/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2496 - SWINE FLU BTFO EDITIONS

► Detected: 417,349 (+38,566) ► Died: 18,595 (+2,088)

— 3.52 billion people put under lockdown

— 146 more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10

Hong Kong tries to go back to normal, "third wave" stops it

Singapore tries to go back to normal, "second wave" stops it

China didn't add 43,000 new cases since hitting 80,000

Brazil's Sao Paulo on lockdown, 44 million people

Coronavirus (SARS), not influenza (flu), not rhinovirus (cold)

Med shocked, lungs of young patients filled with blood

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

2 million to die in the US despite lockdowns, scientists estimate

Venezuela under full lockdown, 32 million people

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves


20:54: 250 new cases and 4 new deaths in Illinois, United States.
20:52: 204 new cases and 1 new death in Ireland.
20:19: 382 new cases and 2 new deaths in Massachusetts, United States.
20:18: 203 new cases and 2 new deaths in Connecticut, United States.
20:17: 310 new cases and 12 new deaths in Brazil.
19:49: 119 new cases and 3 new deaths in Los Angeles County, California, United States. One of the new deaths was someone who was under the age of 18, making this the first child death in the U.S. It’s unknown if the child had underlying health conditions. Some of the other new cases mentioned in the source were previously added to our tracker.
19:36: First death and 205 new cases in Saudi Arabia.


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Which rank does corona have?


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I just want quarantine to give me a vacation. I’ve been stuck giving live updates every thirty minutes for the last four days, and I fucking hate it. Any Iowafags, please blow up the station for 104.7.

A story in three parts.

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You should worry about yourself right now.

Is there a White House press conference today?

Fuck. I went to the store today to get fresh vegetables and fruit and bought a package of bread. I wore an n-95 mask, gloves, and had a can of lysol in the car to disenfect the bags. But I didn't think to spray the package of bread. Realistically, how fucked am I? I'm 27 and pretty healthy, non-smoker, regularly exercise. I'm in the austin area and went to a store in the burb's

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>Denmark has more cases than Japan
How the fuck?

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Boomers getting what they deserve for hoarding real estate.

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nothingburger over, /cvg/ shouldn't be allowed to stay ion this board anymore

>As of March 19th
>Just yesterday Boris Johnson shut down the UK

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exponential growth is a hell of a thing.

we will be talking tens of thousands in a month.

>19th of March
>UK went into total lockdown enforced by police yesterday

Reminder that the bioweapon theory was debunked multiple times

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awesome but sadden for the child and parents

Reminder that bill gates with health organizations did a pandemic simulation 2 months before the coronavirus in december.
They want to crash the economy so fucking hard to reset it, and want the people to stay at home without protesting like they did in chile and the yellow jackets.
They created the virus for that reason and for laboratories to patent new generation vaccines that will fuck your genetic and treat you like a transgenic plant.
This is a controlled caos and we are experiment subjects

>Boris says no crowed larger then two people
>puts country on lock down
>one day goes by
>everything is fine back to work
No one has any fucking clue do they?

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Based Chris, I wonder if he browses this board.

how come japan inst crashing and burning?
yeah they numbers are bullshit but still,life seems normal there

HAHAHAHA Yeah tell the Bongs they can go back to the Pub, fucking do it. They will be the biggest desert island in the world outside of Antarctica.

This is the equivalent of covering your head with a blanket, and trying to believe the monsters are gone.

So the UK downgraded it on the 19th but locked down on the 23rd? Is this a /herd/ phase remnant.

Nice try dipshit, we all know it’s an Albanian bioweapon.

starts in 30 minutes officially

1+ hour unofficially

You know living in a boring world where nothing ever happens doesn't seem so bad anymore.

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China 81,171 (3,277) Italy 69,176 (6,820) United States 52,921 (684) Spain 39,676 (2,800) Germany 32,986 (157) Iran 24,811 (1,934) France 22,304 (1,100) Switzerland 9,877 (122) South Korea 9,037 (120) United Kingdom 8,077 (422) Netherlands 5,560 (276) Austria 5,283 (28) Belgium 4,269 (122) Norway 2,779 (12) Canada 2,590 (25) Portugal 2,362 (33) Sweden 2,286 (36) Brazil 2,201 (46) Australia 2,144 (8) Israel 1,930 (3) Turkey 1,872 (44) Malaysia 1,624 (16) Denmark 1,591 (32) Czech Republic 1,394 (2) Ireland 1,329 (7) Japan 1,193 (43) Luxembourg 1,099 (8) Ecuador 1,049 (27) Pakistan 972 (7) Chile 922 (2) Poland 901 (10) Thailand 827 (4) Finland 792 (1) Saudi Arabia 767 (1) Romania 762 (11) Greece 743 (20) Diamond Princess 712 (10) Indonesia 686 (55) Iceland 648 (2) Singapore 558 (2) Philippines 552 (35) India 536 (10) Russia 495 (1) Slovenia 480 (4) Peru 416 (7) Egypt 402 (20) Bahrain 392 (3) Hong Kong 386 (4) Croatia 382 (1) Mexico 367 (4)…

