French doctor Didier Raoult has found a cure for the coronavirus.

“Didier Raoult is one of the 99 most cited microbiologists in the world and one of the 73 most highly cited French scientists.”

This based druid conducted a controlled clinical study-showing Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin cured 100% patients on protocol within 6 days of treatment.

Now (((they))) say want more testing. Don't let them fool you.

Attached: pr-raoult.jpg (800x450, 21.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is the 000 get for the amount of wars France has won?

just like the thirteen other cures that have mysteriously vanished?

Good vibes

He looks Jewish.

Trips of truth.

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Les personnes qui surestiment l'efficacité de la chloroquine, sont les mêmes qui ont minimisé la dangerosité du virus.

Noooo not the microsoft coronavirus!

Attached: noooo.jpg (516x424, 32.38K)



Ils le font pour des raisons idéologiques, ce ne sont pas des êtres honnêtes ou rationnels.

Mistletoe is the cure, people!

Nigger, we've been following this one closely for weeks now. None of the chloroquiños were nothingburgerfags. Respect Panoramix, he is our druid and our elder.

56% education

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Thank you white wizard.

Fake and cringe.

Hey remember when all the microbiologist were suicided shortly after the anthrax scare....

France the most successful military power in European history you absolute imbecile.

France is the master race.


But seriously, France bailed us out with munitions and other supplies in Le Reveloution De Bong tho

chloro equine
pale horse

Napoleon sir

Noooo you can't just cure it! You have to take the goycine and get implanted with a microchip!!!

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Dider ? more like DIDLER

Attached: 1581455679905.png (821x809, 1.33M)

>American flag
>proudly retarded post
so predictable

True and they trolled us hard with that statue they donated

Yeah til merica came along and they've been on a losing streak

Noooo you can't do more testing! You have to take the untested drug right now to save my economy!!!

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Attached: wtf.webm (588x1080, 2.52M)

Lol boner parts

my opinion
1. we should do extra testing on a bigger sample as quickly as possible, but start mass-producing it RIGHT NOW as desperate times require desperate measures
Then we have 2 options
1. It's good and we solve this fucking plague
2. It has some collateral but we can still solve this fucking plague

Friendly reminder that we defeated the Fr*nch empire and the most "powerful army in the world" with only farmers, indians and a weak military

Press F to hon hon

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where is the wtf in this webm and why are you posting it

She's 15 years old you PEDOS

Are you nuts?


all hail

Attached: 40F5CF82-D927-447F-A4CA-D7222FF5D7FD.jpg (900x529, 51.15K)

>old man in his late 50s
>still has beautiful hair
>meanwhile I'm balding at 25

end it bros.

redpill me on this, bro.

Hon hon hon

Attached: 3dgifscrat.gif (640x266, 1.6M)

>t. DeRonald Muñoz Goldstein


fuck off frog

Attached: Screenshot_416.png (449x402, 154.18K)

>haha france didn't want to kill white people for the jews XD

What do they need the delay for?

Prove it, tranny

Checked and truth!

No mutt, that's what old white people look like.

Attached: 1510897173026.png (251x272, 8.46K)

>American flag
>proudly retarded post
So yeahhhh!

obvious mid thread slide
just remember trump was telling people to eat aquarium cleaner not about this.

Nyc started big testing of it today

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> a thot
Dont care!

3. ADE is real and the vaccine makes things much much worse

This based scientitist said he recieved (((death threats))) on the telephone every night

to cause more panic, the ride has just started son

Bien entendu. C'est foutu depuis longtemps, depuis l'origine. Tu ne représenteras jamais, Raphaël, un rêve érotique de jeune fille. Il faut en prendre ton parti ; de telles choses ne sont pas pour toi. De toute façon, il est déjà trop tard. L'insuccès sexuel, Raphaël, que tu as connu depuis ton adolescence, la frustration qui te poursuit depuis l'âge de treize ans laisseront en toi une trace ineffaçable. À supposer même que tu puisses dorénavant avoir des femmes – ce que, très franchement, je ne crois pas – cela ne suffira pas ; plus rien ne suffira jamais. Tu resteras toujours orphelin de ces amours adolescentes que tu n'as pas connues. En toi, la blessure est déjà douloureuse ; elle le deviendra de plus en plus. Une amertume atroce, sans rémission, finira par emplir ton cœur. Il n'y aura pour toi ni rédemption, ni délivrance. C'est ainsi.


Cinco De Mayo bro!

Just saved this.
But is the dosage actually safe? can any medical user confirm?

For a day. Then they came back and decimated y’all.

try it and find out

what do you mean he found a cure

the chinks used this and was informed about this 2 weeks ago

Don't they want to cause less panic?

They've won more wars than the US, AND they have a better winrate.