Why are there trannie cult leaders with micropenises on Yas Forums posting about mutilating themselves and wanting to teach kids how to do it.
There's A Tranny Cult Under Yas Forums'sNose
Other urls found in this thread:
And here is their "philosophy" on their cult page.
On the site you can find extensive detail of the pharmaceuticals you'll need to preform "self-surgery"
What the fuck
Trannies are predators until proven otherwise.
umm, bump?
>We have in a unique era where HRT is available and transsexuals are still a minority. Probably transsexuals did not exist before the 20th century when estradiol was discovered (cross-dressers not on HRT are not trans). In the 22th century probably it will become common and assimilated, like heavy metal fans. We have an unique opportunity to be part of the movement of transsexualism as a special clan, a rootless diaspora. We hide among ordinary people and we have a sense of mutual understanding and support like Jews. We are special in the way we want to be. In most countries we can still give our own narrative because people are not used to seeing trans people. Many of us are the only trans person that our acquaintances know. Enjoy it while it lasts: The era of transsexuals as a clan.
I'm glad digits let me know, but if your kids end up here, you fucked up.
Those are...like.....other boards, man
checked x2
I don't care what these retards do to themselves. Let them do home surgery and fuck it up. Most will die from infection/botched surgery or suicide anyway. The only thing of concern, and very little at that, is the reddit post about teaching kids to do it. I only have a little concern because 1. it's a redditor plan, those rarely get put into motion at all, and 2. most kids aren't going to have the guts/ability to properly administer anesthetics to themselves, let alone properly tourniquet AND do surgery. If they do, how the absolute fuck are they going to get needles, lidocaine, scalpels, etc and perform surgery on themselves without their parents noticing? Or passing out from blood loss/seeing blood?
All that said, I encourage these retards shoving knives around inside their ball sacks as they will likely sterilise themselves, outright die, or paint this mental disorder in a bad light among normies and all that seems okay to me.
trannies are less than human
Checked, that's disgusting
Honestly this is just Darwin. They will never have kids. In the olden days they would have been eaten by lions.
but I don't get why you are so emotional and obsessed about such a small demographic of people. You can't preach to others when you're weaker than them.
The problem isn't them doing it (I don't give a shit if they kill themselves as mentally ill adults) the problem is them grooming kids
>special clan, a rootless diaspora. We hide among ordinary people and we have a sense of mutual understanding and support like Jews
You really think that's possible tho; kids have the internet. I would guess anyone who's convinced to do such things kinda should be removed from the gene pool.
>going on /sci/ and /lgbt/
Of course there are trannies on both boards. Just like the Yas Forums mentally ill traps.
There are a few cults on Yas Forums
One is a doomsday cult, I've noticed this. It communicates with itself cryptically, and interlocutes aggression to governments.
The others?
You should get 4chanx and ban all the meme flags. Your experiences would improve. Why do you even care what some Paki has to say.
The point is they are making a methodical, instructional booklet for people. They want to advocate homemade botched surgery. Even to kids. It's a whole other level to tranny insanity. These threads hold a play by play of a fucking lunatic.
Aside from that I thought the irony of a microdicked faggot helping to start a cult would be funny.
Tell us more faggot
They moved that to x
You realize this IS the very "tranny/discord" you hear those schizos talking about
There's so many newfags on here now you people don't even understand the basic history of this place.
These trannies are literally responsible for at least one death. They are the ones who turned /r9 k/ into /r9g ay/. Their entire MO is to get as many weak, beta simps to become traps. SOLEY SO THEY CAN ADD THEM TO THEIR HARAM.
These people are sick, and are hardly actually human.
This has been happening for years. These people have been making a concerted effort to subvert this place (failing the vast majority of the time), and bend it to their will.
They realize they aren't successful with this board so they've been attacking other ones for quite some time. I will try to look for the screen cap I have about them saying the people in Yas Forums are all stupid, and easily subverted
This has been under our nose, but it hasn't gone unnoticed. The actual oldfags are very aware of what's happening, and even know these peoples names.
does this relate to tranny discord shill stuff?
This is just ridiculous.
Hantavirus becomes airborn and transmittable between humans
They said there wouldn't be a slippery slope
No. It's just that one of /lgbt/'s Reddit immigrants went full retard and now everyone is reposting its madness on other boards. The tranny discord groups are on Yas Forums.
>Like Jews
Well you heard, the man/woman, get the ovens ready.
I mean, if someone is stupid enough to do it, why not let him?
They really need to die. Yesterday.
