Post em!
Money printing wojak gifs due to the corona crisis
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Quite a small group of memes to ask for but I wish you luck
haha money printer goes brrrrrr
I gotchu bro. Best meme of 2020
i fucking love this meme
Kek love how it started slow than kept increasing in power and speed
Yeah it’s good. It’s been a while since that good meme was released. It’s a heavy meme on heavy times.
That's all I got. Would love to see others if anyone got em.
My fave
Oy vey! Shut this gif down!
I think the Fed could be based if they where socialist (for the people) and not capitalist (for big tech and corpo pedophiles), nationalise that shit. NOW.
best one so far...
Mocap anime is the worst animation style IMO
alternatives like pic related aswell?
we need ultra instinct wojak
It's great
There's really no sustainable way to hold up an economy based on INFINITE DEBT
The charade only worked temporarily because people were too dumb to realize that their money was literally backed by nothing and just being printed Infinitly with no intention of stopping or slowing down
the federal reserve doesnt print money, moron.
Love this maymay
sure, related memes are always welcome
I ain't clickin that shit
This is the future of warfare
keks me everytime
You guys don’t get it they aren’t printing money desperately trying to keep the markets going, they are issuing all these loans and buying all this stock in order to own these companies, they will issue our coronabux with a digital currency that we will need a digital ID to receive
this whole happening is worth it just for the memes. my sides are getting a workout
top kek 9/11
I'm laughing my ass off at all the boomers that don't realize this recent uptick is a tremendous DEAD CAT BOUNCE of historical magnitude
>digital ID
>digital PUBLIC ID centralized by the fed
Holy shit do these room temperature IQ spooks not realize how exploitable this is?
A new meme format has entered the chat.
Meme Economy goes brrrrttt!
oh, they know, user. They know very well.
someone needs to make a super saiyan 3 version alrady
Based and warthogbrrrrrpilled
How's your day been snowfren comfy
Ask an you shall receive
based as fuck
>I'm laughing my ass off at all the boomers that don't realize this recent uptick is a tremendous DEAD CAT BOUNCE of historical magnitude
t. about to neck himself because he shorted
song name?
it was very gomfy my island fren
how was your?
Well done.
Gas gas gas by Manuel