>b-b-but they do $1,200 worth of maintenance every month on every apartment!
landlords didn't create the land. They literally just picked a section of the planet, claimed it as their own, and charged other people to live there.
B-b-but they do $1,200 worth of maintenance every month on every apartment!
Amazing that we still have such a barbaric concept of "landlord" in modern society.
Imagine being a landlord and having a literal tranny live on your property.
>your home
No, it‘s theirs
Houses being lived in need a lot more work done on them than empty houses.
>you would have to do those things regardless
yes, but you can use an apartment for a number of things if some random tranny isn't occupying the space
>private property bad
I wonder how much it would whine about having to pay property tax, etc, if it actually owned a home.
Landlords aren't all that bad.
What's bad is the FED that forced these faggots into the property market by destorying bond yeilds, Who the fuck would want to earn 5% chasing Jamal and Javier around when they could earn the same amount in the bond market?
But instead of fixing the problem they'll kick the can yet again and bailout the private equity comapnies that own a larger and larger share of our housing stock just so they can earn a meager return and keep driving up housing prices to a level that's completely divorced from wages.
yeah, and you choose to pay them to live on it.
Buy your own fucking house if you don't want to pay rent.
if you are out of work and the extended unemployment is passed, you are paying rent, period
you have the income, so pay the rent.
you've obviously never left a house empty
That shit will start to rot away within half a year.
>work for years while living in your mom's house
>buy apartment
>keep working
>buy another apartment
>rent out apartment
Stop wasting money on avocado toast!
when will people realize the real landlord isnt the middle class dude who owns your property, its the fucking bank that can take it from him and anyone else they want at any time
>avocado toast!
how do you even toast an avocado?
Landlord here. I was prepared to give reduced rates that actually reflected my costs if any of my tenants found themselves temporarily out of work. However I am not a charity. These people need to pull their head out of the sand.
>at any time
You realize you sign a contract with the bank about how much you will pay every month, and as long as you do that, they can't take shit?
Fuck off commies get the rope.
What's "amazing" is that a third of the population has no business owning a home or condo and need landlords to do everything for them.
> tenant doesnt pay landlord
> landlord cant pay bank
> bank takes house because tenant is a nigger
such is life
Same way you avocado a toast.
Always makes me laugh when landlords use this. They will do ANYTHING to get out of paying for a cost to maintain a property. And if they are forced to fix it they will cut every single corner they can and do it the cheapest most shoddy way possible
This completely. Over 50% of gross rent goes right out the door to pay property taxes, utilities, and repairs. And then (((interest))) cost to the banks is 25% of gross rent leaving rather slim margins for profit and future reinvestment in the property. Most landlords I know are breakeven with cash flow, just hoping the capital value increases over time.
That's how bubbles work. Way to many of these midwit morons thought they had a free lunch. I just hope they don't get a bailout and home prices return to reality.
Good. Let them go find another way to get a return on their capital that doesn't prevent an owner occupier from using the house.
Speculation is what drove housing prices this high.
Is that real?
It pisses me off so much.
USA didn't lose even half a million people.
Soviet, Germany, China, Japan, etc. all lost millions.
Systemic murder isn't a cause of death.
And pretty much every historian admits that without russia throwing bodies at the germans the alies would have had a considerably harder time.
Poorfaggot bitch boy thread
That's what you pay your insurance company for.
So when you don't have enough money, they pay your fucking bank.
>Bank have finacial difficultues - got saved by the gov.
That can't be fucking real...
>USA sustained the greatest number of losses
>So when you don't have enough money
You would have enough money if the nigger tenants would pay on time.
but they didn't.
And that's why you have insurance.
> gov has financial problems --- the printer goes brrrrrrrrrrr
Why not expose the teacher?
>What country had the most to do with defeating Germany?
>Georgy Zhukov.
He deserved to lose points on that question.
>but they didn't
then the nigger tenants should pack their shit and leave
>Buy your own fucking house if you don't want to pay rent.
You can't because kike landlords buy up every single property that is even remotely affordable. They buy them all on mortgage then gouge the rent prices so the "willing" renter is paying for the house, the interest, property tax, maintenance, utilities, insurance, plus a profit margin on top of the FREE FUCKING HOUSE the landlord is getting by exploiting younger generations.