Of course it does. These types try to rationalize their autogynephilia with weird philosophy. They parade around here like some kind of higher minded being rather than a broken pervert. A portion of their philosophy:
The sexes are not equal, each has its virtues and flaws. The main virtue of the male sex is its sheer reasoning power. In the past, the strength of the male was an advantage. 1000 years ago, if a rock was to be lifted, all the energy required for lifting it had to come from beasts or –from what amounted to the same– men. Now we have machines stronger than the strongest man or team thereof that can be assembled. In the few activities where human strength is an advantage, this signals the need for more technological development, for it is precisely those activities the ones that should be performed by machines, so that humans are freed for more worthy endeavors. The female body is beautiful with its fine facial features, graceful curves, soft and pale skin, and dainty hands, arms, legs and feet. The male body is ugly and insensitive; indeed, it had to be given the tasks that were required from it before automation. The female body can afford to be delicate and sensitive. It is freed from the duty of physical work, and thus it can afford to be beautiful
I was here from summer of 2015 until December 2016. I am only back to see if Q will deliver, but it looks like it is just a lot of BS.
>tranny jew khazar klans are forming
God no...plz
At least for their testicles they should use an elasticator.
This. They often use this to bait threads lately:
>Suicide rates have increased most dramatically among young white men aged 15 to 24.
>The Centers for Disease Control recorded 47,173 suicides in 2017, and there were an estimated 1.4 million total attempts. Many of society’s plagues strike heavier at women and minorities, but suicide in America is dominated by white men, who account for 70 percent of all cases.
>For example, white men—especially those aged 25-64—are at least twice as likely to take their own lives as men in every other racial group except Native Americans, who lag white men by about 15% (24 per 100,000 vs 20 per 100,000). And white males, who make up about 30% of the population, account for nearly 70% of all suicides.
>Suicide is far more common among white men in the U.S., the same category of men who feel the world owes them a well-paying stable job, and the respect that comes with that. They have lost employment or face a personal stress, often divorce or estrangement from their families.
>More than half of the cases involved school or workplace shootings (12 and 20, respectively); the other 30 cases took place in locations including shopping malls, restaurants, and religious and government buildings. Forty-four of the killers were white males.
>The headlines have been filled in recent months and years with the stories of the few angry men, mostly younger white men, who carry out mass killings.
>Babies of color now outnumber non-Hispanic white babies (1 year or younger), according to new estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. The newest estimate shows that on July 1, 2015, the population of racial or ethnic minority babies was 50.2 percent.
>By around 2020, "more than half of the nation's children are expected to be part of a minority race or ethnic group," the Census Bureau says, putting Americans under the age of 18 at the front of a trend that will see the overall population follow suit some 20 years later
You really think some discord tranny redditor is really going to go out and teach kids how to operate on themselves? Even if they are successful in convincing the kids, they're still kids. They can't do surgery properly, let alone surgery on themselves in an area that is difficult to see/navigate. If the discord tranny redditor offers to do the operation for them and does so, they'll likely brag about it online wherein they can be reported to authorities for practicing without license, etc. This "dilemma" solves itself.
Is this related to the constant spamming of gay porn and roleplaying in the smallest boards?
And how about those discords and telegram groups which are sometimes spammed?
I thought they were only organizing raids and shitposting.
Oh we're not unaware.
We just don't give a fuck if trannies want to mutilate themselves. We've tried telling them to get help, they don't want to get actual help. They want to wallow in self pity and let their fetish rule their entire life.
I'm not their fucking father.
They have plenty of new people entering their threads.
They are either med students or major autists but they have very detailed, very plain to follow procedures that would be easy for teens to follow. People have been doing this type of stuff for years. If you aren't new you'd remember the pile of home mutilation gore. This is more precise and probably more appealing to the less broken since you aren't using a rubber band to turn your dick black before you hack it off with a butter knife. To idiots it sounds safer.
I figured it did, They should all have their heads bashed in with rocks, starting with machoman contrapoints.
says "Yas Forums says trans rights". What the fuck!!!
The problem is, they're grooming children. Most often, children who are already troubled.
>I am not psychotic or have any other mental illness.
my face
Desire for oppression. The need to be a victim.
Like their allies, the SJWs, trannies have a whole internet which goes above and beyond to protect their feelings, but they go to the places where they are called out, like Yas Forums's Yas Forums.
Yes. They organize outside if they need to. They just regularly push this everywhere on the boards.
>what me care
>muh out of the gene pool
Sure psychotic perverts running around trying to teach kids and spread self mutilation to others only hurts themselves
>I'm doing surgery to myself not because I need it, but because it's empowering
>no i'm not mentally ill i just want to teach your children to be freaks
mirror of pics?
>kids have the internet
You are so fucking stupid. And on so many levels. It is you who will DARWIN soon lad
The chans are flooded with it.
WTH is that person doing to themselves?
But it's a coincidence that the most famous post number in the history of Yas Forums so far says it! Kek must will it after all!!