Shouldn't women be trusted to save themselves?
Why does Yas Forums have a savior complex towards women?
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it's the SImP gene
it has specifically been bred into white men
Leave them alone and who the hell cares if they save themselves or not?
Good men are driven by instinct to cherish and protect women. Why do you hate nature?
she looks like a bbc cumslut. fuck off faggot op
>no more white women
>no more white children
>no more white people
its that simple you niggers. I dont want to be surrounded by niggers and gooks I want to be surrounded by people who can act civilized.
women are infantile and childlike. would you expect an infant or a child to save themselves? of course not. its our responsibility.
I don't want to save women, I want to enslave them.
Because they are idiots.
Photo taken in my city today
You know it’s her, right?
But what if women don't want to be protected by men, and want to be independent?
But what if you're an infant in your mental state? Aren't they better off without your help?
there are spanish favelas?
Because there are no women left worth saving.
It's OK to save women.
>But what if women don't want to be protected by men, and want to be independent?
OK feminist
>Aren't they better off without your help?
No, why?
No, but that how the average rooftop looks like in old buildings mutts fap too, pic related is the street from the ground.
>women be trusted
LOL no.
Trusting women to be strong and independent is simping
>Why does Yas Forums have a savior complex towards women?
cant make white children without white women, and jews use divide and conquer tactics to drive a wedge between white men and white women. 1488.
>But what if women don't want to be protected by men, and want to be independent?
Then they'll miss out on a sacred unity and partnership between a man and a woman that is necessary to raise a nuclear family. This is a fulfilling experience for everyone involved. It's also the only way the species will survive.
What's stupid about the woman?
women need to be controlled by the father and brother again, they cant take care of themselves responsibly. As for the simp epidemic on Yas Forums nothing we can do, let them get divorced raped its the only way they will learn.
>Then they'll miss out on a sacred unity and partnership between a man and a woman that is necessary to raise a nuclear family.
But what if you're overestimating your value in the relationship? What if the woman is better off alone than being with men like you (not saying you're a bad dude, just wondering)?
>It's also the only way the species will survive.
That's a stretch. Even if all women suddenly choose for themselves, there will still be a small percentage of the population that will want to be loyal to one man and have multiple kids - and in a few hundred generations, all women will be loyal to their men by choice.
>be trusted with anything
Women go retarded if there aren’t good men to lead them
Women don't need saving. They need discipline.
Almost killing herself over not having self control
>women need to be controlled by the father and brother again, they cant take care of themselves responsibly.
It appears you see women more like dogs than human beings.
bc most of Yas Forums hasnt been with or even had a woman so they go the extra mile
It’s not like men aren’t to blame for anything though
We would not be discussing this if the men before us didn’t let down
saving women from themselves is hardcore SIMPING
>It's also the only way the species will survive
Men are inventive. Men will find a way without having to resort to simpery
>Women go retarded if there aren’t good men to lead them
user, seriously? This is true for men as well. Not exclusive to women.
>Women don't need saving. They need discipline.
So it doesn't matter who imparts the discipline, as long as they are disciplined, it's fine if they make their own choices? Sounds about right.
user, that could have just as easily been a guy. Nothing special about a woman climbing on the roof and almost falling to her death.
So Yas Forums has a savior complex because of inexperience? Fair.
Can you explain why they are not like mindless animals? They are the biggest consooomers on the planet and most liberal. Most are absent minded and lack a inner dialogue. Look back in history and even the educated upper class women think with their vaginas rather then their head.
wat? this is about invaders
fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of
>Can you explain why they are not like mindless animals? They are the biggest consooomers on the planet and most liberal. Most are absent minded and lack a inner dialogue.
By that definition, everyone is a mindless animal user, men and women both. Few people in the world really have an inner diagloue. Most men and women just jack into CNN, Fox News and consoooome their way to death. That's how it is now.
>Look back in history and even the educated upper class women think with their vaginas rather then their head.
But isn't that exactly women thinking with their head? In a patriarchal society, the only power women have is pussy. So women using pussy to get what they want actually displays a great deal of intelligence and self-sacrifice rather than stupidity.
>>Then they'll miss out on a sacred unity and partnership between a man and a woman that is necessary to raise a nuclear family.
>But what if you're overestimating your value in the relationship? What if the woman is better off alone than being with men like you (not saying you're a bad dude, just wondering)?
Then she can get a divorce and steal half my shit. Seems like a pretty tempting deal if she's miserable.
>>It's also the only way the species will survive.
>That's a stretch. Even if all women suddenly choose for themselves, there will still be a small percentage of the population that will want to be loyal to one man and have multiple kids - and in a few hundred generations, all women will be loyal to their men by choice.
Societies have come and gone. It's more fragile than you think.
Do you think a man wanting to cherish and protect a woman is a bad thing? Do you think women nurturing and caring for a man is any less valuable?