China +78 (+7) Italy +5,249 (+743) United States +9,187 (+131) Spain +4,540 (+489) Germany +3,930 (+34) Iran +1,762 (+122) France +2,448 (+240) Switzerland +1,082 (+2) South Korea +76 (+9) United Kingdom +1,427 (+87) Netherlands +811 (+63) Austria +809 (+7) Belgium +526 (+34) Norway +154 (+2) Canada +499 (+1) Portugal +302 (+10) Sweden +240 (+9) Brazil +277 (+12) Australia +257 (+1) Israel +488 (+2) Turkey +343 (+7) Malaysia +106 (+2) Denmark +131 (+8) Czech Republic +158 (+1) Ireland +204 (+1) Japan +65 (+1) Ecuador +68 (+9) Pakistan +97 (+1) Poland +152 (+2) Thailand +106 (+3) Saudi Arabia +205 (+1) Romania +186 (+4) Greece +48 (+3) Diamond Princess (+2) Indonesia +107 (+6) Iceland +60 (+1) Philippines +90 (+2) Slovenia +38 (+1) Peru +21 (+2) Egypt +36 (+1) Bahrain +15 (+1) Mexico +51 (+1) Iraq +50 (+4) Dominican Republic +67 (+3) Argentina (+2) Algeria +34 (+2) Lithuania +30 (+1) San Marino (+1) Hungary +20 (+1) Morocco +27 (+1)…


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Your countrymen are literally whipping people who walk outside during the lockdown, Simranjit

Who will rack up student loan debt now?
Kikes on suicide watch!

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I’m in Miami hanging by my pool, it’s going to be 91 and sunny tomorrow, working from home. I wonder how many ppl here really are infected, seems eerily chill here...

Post tunes to jam to during a pandemic, guys.

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My mother has a horrible cough and has a 102 (Fahrenheit) fever. She's a cancer survivor, I don't know if It's corona, I'm scared for her and for me. The government here wont test her and has sent us home with cough and fever meds.

Please tell me it'll be ok bros. I think I'm actually going insane.

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For a second I was thinking of the boomer rock station we have here in Missouri with the same frequency but I guess not

Dead man walking

Sorry Happeningfags its just a hype.

Comparing the numbers of Italy and Germany, possilbe explanations are:
1. Germany is not reporting deaths on a huge scale (tinfoil-hat)
2. Germans are much more resitant to the virus than italians. (why should they)
3. Italy has much more infected than the tested 60,000 - 70,000

I think 3 is correct here. And even in Germany there are much more infected than tested. I personally know 3 people with symptoms (fever, cough, loss of taste) that did not get tested. A doctor, working at the hospital, i know said they reject people with symptomes.

So even the 0.4% deathrate in Germany is an overestimation.

lets assume 0.1%.

80mio germans.
70% infected => 56mio infected.
0,1% deathrate =>56,000 deaths in Germany.

The Flu 2017: 25,100 deaths in Germany.


N O T H I N G B U R G E R confirmed

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just make it happen yourself bro

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>"In my view, all this has happened because Russia, including our athletes, cannot be angered. It is no coincidence that our hymn says that God protects our land"
>"In my opinion, [the coronavirus] it's somekind of god's punishment".
Svetlana Khórkina, Russian Olympic Winner about the Olympic Games being postponed


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Sorry user I am hooked on the dopamine rush from Corona-chan. Things must accelerate from here so I can keep the high going

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You'll probably get it but not die.

You'll feel symptoms within 1-2 weeks and be ill for 1-2 weeks after that, starting with shortness of breath, progressing to cough.

We don't know long term effects though so GL.

Is happening back on the menu?

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Because they are bullshiting numbers but still wear masks everywhere.

stop it vlad, im really scared right now. i'm a pussy ass nigga who lives in Austin for fucks sake

If 90% of people stay home, the disease will burn out in 10 weeks.

Seems fairly easy and governments could get this going.


>British engineering and frabrications firm develop low cost and easy to produce ventilator in just 3 days - and are now manufacturing a 100 a day.

