Why is this poison legal?

Why is this poison legal?
Just why?

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it's fun to drink every now and then

you must be asian
can't handle child's play

Remember what happened the first time we banned it?

please do not drink smirnoff.
sobieski is way better and that's low tier.

Agreed. Smirnoff is poisonous garbage. Why drink vodka when you can have gin?

It's grandfathered in, and making it illegal creates more problems, if this stuff were invented back in the sixties it would be rightfully illegal. Also, any of you justifying the use of this substance is justifying millions of men killing themselves with an addictive substance. Don't think that you're beyond addiction with it, it's just a matter of a few bad weeks and frequent use.

Right?? Stoliknaya is the only vodka anyone should spend money on

why are you still here

alcohol was a big part of the enlightenment and evolution of the arts for the human race. Alcohol is banned in a lot of religions because alcohol's effects make you more free thinking

Is gin supposed to be "healthier" than other liquors?

Why is bleach legal?

Muhammad drank wine. The Qur'an says only scholarly men drink wine made from grapes and dates.

It is the hardest drug in existence and shitskins can't handle it. If you don't believe me drink a half gallon in a night with no water then detox hard. Gauranteed you will be call your local ambulance.

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gin cannot, by definition of what gin and vodka are, be healthier than vodka.
anyway, for the most part, clear liquors have less toxic shit than dark liquors. brandy is the worst. then whiskey.

>Why is this poison legal?
same reason motorcycles and cigarettes are legal

you know who really can't handle it?


Weed isnt tho why

I knew a Korean that could handle it, all other Asians get fucked fast. Niggers on the other hand get turned on 1 malt liquor. The only niggers I have known that can handle alcohol are half breeds mixed with white man.

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why are you in my country?

Vodka is pretty much the cleanest alcohol you can find in a store.
>no methanol
>no acetaldehyde
>no fusel oils

I agree with OP, This is the shittiest vodka ever.

Alcohol is the white mans right, if you’re white and can’t handle a night of heavy drinking with your friends and have fun, dispose of yourself

alcohol and tabaco great poisons to the bosy faster than aging yet slower than cyanide

Guys im op here
i have been sober for 2 and a half months
im slowly getting drunk

I drink 150 ml of whisky (40) every night.
How fucked am I?

Just don't drink it if you dont like it. Why try and ban it yeesh.

I drank so much Smirnoff vodka during high school, I cant even drink hard alcohol anymore if it's not a mixed drink.

vodka is shit
t. ussr immigrant

whites like it and its poisonous, of-course its legal

Get lost, Canadian imbecile.

Because it's fking delicious and great in the right amount.

i'm not a psychic so i don't know
what i'm talking about is congeners, which are higher in darker liquors and bottom-shelf, cheap liquors.
honestly, a good quality whisky is better for you than cheap-ass vodka or gin.

you won't make it past 35 kek

yeah leaf i hear you

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Bc anybody can do it at home. You can't ban it

*make it

dude that's like 3 standard drinks. you're fine. maybe take a month-long break every few months to let the liver totally reset, if you're really worried about it

I have a bottle of Stoli in my fridge and it's 2 AM and I can't sleep

is it good idea to wolf it down?

>why are things I don’t like legal?
shut up faggot

>Why is this poison legal?

Because the modern world was built upon it. Imagine all the history changing things that has happened while leaders where drunk? Imagine all the shitty jobs people do because they can get drunk when they get back home?
We would still live in caves without it.

Keep doing it, perhaps you americans can develop some kind of drinking sense, it’s embarrasing when american turists come to the north to drink with russians swedes and finnsand as soon as we bring out anything harder then fucking beer you puke yourselves and pass out. Learn the grogg love the grogg


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Fucking this, sobieski is cheaper than smirnoff and way smoother

Smirnoff is trash, it should be illegal. Zubrowka and the French grain vodka at Lidl (same shit as Grey Goose) are the obvious UK choices. Russian Standard is decent too, plus usually on sale.

Alcohol is fucking disgusting, you mong. It's everything BUT the alcohol which tastes good. It feels good, though.

Appreciate the response.
I've been beating myself up about it.
I didn't even start drinking til I hit about 40.
Been at it a for about six years now.

it can turn a pleasant moment into a great moment, if you can do it moderately

that's why wine and whiskey are the nobles of drinks: you can sip it and savor its taste. not so much with vodka, tequila, rum or other shot-type liquors
getting smashed is dumb, stupid and hangovers are one of the worst feelings in life

Agreed vodka is fucking vile. Whiskey is the only based spirit.

It's usually white girls and asians who can't handle it.

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Reminder: Vodka should be stored in your freezer at all times.

Sounds like my average night desu

Vodka is shit tier and is teh choice of all real alcoholics.

step up your game boys.

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Sugar is worse for you, and it is a more covert posion.

Bartender here, alcohol is definitely 99% degenerate. You dont know sad until you know alcoholics. Its fine to enjoy a nice rum in the privacy of your own home a couple times a month

>Why is this poison legal?

Feels good

you ever fuck drunk sluts? come on man tell me please

Go check out some of your local craft breweries in Canada. You guys have a lot of good tasty stuff. Alcohol doesn't have to be 'hard'. You can find enjoyable spirits and beers that are easier on your body. Not all alcohol is shit user.



White people are the most adapt to alcohol on this planet, and this makes sense once you realize they were the first to invent it.
Alcohol was also a very important part of living in cities as it allowed them to drink water that would otherwise been contaminated.
This is why every other race except whites have a difficult time adapting to alcohol and quickly become addicted.

Easy to make
Easy to store
It's highly addictive
From a salesman's standpoint, vodka is the perfect product. From a medic's standpoint, it's the perfect nightmare.

people like to get drunk and if we make it illegal, many people will die or damage their eyes, liver with methanol because they'll make it at home.

From a medic's standpoint it is a great disinfectant



virus's and cancer thrive in an acidic environment in your body.
drinking will increase your bodies PH and make you more acidic.
so drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda if you are doing to drink
or just take for a week to help lower your bodies PH
like now, with Corona's crazy ass flying around, maybe take some baking soda water and make your bodies PH a harder environment for the virus to spread, aka lower your viral load. so your body can fight the virus easier.

Poison LMBAO