I'm mentally waiting to hear the sound of a shingle sliding off the roof and see her tumbling down. Why even attempt to get on the roof through such a tiny window? for what purpose? suntanning on the roof like a whore? delete women
Men correct themselves over time
Or if they’re corrected by another person, that person is most probably a man
>women nurturing and caring for a man
She will resent you if she has to do this.
>So Yas Forums has a savior complex because of inexperience? Fair.
ik im not wasting my time on a broken women that i honestly just wanna fuck so whats the point trying to "save" something that cant be "saved"
its the same way with women who get hit by men and stay anyway. theyre a lost cause just like the rest. i rather spend my time and be productive finding someone who has a level head and isnt "brokwn"
>suntanning on the roof like a whore?
Thread theme:
>Then she can get a divorce and steal half my shit
That doesn't sound fair user. You got to fuck her, and she only gets half your shit. You can go on to get a younger pussy. But she's now old and used goods. Her life after you is pretty much second hand. You're still a stud. Sounds like double standards to me.
>Societies have come and gone. It's more fragile than you think.
And yet there are 7.2 billion of us with most of us wishing either boomers die or zoomers don't have kids.
>Do you think a man wanting to cherish and protect a woman is a bad thing?
Only if the man is overzealous about it even when the woman doesn't need the protection. Cherishing someone is always valued. No arguments there.
>Do you think women nurturing and caring for a man is any less valuable?
Only if the man desires it and values it. Else, no, not worth it.
Yes some men are consooomers like women but my point still stands most when unchecked are highly liberal and when compared to men lack critical thinking. When i say human history i mean the women once in charge ruin their society i can think on one example of is Empress Dowager Cixi she had her head up her as so much she thought she could take on the entirety of the west and japan.
>Men correct themselves over time
So Africa didn't get the memo? What about India? China? Asia? Bongland? Germany? Swedcuckland? Norgay? Where did men correct themselves over time when they were lead by bad leaders?
Women are basically children and need to be protected and lead by men. This notion that this is weak beta male behavior is kike propaganda.
"No goy, leave your women to fend for themselves, so without your guidance we can brainwash them to do what WE want them to. You don't wanna be a simp white knight do you?"
Women begin out maneuvering men in many ways and this is just pure unadulterated jealousy stemming from Men's "we're better than women" superiority complex.
It is now normal for women to become leaders of powerful countries. Women on average are now getting paid more than men in the workforce. Women are becoming empowered and it is scaring the living daylights outta men who've had it wayyyyyyy to easy through the generations. Idiots who spread the Men are superior to women aren't laughing anymore. I would even go so far as to say Women are better than Men
>ik im not wasting my time on a broken women that i honestly just wanna fuck
But then, user, aren't you part of the problem? If a woman gets fucked by multiple guys and loses faith in the fact that men want her for something more than her body, then you fucking her and dumping her only damages her further. So AREN'T YOU IN THE WRONG HERE?
>Why do you hate nature?
He said, posting on a web forum, via a high-fidelity, voltage-powered mechanical gadget.
>women are infantile and childlike. would you expect an infant or a child to save themselves? of course not. its our responsibility.
this is exactly right.
>most when unchecked are highly liberal and when compared to men lack critical thinking.
I see you have a misconception here user. We're not really as good at critical thinking as you believe user. We are just as susceptible to propaganda as women. We're just more confident about our beliefs - even when we're absolutely wrong.
>Empress Dowager Cixi she had her head up her as so much she thought she could take on the entirety of the west and japan.
Pretty much sounds like any generic emperor to me. Megalomaia is pretty much a common problem among emperors - and usually a decent reason why empires fall.
>>women nurturing and caring for a man
>She will resent you if she has to do this.
She doesn’t have to cook, I sometimes cook. I do the dishes and pick up the groceries most of the time. There are no hard set rules but there is a general division of labor.
yeh idc
>"No goy, leave your women to fend for themselves, so without your guidance we can brainwash them to do what WE want them to. You don't wanna be a simp white knight do you?"
Sounds like YOU want to be the one doing the brainwashing and don't like it that the kikes are beating you at your game.
Nobody can save women without literally beating them in to submission
I am fairly certain that most of Yas Forums says "fuck women"
weird flex, but ok.
user, you do know that infographic grew out of a post on Yas Forums (I think it was posted on /his/). Surely, you have something better than that for a counter-argument.
But if you don't, then let me as you think. Africa has been going through difficult times for millennia. Why are their men not strong enough to dominate the world? Italy has been going through suffering for centuries, why aren't their men dominating the world? America has been on this planet for 400 years, and has not suffered even remotely as much as the European powers - yet it now rules the world.
Face it user. That infographic is cool to look at, but doesn't reflect history or reality.
Again you avoid the fact that women tend to be very liberal and vote against their own interest. they don't have the capacity to be independent. Also it isn't wroth saving the women who have already fucked up their hormonal balance with birth control and the mental damage of hookup culture. Let the simps and white knights waste their time and money its what they deserve.