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Other urls found in this thread:

He pulled it out of his fucking ass.

Cope more. This psy op has ran its course.

more signalling to the Qchads

>jesus rises
>lockdown ends
>swanp drains
>ovens fire up

yesterday it was two weeks, which would have left one week left. now it's easter??DRUMPF!


>ovens fire up
my body is ready

Doesn't easter always switch dates?

imagine not realizing what Easter means in the context of a biblical plague ending

It's going to be one week at a time through next spring. By then, it will be much easier to harvest the remnant.

Said day, idiot, not date. Easter as being a well known holiday is a fine example

Hail Ostara!

trump is feeding his retarded cult

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Better than feeding the other cult

Attached: zOvens.gif (220x231, 321.7K)

yea and you can't find any of this by searching google either despite how often it's talked about. When I saw that I knew there would be a thread.

Fingers crossed, optimistically cautious


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Easter is on the Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox. That's an astrological dating scheme if you were wondering.

Top pentagon officials are saying 3 months at the minimum. I would take their word over a man spouting anything he can to help his reelection chance.

A muzzie talking about someone else's retarded cult, classic.

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Name them

>help his reelection chance
the election is more than six months away.

They're anti-christian devil worshippers

Trump might be legit retarded. Not even trying to knock him. I mean this objectively.

top men.

>Beautiful timeline

"Passover" hint hint

What does Chernobyl mean in english?

Des wuz weaponz of Mazz deztruction yo in Chiraq

Keep crying incel

He knows about his psyops, retard.

>Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Tuesday from the Pentagon estimated that the country could grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic rocking the nation for at least 10 weeks

What pill are you guys taking?
>Team Redpill (Q)
>Team Blackpill (G)
>Team Bluepill (Just a Flu)

Attached: PureSatire.jpg (1100x4250, 1.17M)

>could grapple
>10 weeks
So you pulled 3 months minimum out of your ass then? Nice bait and switch.



>listen to people likely in unrelated fields not the guy with top specialists and access to pretty much any doctor in the world
that's a reflection on you and your deranged comrades, not trump

10 weeks is a lot closer to 3 months than fucking easter

You said minimum. He said "COULD" now get the fuck out and go spout some pilpul to someone who cares.

Okay, this is epic.


I guess we will not hear about "easter worshipper" this year.

Attached: easterwtf.png (1228x654, 47K)

Sieg Heil!

a resurrection, perhaps?

Attached: 5dc.png (1356x1356, 251.5K)

Those were the weirdest headlines ever.


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>jesus rises
You retards have been spouting this shit forever. Where is that longhaired commie faggot?

Your id has goy in it.

bumping for easter worshipers

Source: Dude trust my sources

follow that white rabbit user


It's an NPC bubble of people repeating talking points they recently heard from others as though it's their own considered opinion.

based and christpilled

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>No, not a special day for Easter worshippers!

>2000 years on
>a-a-any day now

More to the point how do you fuck up a crucifixion?

>Top pentagon officials are saying 3 months at the minimum.
Top pentagon officials you say?

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*tips fedora*

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Trump just loves to goad the media. Its beautiful, so beautiful.

It is still amazing to me that the Globalists were powerful enough to meme a psyop into being that plunged all of humanity into mass hysteria over something that is less lethal than the regular flu.
This thing is proof that they are in bed with the Chinese, they made this up together and all played along with it, either because they were in on it or because they didn't know if it's real or not and took the safe route.

>monitoring temps
fuck off gaymer fag