sounds like a post made by a gay trans desu user
Elijah Turner
The concept of an objective morality terrifies people who live amoral lives.
Ian Cook
they know that the based catholic monarchs are coming back and the inevitable purge of degeneracy that naturally follows
Daniel Hill
because normies don't realize Catholicism, is kind of paganism.
So both the Catholic and the degenerate are both weirdos. Believe in God, Elohim, The Father, and believe His Son, the sacrificial Lamb, died for us.
Don't worship Mary. That's a false idol. Love Christ! But of course, the tranny in OP pic will burn in Hell, she was taught to believe there's no God, and she will never repent.
Samuel Roberts
Brayden Murphy
>because normies don't realize Catholicism, is kind of paganism.
That's what makes it a white religion.
Non catholics are believing in jewish crap
Ayden Peterson
Notice how all the protestant christian sects love to kiss the feet of the jews while catholicism sided with hitler.
Lincoln Cruz
So he cut his penis off but still like women.
Jose Brown
Catholicism is the only true religion, founded by Christ and his disciples.
We dont worship Mary, thats just some ignorant prot-nonsense.
If you read the Church Fathers youd you know how right Catholicism is on virtually every theological issue.
Michael Gomez
>lists prefered pronouns
Didnt read
Cooper Lewis
>Why are the degenerates getting so mad.
The clergy are the worst degenerates.
Hunter Peterson
>lists fake pronouns in Twitter bio
100% confirmed pedophile
Angel Lee
She got a point. Tradcaths are the most repressed emasculate LARPers on the internet.
Kayden Roberts
this. the company of heaven and the saints is modeled after the greek and roman pantheons. look at the confiteor, for example. protestantism is gay.
Henry Gomez
Catholics added 14 books to the Bible, which totally contradict everything in the Bible.
I'm not following Catholicism. There's only one way to Heaven, to LORD, to Elohim. And that's Christ. Not the Priest, pastor or whatever. The Pope isn't God, especially not the pedophile in the Vatican right now.
My Faith is for God, Christ.
Nathan Cook
201/40,000 priests
29,000/3,100,000 teachers
~0,4% of Priests vs ~1% of teachers
And id fucking LOVE to see the stats amongst LGBTQ and muslims.
basically, if you associate priests with pedophilia but not public teachers then youre brainwashed by the jewish media like a good goy
Julian Butler
Parker Murphy
maybe in africa lmao
Matthew Foster
Angel Cooper
They fear being burnt at the stake. Where do you think the term faggot came from?
Alexander Hernandez
Is that why the pope kisses the feet of “refugees”? The church as a whole has let the rot of the world in, I hope both the catholic and the protestant can see where they have been deceived
Jace Martinez
Anthony Brooks
Some of us realize that the church will be the only foundation upon which we will be able to rebuild. check out Réné Guénon for this discussion at length.
t. chad trad
Michael Young
The clergy are also homosexuals and sodomites (Who shouldn't being in the Ordained Hierarchy at all, tbqh). Not really a strong argument there, slick.
Lucas Wright
You believe the word of man over the word of God. The Bible literally, specifically warns about this. You also disregard two seedline, so. Yeah, you're delusional.
Ryder Robinson
Be a Christian? Yes.
Be a roman catholic? No.
Ian Morales
>why does the jew puppet X
because its jew master wants it to X
Austin Diaz
I think we found the person in the closet.
Jaxson Morris
Interesting you cite Guenon when he ended becoming a sufi Muslim.
Aaron Ramirez
>Catholics added 14 books to the Bible, which totally contradict everything in the Bible
you may be irredeemably retarded
Jacob Nguyen
this has got to be a faggot larp unless youre a mouth breather. luther removed the apocrypha from the canon... he almost removed some apostolic letters from the new testament and had to be persuaded out of it.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
>Is that why the pope kisses the feet of “refugees”? The church as a whole has let the rot of the world in, I hope both the catholic and the protestant can see where they have been deceived
This "pope francis" isn't really the pope. Pope benedict is still the pope and there are political shenanigans going on at the vatican.
