What kind of fucking pussy cries over an unborn, unwanted baby? Grow a fucking pair you ultra-sensitive virgin douche!
What kind of fucking pussy cries over an unborn, unwanted baby? Grow a fucking pair you ultra-sensitive virgin douche!
At least the natsoc wing of this board has no qualms about abortion. They just want honesty in that it is eugenics and you are an untermensch if you need one.
Is that the baby skull crushing hammer they use to crush baby skulls?
FPBP. nice digits. OP is a faggot. Killing your own children is unnatural, wrong, and the primary reason that roasties are fucking evil.
unnatural? By what fucking order? Nature kills their own offspring regularly you crying dumbass.
have sex
The only way to respond to test how strongly you feel about that opinion would be to dare you to attack me. Once you did, I wouldn’t leave without ripping your jaw off, you fucking faggot.
It's fucking hilarious how americans talk tough on the internet
I've knocked up 2 broads that aborted my babies and I never once felt the slightest bit upset about it. Maybe if you weren't so scared of sinning before marriage you'd get laid too.
I dare you to attack me retard
Kek is with us
abortion was alright when it was a rare, highly regulated occurrence and everybody saw it as a morally-grey last resort in a hopeless situation.
Nowadays there is a really degenerate, sociopathic cult around it. Talk about crying? Women in Ireland fucking cried out of happiness when they changed the constitution to allow abortion a few years back. They celebrated it like they got their right to vote or won a world war.
It's a sick celebration of hedonism, death and irresponsibility and it's genuinely disturbing to me.
so much edge
Animals have been know to kill themselves attempting to save their offspring.
humans order you fucking nigger ape
Usually there’s limitations to what term you can abort.
In some states here in burgerville there pushing for the right to murder a baby while mother is in labor. Wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes allowed.
Moloch will be very pleased and so will adrenochrome harvesters.
imagine finally being granted your own reproduction rights. Obviously that would be a big deal.
Obviously, but it is not as common as killing their offspring to improve their chances to reproduce when the odds are more favorable.
>humans order
you're an idiot
Killing your own offspring is counter-evolutionary unless you’re using the dead baby as sustenance for a stronger child or yourself. - Charles Darwin
Exactly, that's why abortion should be appreciated as it delays reproduction to when a child has the most resources to succeed.
i totally agree, but the man and woman must pay for the abortion, no freebies u commie fuck.
OP should have been aborted
this should be obvious but I don't even care if state sponsored it as it would reduce the overall cost in the long run.
imagine being shot a few inches above your kneecap and then again in your left leg. jaw has indeed been ripped off like previously promised but you’re not murdered.
nah insurance should pay for unforeseen medical issues. This is avoidable, lack of intelligence and ignorance should be no excuse.
If they dont have the money they should leave a testicle or an ovary as well.
The third reich didnt perform abortions, they condecorated women who had 4+ childrens.
Where did this meme begin?
>durrr you used two words that i dont think describe the same thing!!!
>nature=animals and nothing else!!!
humans have a nature, and killing your own children is exclusive to shitskinned retards like greeks
>imagine finally being granted your own reproduction rights. Obviously that would be a big deal.
ok. Imagine condoms were illegal (which actually happened in Communist Romania) and now the law is abolished.
Would you run out to the streets crying out of happiness or just sit at home and think "good, it was a stupid law" and continue your day?
nature sure as hell isn't "human order" you hookworm infected inbred, lol.
Women use it as secondary contraceptive, not for planning. Most just end up killing kids and the most successful end up with a dog making powerpoints for 60k a year
Liberty’s price is death to life. Liberty’s prize is grim. 125 thousand abortions daily. 50 million deaths a year under this choice banner. Without the attachment you are left with a simple gift of death. This is the gift the universe has installed for humanity to cheat death. Reproduction responsibility abandonment. Equative equality in regards to survival. Options are reciprocal for both the mother and life form. If the entity could speak what would it say? Is it normal behaviour to kill offspring? Free speech for the voiceless protected by law who steps up as the guardian when the parent role has failed. Liberty’s agenda is death to life on an extermination level event. Nazis. Only the method is different but the results are the same in a results based society. Planned premeditated death to life. Done by the so called guardians.
abortions still happened though, illegal and dangerous. People were desperate and didnt want extra mouths to feed, this happened mostly in the cities, in the countryside u had a garden and shit growing most of the year.
We are going to tie you to a post and send you to meet God
true and there was a huge black market for contraceptives as well. But my point is simply the law in the books, no matter how ineffective they were. The Irish abortion ban was also extreme ineffective because you could get abortions in the UK and there was abortion tourism.
