So is April 1 the cutoff for Q-theory to be proven correct? They're saying April 1 should commence 10 days of darkness.
So is April 1 the cutoff for Q-theory to be proven correct? They're saying April 1 should commence 10 days of darkness
I thought it was 2017 when Hillary would be in prison and the swamp would be drained
I'm from Missouri so show me.
>Easter Sunday
Q is just a trick so he gets re-elected
yes 1 april + 10 days = easter. the coronavirus, the "crumbs", the quarantine, the timeline,....if it doesn't happen now, when will it?
Technically Q had said nothing of the sort
It's just people theorizing or jumping to conclusions
It all seems like it's happening though
no happening
let's go back to work
jannies are faggots
The last 100 times nothing happened wasn't proof enough?
Don't worry, they will just move the date again because of some bullshit.
just making an educated guess. i doubt you'll have this kind of confluence of events in the next 10 years.
This is probably the plan of your tribe, so who knows? It depends on how retards will react to your advances.
This is what will actually happen.
desu 3 years is not at all unreasonable to prepare the grounds for locking up people of high status.
It's 11 days not 10 but I'm sure you'll give Q the benefit of the doubt. Morons.
You’ll have people claim that it is indeed “the date” then you’ll have people claim “that isn’t true it’s some other date! It’s still going to happen!” Because at the end of the day it’s all ambiguous postings with no substantiated evidence. You can twist it to fit whatever narrative you want - similar to Nostrodamus. The people stringing you along with this Q stuff are either very gullible or purposely misleading you as part of a demoralization psyop. There have been a blue million dates in the past few years where “some big event” was supposed to happen. Nothing ever comes to pass. I hate that pol got infested with the nonsense again. They had gotten successfully ran off to 8ch for a good while. Once the coronavirus issue goes away and all these celebrities they are claiming are part of a “cabal takedown” are back to their regular lives and everything returns to normal, what will Q user people claim then? That they’ve stuck plea deals in exchange for immunity? That some other wild fantastical thing is happening? Tune in in a few weeks to find out what the new nonsensical story they’re pushing is.
Holy fucking shit!!!
Does someone have that picture where american soldiers in austria is standning by a guy in rabbit costume holding blue and red ball in hands????????
No redditor, stop making threads about Q then complaining about Q threads.
found it
Trump spent his holidays retweeting QAnon and Pizzagate accounts
All for a LARP?
what will happen to all those climate change walnut suace lovers?i am worried!
4/10/20. DJT.
Do you truly believe retweeting things is an endorsement of everything the account it’s coming from has ever tweeted? It’s pretty daft to say Trump has time to check out the content of every account he retweets.
Q = Quarantine
>every account
How many until it's interesting?
10? 20? 30? 50?
Q stands for quotient. The intelligence part flew out of the window.
Nice digits!
Jesus Christ there is no reasoning with you people. When his second term ends and nothing happened will you finally shut the fuck up? There’s a goddamn place for this on 8kun. If you want to circlejerk about it fucking go there, or at most, consolidate this shit to a single fucking thread here. We don’t need to 5-10 of it at a time, give or take, on here at once.
>thinks actual Qfags make these slide threads
If you can't see these are the same discord redditors who make all the other slide threads you're an idiot.
Plus, if things do happen I'm sure people like you will be here trying to down play it.
>There’s a goddamn place for this on 8kun
They originally came from The_Zognald then migrated to kike-kun
The interesting thing to me is there’s never any definite idea of WHAT is going to happen. Restating time and time again that “it’s going to happen” doesn’t meme it into reality. Nothings going to happen. If you can’t see it’s a demoralization campaign to keep you docile and inactive while you are perpetually waiting for it to happen. Ever notice a common theme with these LARPs? There’s never any specific enough details attached to them because if they got too specific and it failed to happen, they’d lose credibility. So you keep it just vague enough to maintain plausible deniability when it never fucking happens. You people are the most braindead group of people I have ever observed on the internet outside of tumblr furries.
Trust Sessions
>doesn't know Q started here
what a faggot
>I don't know something so it's not real
YOU don't know what's happening, that's not other people's problem.
Again, you miss the point entirely. I’m not arguing with you fucking idiots any more. Carry on.
love all these people try to make it sound stupid.. there are everywhere it is almost like there really is something there
Nah.. That's called datefagging.
Davey Crocko exposed the whole thing as a shitty LARP last night:
Pack it up, Q-fags - you're finished here.
Ah yes, the theory with never-ending cutoff dates.
If you're looking for a hero check out the marvel movies... you call it Q but is rather J
Convoluted shit. Bookmarked, but highly doubt.
What will the 10 days of darkness be tho? Is it a full internet blackout or are big news agencies going to stop reporting on Trump or start 10 days of nonstop fearmongering?
Why did none of you catch this????
If it is just a shitty larp,
Why are there threads about it every day?
Why have there been thousands of mainstream media reports on it?
it dies with the end of this, whatever the outcome
it can't come back from "CV was a nothingburger". every time it gets brought up it'll just have this whole fiasco shoved in its face.
Good. Q threads get so obviously shilled. Go away
Yeah, wouldnt the news love to just jump on how stupid Trump supporters are and the dangers of fake news and need for increased censorship etc etc?
>shitty tuber
why can't you just write this shit down? what kind of mongrel can't just write 500 words and link shit to show this.
Either Q is real or David Goldberg was right.
They lost all their power
They already missed the mark. Yesterday we were supposed to go into medical marshal law. Trump is now calling off the quarantine so its back to wageslave life. No Q is happening. No nothing. Its over.
Don of the Great Year. Great Awakening. This is an unprecedented time.
But it is supposedly a shitty larp,
why would it be "News Worthy" ?
Why hasn't it faded away into ambiguity like every other hoax?
>something made up by some random person is what Q said
kys faggot
>2 hours
>Why hasn't it faded away into ambiguity like every other hoax?
That answer is simple to those doing the research. There is more info coming out both new and old on a daily basis. It's all a probability and constantly Q timeline is becoming realer and realer.
So this whole virus thing has been kind of wierd. Feels like something else is going on. I thought maybe theres a 1 in a billion chance that maybe they would make a move on the DS. It's about the only thing that would make sense about this major overreaction. Either that or massive gun confiscation. When Q posted again yesterday about the Durham investigation the last little tiny chance that they were going to do something vanished. They're gonna keep dragging that's shot out forever. I have no faith that Durhams investigation is going to bring anything but more swampy coverup bullshit.
if it doesn't happen they'll just make something else up
>There is more info coming out both new and old on a daily basis
Can you cite an example?
Q is part of a plan alright... To have people that may have fought back separated and hiding in their houses. Oh, all forms of communication will go dark on April 1st,alright. But not for the reason they think. It may dawn on them that Q was bullshit as their door is getting kicked down.
It's going to be cloudy in Iowa for 10 days and people will say HOW COULD HE KNOW?!?!?!