Can cook different meals

>can cook different meals
>thin, clean
>also white
>probably past red pill
>can love her man and take care of children
>still single at 25
Explain this Yas Forums

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Tits or gtfo

those numbers are scary

Stop trying to conform to this site's exceptions. Find a man who loves you for what you can do easily.

has bad taste in men
rejects souled men, goes after npcs

post pic

One of my female friends in the same situation became a muslim recently. I guess it's better than being miserable.


You'll always be an incel as long as you cling to the incel mentality.

>became a muslim recently
france is not longer france

I am not trying to, except those I consider myself sane and good in a long term perspective.

You either come on strong or are ugly

make solid male friends in church and date them

Post face pic


Is she ugly?

I mean. Post proof or GTFO

i'd marry you, if you dont mind living in the third world

I think I missed my chance, met the wrong men at the wrong moment, had poorer ideas back then and broke up when I thought it wouldn't lead us anywhere. It happened twice and since then... Well time is getting quite long.

Sounds to me like you have a mythological mental image of what a right-wing man is supposed to be like.
In real life, men are not like mythological archetypes. Real women are not like archetypes either.
All the right-wing men you know aren't like the archetype? No shit.

Fucking lol haven’t been on /my/ in years but that’s my favorite yes meme yet

I hate the french

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You wouldn't exist without them

You're either ugly, a gold digger, or you're REALLLLLLLY fuckin weird. Any halfway decent looking girl who isn't a nasty whore can get just about any single guy she wants.

post a pic with a timestamp. we might be able to truly give you advice, but we have to know what we're working with.

no hymen no daimond, obviously.
though i wish the virgins i deflowered wouldn't leave me after a few years

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yeah i dont care about your blog. zzzz. as tu un monologue interne

You sound like a self absorbed cunt. Every female that is worth something gets snatched up, no problem. You have something major that is wrong with you and you're either lying about it or in denial.

oh shit you're right
fucking checked

How did early America defeat a massive empire? With the help of two massive empires!

I'm a russian serf who's dodging the army draft

My point stands

French people are the worst

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25 is too old for me, but im wealthy so i can demand younger

any Yas Forumsbros got sisters they want to hand off?

praise kek five me difits

weird is irrelevent in a woman


Are you talking about yourself? I'll tell you exactly what's wrong with you if you want to talk about it.

keke kill all jews and nigs

It was a short explanation of what led me to this situation though.

kek kill all boomers


How many sexual partners you had?

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kek kill all jannies and feds

i'll marry you maybe but you have to pay for your trip to michigan and i hope you like guns, like, a lot.

kek kill all discord trannies

Tits or GTFO

Tits and i forgive your sins

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>or you're REALLLLLLLY fuckin weird.
Some types of weirdness are hot though. That's how Hex Maniac become a Pokewaifu.
>Any halfway decent looking girl who isn't a nasty whore can get just about any single guy she wants.
Not exactly. She seems to be chasing trad men. This comes with a complication: Trad men believe that they can only have one woman, so they can be "taken" easily.

missed by one

>>probably past red pill

stop trying to get the 250m numerals idiot. also accept christ.

>Had sex with several men

Your options are dwindling

me too.
find one like you. that's the only good answer. other meme answers need not apply.

Just need to meet people, try discord, avoid the betamales that try to display dominance by screeching the cringiest


kek based belg

This has to be a catfish, tranny, or troll. No girl is going to ask Yas Forums for advice on men.

>everyone in this thread sleeping on GY!BE
Sad Yas Forums just sad.

Redemption is long.

Not exactly. A lot of men have low standards and will screw an ugly chick just to boost their own egos.