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no white woman will date you until you drop that racism crap


why is that wh*Teboi groping that Black Man's whore?

why is that wh*Teboi groping that Black Man's whore? He needs to learn his place... that's a Black Man's property.

All women are racist

Oh look, a butthurt fetishist with a memeflag. I like how what it tries to say is ever so different from all the dozens of other mouthbreathing kike filth's gibberish.


i don't want a ditzy, air-headed bimbo who'd get hung up on a few not-politically-correct observations about modern society.

Lmfao all the white women I know are more racist than I am.
I at least say I feel sorry for niggers. I hate them, but I do feel sorry for them.
They didn't choice to be born with retard genes.
But the white women? Holy shit they're all for killing them if necessary.

>pure fucking cope
white women literally treat us like walking fuck toys


This is retarded. Why do jannies do this

>all these sad mortally wounded black boys in this thread.

Your suffering will not end.

Women, even non white women are pretty racist when one on one.. they’re at least very open to racist ideas. Many such cases

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You niggers are literally the least desirable race. Only sheboons find you desirable.

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white women are degenerate and unironically mentally ill. they are ok for an ez lay, but not relationship material at all

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Not a cope.
Black people are the least desirable and stats prove that.


All of them?

That’s quite an assumption

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ok chang

people that date online just want beta bucks you retard. actual roasties just flirt in public with us.

Niggers and cucks really are equally pathetic

maybe that's why they fuck black bulls and kara bogas when they are at their most fertile

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White women crossbreed less than any other race. You’ve been deceived by Jew porn. I encourage you to aggressively approach a White woman in a public space. That should solve two problems.

People won’t tolerate nigger animals for much longer

The kike brainwash and white guilt is running out

Tick tock niggers

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>no white woman will date you until you drop that white knighting crap

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Can niggers ever stop losing?

my woman is from south africa..plz ask her what she thinks of "poc"

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coomers BTFO

Most woman will change their values if they're into you.

just because they want to fuck us doesn't mean they want to breed with us. we are a fetish from a meme from a meme that got out of hand. i don't blame your women. i blame you white cucks.


white women are racist too


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No one even wants to fuck you. That’s literal meme material. Go to a concert that’s not rap. Aggressively approach a Caucasian woman. I’d bet you get shot by police.

why do you assume i am some hoodrat. i literally grew up in a rich ass suburb surrounded by white people. shut the fuck up.

Shut up nigger

t. Married

You identified yourself as a nigger. All niggers are hoodrats. Ipso facto you are a hoodrat. Go to a small town bar and aggressively approach a Caucasian. According to your logic she will leap onto your dick. As far as I’m concerned you deserve what’s coming if you take this advice.

Literally a lie

Fuck no. Let the refugee loving white cunts die.

I think you meant "human" women

Fuck niggers

Fuck off nigger

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"Rich ass suburb"



There are Jews in this thread trying to control the narrative. NEVER trust a Jew!

>rich ass suburb

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false, they become racist after talking with me

Every decent white girl hates niggers.

all you faggots calling me a nigger while sitting behind a screen. fuck you. you wouldn't say shit in person because you are scrawny cuck bitches. literally not one person has ever said it to me in person. spineless fucks. i will think about this very thread the next time i fuck your sister.

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Well now you're acting like a nigger.

You can turn bitches racists if they like you. Once you dump their ass or get bored of you they back to what ever gets them the most Facebook likes. Women just Chameleon.


Noone would say it in public because then you'd chimp out and let your nigger brain loose.

Give me your address and I’ll call you a nigger to your face you fucking nigger