Finlands Somali society unable to follow instructions

Helsinki was put under quarantine today.
People are not allowed to gather in public.

More than two people are not permitted to be close each other on public.

But Somali are unable to follow these new rules!
Large groups of Somali are together in Somali malls in East Helsinki. They fill the Somalian cafeterias and similar buildings. They are on the streets in groups.

It is now feared they all will eventually die to corona infections.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck fins!

>It is now feared they all will eventually die to corona infections.
Don't get your hopes too high

Fuck Finland

>It is now feared they all will eventually die to corona infections.
Oh noes!.gif
You must do what you can to prevent this tragedy

oisko lähdettä tälle

no shit

>It is now feared they all will eventually die to corona infections.

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Dozens of Somali die to corona in Sweden, Finnish researcher of Somali people also worried about Somali in Finland

A member of parliament demands closing of Eaast Helsinki mall which is mainly inhabited by Somali, because they are not following the new orders of limiting public gathering to 2 peoples at max. They may quickly spread corona to each other.

I see the great plan . I see now what it was all along. The. Immigrant influx was for this purpose. They will all die. Every last one




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More like hoped


>Somali malls in East Helsinki
you have somali malls? FINLAND YES



If they can't understand basic rules they don't deserve to be in the country.

good. Then they'll riot in response.

>It is now feared they all will eventually die to corona infections.
you better save my brothers and sisters cunt

what was the get?

A majority of people agree with this axiom, but they do not believe any adult, let alone an entire population, are this way. They need a practical demonstration.

The correct word is "hoped".

Jesus brought them here for a reason.

Good news.

Don't interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake

They dont follow any other rules either, I hope they all get corona

>believe CoronaChan hoax
>fill contry with worst nigger type

Niggers are based this time

Fuck you nigger
Id burn you all alive

>feared they all will eventually die to corona infections.

To breed your pretty sister


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It is well known that Somalis are immune to the virus unlike the pagan animals that make up the rest of finland.

Because cosmopolitan eurotrash are atheists and atheist faggots deserve THE IRON YOKE

6 somali niggers dead to corona in sweden.
Somali niggers btfo

fuck you latvia go back to sydney

Oh noes

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They are dying in Sweden, so I have little luck for the ones in Finland.

And the result would be a brazilian monkey that eats lesser monkey.
Sopa de macaco

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I wish I lived in Finland. Looks dope


Fixed for you

I bet this is white peoples fault somehow

What species is that?

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Coming from another nigger.
Wow literally everyone hates niggers

"This is the price of segregation"
According to aftonhoran.


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This and checked, the niggers must die.

Africans without their pigment

>It is now feared they all will eventually die to corona infections.
how terrible

If we just take away skin color, even if we made white people look black, the difference would be so stark and undeniable.

You are a nigger too user,stop the denial you already dont have deep inside some of the nigger genes


>It is now feared they all will eventually die to corona infections.

Yes smaller monkey, put it in the sopa de macaco

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why arent you out there putting yourself in front of the virus to protect them ? what is wrong with you !

I’ll have that after my bat soup

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The niggers are all dying in sweden.

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Don't lie, Lars.

la goblino

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Imagine the Finns needing to be told not to get too close to anyone

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Im starting to like corona, i hope more niggers die.

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is it possible to "gift" covid?


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now's your chance go spry them with the virus
and run for cover! make them fear living there and they will leave

Oh no, not the Somalinos!!!!!!11

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>playing unmodded Morrowind

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...and this is a problem how?

If the nig-nogs aren't smart enough to follow safety guidelines, they deserve to select themselves out of the population.

10-dimensional chess
bring in the migrants to show everyone how bad mass migration is, to prevent it from happening again for 1000 years
(i wish)

Who cares? Let them get coronavirus and just dot treat it.

Your jokes are not funny dog fucker canadian onions

il mostro

Works great in canada (coof) i mean chyna

Never inbreed, kids

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>in Somali malls in East Helsinki
wait, what?

>It is now feared they all will eventually die to corona infections.
>feared they all will eventually die to corona infections.
>about the death of the 60 IQ inbreds
Why you got to be like that


>It is now feared they all will eventually die to corona infections
oh no, that sucks!

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Hope every nigger on earth dies


>they all will eventually die to corona infections

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Is this real?

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mabe there is an up side to corona, it can eliminate all the dumb niggers, zoomers, and wage cuck consumers who all refuse to chill for a few weeks, haha yes!


> In Bulgaria, home to a large Roma population, authorities are struggling to enforce the strict containment measures generally respected by the population. Many Bulgarian Roma are said to have returned from Western Europe in recent days where they may have contracted the coronavirus.


Digits mean it’s happening

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