Absolutely we are in dark times right now. We should cut the vatican down entirely and build a new catholic church with benedict at the head.
Wyatt Sanchez
That is schism, Francis will die soon and God shall change his Church.
Easton Wright
Gavin Gomez
trad cath anons, I legit want to convert to Catholicism but my wife is weirded out by it. On the off chance there are anons who aren't 13, what is your advice? I feel a genuine spiritual calling to Catholicism but have no idea how to get my wife on board when her religious experience is "bullshit southern megachurch"
Luis Carter
The wicked flee when no man pursueth.
But god pursues them in their thoughts and further, They feel it even if they don't know it.
Mason Walker
Catholic bros, join Orthodoxy.
Fuck Francis, all that Pachamama faggot shit, gay priests and child molestation, all of it. Come home, user.
You Protestant faggots are part of the synagogue of Satan and you are if your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do.
Noah Scott
Henry White
i had no idea, thanks for the info user. that said, i dont believe that that invalidates his argumentation concerning the foundations of the west. he definitely did not consider himself a westerner and had a deep affinity for eastern faiths and cultures.
Jaxson Wright
Because there is no fucking rise in any religion. The improvements in college level education, especially in Europe caused people to join non-Abrahamic religions or atheism.
What you see on Yas Forums is just bottom of the barrel mongoloids with little to 0 education. They in no way represent the real world.
Colton Barnes
>tranny "lesbian"
Ok groomer
Kayden Robinson
Being a traditional catholic isn't enough. You must also hate the Jews and put your blood and soil first.
Simply adhering to the catholic faith isn't enough. Praying alone won't save you. You must have a racial aspect to your religion or you are LITERALLY INTERCHANGEABLE with a spic or a nigger.
Colton Harris
>my wife makes decisions for the family
you're not going to make it user, have you considered novus ordo?
Leo Hernandez
how do my orthodox bros view traditional catholcism?
I know this is not theologically accepted but I believe Catholicism and Orthodoxy both lead to Heaven
Michael Roberts
>201 yearly cases
>b-b-but what about teachers
The absolute state of Catholicism
Sebastian Miller
Before 1962, this was par for the course, lad.
They vary wildly between pleasant sympathisers/people who want the best for us in their own way. Or alternatively, they harbour a rabid hatred for us as heretics and schismatics. But at the same time, they're not Donatists, of course.
Jonathan Miller
You can't just be a Catholic and expect to fix the world. Any spic/nigger can be a trad catholic and make their daughters wear a veil during the tridentine mass.
It doesn't mean anything unless you also have blood and soil.
Henry Hall
The Catholic Church did the exact opposite of siding with Hitler; NS and Christianity are irreconcilable.
Aaron Collins
the orthodox believe that the western church has collectively lost its fucking mind over the last 60 years. a return to traditional catholicism is unironically the only way for their to be some kind of ecumenical dialogue between east and west. the V2 and Rockefeller efforts to make ecumenical advancement with mainline protestantism sabotaged discussions with the other patriarchs.
Aiden Lewis
>Implying the Enlightenment was a good thing.
Isaiah Bennett
Merry Aryan Christmas.
Happy Aryan Easter.
These are things that cannot be negotiated.
Carson Allen
Caleb Taylor
>NS and Christianity are irreconcilable
Such bullshit.
Landon Walker
>closeted trans girl
>in a relationship with a potential domestic terrorist
I daresay she just misgendered someone, unless the terrorist is a girl
Carter Robinson
> closeted trans girl
Hudson Brown
>catholicism sided with hitler
Uh, got some bad news for you bro.
Mason Murphy
Bluepill normie church shill: "The nazis hated Jesus!!"
Jackson Hall
>Don't worship Mary.
We dont
>That's a false idol.
She is neither false nor an idol.
>Love Christ!
We do :)
Tyler Brooks
Because Satan doesn't care what you worship as long as it is not God.
Carson Johnson