>hurr durr then just build your own house
Can't do that either. Government regulations literally forbid you from living in your own home unless you dump hundreds of thousands of dollars into making it approved by some tyrannical government agency. No fucking way any banks will finance you either unless you're an established construction business.
>duhhh but what about a trailer
Nope. Government zoning restrictions forbid that too unless you're living in the middle of nowhere in some flyover state with no fucking economy.
of course they should, not arguing that at all.
>bailout the private equity comapnies that own a larger and larger share of our housing stock just so they can earn a meager return and keep driving up housing prices to a level that's completely divorced from wages.
yah, it's capitalism. it's how it is suppose to work.
>What is a mortgage
Seeth rentie
because it's a face picture, it's the same writing
lokk at the s and m letters
>> tenant doesnt pay landlord
>> landlord cant pay bank
>> bank takes house because tenant is a nigger
then sells to me for a reduced price
Go live in south america.
No one will check how your house is built.
Did the landlord point a gun at you to sign the lease? If you hate landlords so much, why don’t you get a mortgage? Maybe it’s your fault you’re poor.
>a fucking tranny
This board is pathetic
If you want to use MY property then you pay me for the privilege. It's pretty simple I've owned properties for 8 years now. It's not rocket science
It’s amazing how ignorant people are about property ownership. They think landlords have piles of cash or some shit.
>then sells to me for a reduced price
If your name isn't Itzak, Avi or Benjamin , fat chance
it's a bubble. sell now landkikes or baghold a house you don't need for the next decade
lmfao kill yourself you fucking rat
how is having a congolomerate owning all the housing stock of country desirable or productive at all, Read 'Wealth of Nations' before you talk about carpitalism you fucking ingrate
yeah, fuck those landlords providing short-term housing to tenants who want little personal risk
>landlords don't do anything!
>buy property? That's expensive and a lot of hassle, no thanks
Repeat ad infinitum
>claimed it
it was paid for
>and charged other people to live there.
you may do as you wish with what belongs to you
so long as you arent doning harm (theft, fraud, or assault)
what is it with the intense vitriol against landlords?
you sound like a bolshevik
Commie trannies spamming the board lately with landlord shit as a distraction
if you want their property then buy it from them instead of renting, then it would actually BE your property
the thing is that in all likelihood you DON'T want that property because you're in a temporary living situation
I wouldn’t want to be a landlord right now. The low income tenants aren’t going to pay this month and good luck trying to evict them and not getting killed. Gotta face the same hardships as the rest of us. Or die. It’s as simple as that. I hate leftist assholes as much as the next guy but this is an exceptional period and nobody is going to care to solve your murder mystery either right now
it's a business dude.
If you don't like it then buy your own house or simply don't live in a rented property. Those are literally your options.
these guys get it
yeah, no
unless it was built so incompetently that you can easily sue for entire value of whoever built it
hilarious image
also enraging
very strange sensation
these parasites cannot understand cause and effect
some may
then if that is in violation of contract, you sue them
or you move out
you are responsible for you
no one else is
make proper choices so you life doesnt end up shit
you dont get to hold others responsibe
no matter how many excuses you can churn out
no it tends to reflect the real world
except for batshit conspiracy theories you frequently see
thats bolshevism
"i will take what i want by force of a like minded mob"
and then is shocked when another mob, of those with less, take what he has
theft and mob violence and whiny bitch liberal excuses are not red pilled
>lmfao kill yourself you fucking rat
he wasnt serious
It's not real.
More like 30% and rising of the country is unemployed and pissed at landlords expecting things to continue unchanged in the face of a world changing event. You're fucked with the rest of us pal. People aren't going penniless and broke to have you try to evict them in a few months anyway.
>landlords didn't create the land. They literally just picked a section of the planet, claimed it as their own, and charged other people to live there.
Someone is always going to be doing this.
There is no vacuum.
Remove landlords and new ones will take their place.
It doesn't magically stop being rent just because the landlord calls itself the state and calls rent tax.
Rent seeking is a far more pressing concern than renting, as it can actually be prevented if we act in time.
I think they feel boomers/jews bought up the market when affordable. Now inventory is low and prices are astronomical along with rent. most feel there is an inventory of homes being hoarded screwing younger gens over.
>theft is ok because of reasons
then anyone, especially those with less than you, can take whatever you have
dont open the can of worms if you dont want it
You will never be a woman.