You deserve to be disemboweled with a rusty butter knife.
Oh ya, you're one of those cool legionaires of that hacker group Yas Forums aren't you user? You don't forgive, you don't forget, isn't that right autist?
Aww, are you angry about the babies that don't exist? Poor little snowflake.
You fucks have no idea how bad it's gonna get
I always wonder how much pain is actually occurring when baby’s get all dismembered while inside womb.
They say they get sedated. So... it just doesn’t matter because the pain isn’t there we are told. It’s just a lump of cells.
I used to be all for abortion. But then one day I really thought deep about what I would do we’re I a doctor who had the skills to tear up a baby in the womb. Would I be able to pluck the baby out of that womb limb by limb then Crush head and pull that out in pieces? Then put it back together like a 3D jigsaw puzzle???
Fuck no.
Can’t a doctor refuse to abort a child? I mean what if doctors just stopped becoming abortion doctor. Like didn’t go for the specialty or certification for it anymore. Gynecologists just tell each pregnant mom “ehh... sorry ma’am I don’t perform abortions.”
Of course there’s always going to be a degenerate doctor willing to do an abortion so this is wishful thinking.
I think artificial womb technology needs developed now. Any woman who wants an abortion can be sedated and we can remove her child and stick em in an artificial womb then sign up for adoption and tell the kid his mom was a vicious harpy who wanted to murder you in her womb.
Just remember when your grandma dies of coronavirus I'm out at the clinic ripping life from my ho's womb at laughing at you.
Checked lol
It’s a reoccurring theme park ride where the clowns have lynched life and devalued it’s value in regard to using science to back up the idea of survival and life creation and trying to render it meaningless in an attempt to justify premeditated death. Do you think this is somehow normal behaviour? Killing ones own offspring? Why kill it? Responsibility abandonment. Doesn’t suit you? You devalue life. We are bringing back the true meaning of life creation. By 120(COC) renders it completely valuable. In fact necessary to exist. Science is used for good will in medicine and the medical realms of society. Why use science to align with the premeditated death to life to appease your degenerate destructive appetites? Harbingers of death? Nazis
So I can mark you up on the pro-choice side then?
They murder babies for a profession user they choose to walk into the clinic daily and they chose to have years of schooling to rip kids out of sluts and whores
It’s called fostering the people. I include life in this assessment considering if we aborted all clumps of cells over the time lapse of 120 years humans wouldn’t exist. Thus bringing value back into this equative equation. Reciprocal protection mechanisms for all. Especially the vulnerable who are innocent. Guardianship and parenting is a failure when you simply destroy life creation. As by law120(COC) renders life’s worth above the value of those who have a voice. Free speech is granted by guardians. Law.
Not a bad job in all honesty.
What faggots cry over decrepit 90year olds with sniffles and stop the world economy for it.
Abortion is Okay if its a non white Shitskin racial alien
Abortion is used by degenerates, niggers and the poor. Essentially euginics.
human order is the nature of humans, dipshit. HUMANS, not shitskins and faggots.
you don't even know what nature means. I bet if your momma aborted you and had a baby when she was no longer a desperate teen, that child wouldn't have been an autistic embarrassment the way you are.
all the elites and powerful media like new york times promotes abortion, if you support abortion then you support the kike elite.
>you don't even know what nature means
self-awareness: 0
I feel the exact same way about women and old people too. Fuck 'em. The weak should fear the strong
comparing humans to animals shows your low fuckin standards.
We don't cry about it lmao, but ask yourself this ; what are they doing with all of the babies?
if you have no problem with women killing your offspring that just indicates your low self worth.
>muh im so tuffffff im gonna larp on 4chins about abortion hu hu hu
Anyone who makes a thread like this hasn’t had sex with a girl. Let alone impregnated one.
You’re nothing more than beta faggot retard who thinks cumming in a boi pussi and watching Him shit out Your mediocre load is an “abortion”.
Get aids and die you faggot
>i allowed some whores to kill my own children
this is how cucked you sound
This guy is wiling to pay the education and healthcare of literally dumbasses and niggers
any nigger is worth more than you.
Go dilate steve
Religious people and people who had to raise their mistakes
I know having children is the "moral" thing to do and everything, but... I just fucking hate children. Whiny diaper-shitting cunts
Fuck off back to your discord, you shit-swilling, kike tranny.
Based and redpilled
Dilate, tranny.
Only the white ones.
Always support abortions for non-white fetuses.