>The Covid Emergency Ventilator was devised with the help of a senior NHS consultant and has already successfully treated a coronavirus patient.

>Engineers CR Clarke - who usually design plastic fabrication equipment for industry - were approached by Dr Rhys Thomas who was concerned at the lack of intensive care unit ventilators.

this is brilliant.
hopefully they share the plans/design with other fabricators so we can start churning these things out.

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It always was


>He doesn't own a house in a secured woodland area
>He doesn't have at last 6 months of food for his family and him
>He doesn't own multiple firearms and enough ammunition to take a small city
>He his physically unfit or unable to provide for himself his his loved ones.
>He doesn't have a close circle of family member who he can depend on

If any of those criteria describes you, you have fail to prepare yourself for life has an adult and have been chosen to die so that the earth can be repopulated with actual functional human beings. Thank you.

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lol anyone, even the most retarded Yas Forumstard knows that when official statements contradict official actions it's the END OF THE WORLD

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Considering pic related...
How fucked is America?

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They really want the olympics to happen

/GBG/ - Greek Borders General



>Atlanta Mayor tells cbs46 News ICU units in hospitals across the city are at capacity

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she'll be okay bro

Now that's what I call shitposting:

>I have therefore not been tested for COVID-19
>AND THIS IS THE BOTTOM LINE: I almost didn’t feel ill. My last cold was much worse than this! Had it not been for someone else having the virus simultainously I might not even have suspected anything.


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A "vaccine" will be realized soon


A "vaccine" will be realized soon, it will be enforced and mandatory for the whole population
HIDE, FLEE, FIGHT BACK! Whatever you have to do but DO NOT not let them inject that stuff, remember my words is better to be death than getting injected with it.

Just take care of her bro as much as you can to give her enough energy to fight what she's got.

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Yes - youtube.com/watch?v=MRhQfFAChl4 - or whatever other channel you prefer.

Will probably boast about the pumped economy, talk about how much faith he has in Americans getting back to work around Easter. Won't be surprised if he brings up flu numbers considering he did that 4 times in less than an hour during his segment on Fox earlier today.

>tfw when an ignorant fool doesn't understand bureaucratic classifications that determine funding and resource allocation

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I don’t think we’re syndicated anywhere, but we are undeniably boomer music. KVIK?

>FEMA brings all the supplies to NYC
>all the other urban areas start hitting their severe case surges when there is nothing left
Based Cuomo

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Japanese people are disciplined. We have copenhagen, remember?

No matter what happens some day things will be ok, user. I promise

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w-why do they have 50,000 masks?

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I made $170k on bitcoin in a week and a half, am I going to hell bros?

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Argentina setting up emergency hospitals.

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>Los Angeles County
child wasn't white

A vaccine for a coronavirus is probably not possible to be developed

> Checkmate virus, You cant pandemic if there is not definition of pandemic

WHO some weeks ago

bros why is pol half full of shill threads and posts either calling the virus a hoax or going back to downplaying it? I mean there are people literally saying the government made this up and calling people who believe it stupid for listening to the media... as if we didn't know about this for weeks before American Media paid it any mind. Are they just the children home from school?

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Good worshipers get to be spreaders instead of sacrifices

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Bear with me and my schizo image. Here's what I'm thinking about China and the Wuhan coronavirus. I made the pic related to show some of my evidence. Basically, the original SARS first emerged in Guangdong, China around 2002. It bound to the ACE2 receptor and only ACE2. It killed a couple thousand people maybe, but not as bad as coronavirus. What it did do was spur lots of research into it, as a novel virus for humans. An institute that took particular interest was the Wuhan Institute of Virology/State Key Labs (a huge network, some associated with HKU), funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. For roughly 15 years, they did research into it pretty damn thoroughly. Why WIV you ask? Because it's one of the only institutes in the world capable of doing this kind of thing. It has a massive virus vault which includes the original Guangdong SARS strain, wildlife extracted copies, and later mutations, including the ones they made (see the China Daily tweet).

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UK went basically Nothing Burger->Herd->Panic->Nothing Burger

Well that was fast...

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Now, one of the research papers they did (top left), in 2007, they plucked some coronaviruses out of bats to see whether they can bond to human ACE2 like SARS could, using HIV pseudoviruses interestingly. Turns out, it couldn't. But when they replaced the RBD (receptor binding domain) with one from SARS, it worked perfectly. Conclusion: Another SARS is brewing, but the species of bat is not carrying a novel one nor the original. A second article, also from WIV, basically predicted this outbreak. It's the infamous 'time bomb' one. If you haven't seen it, the relevant passage is highlighted, it's the second article from the left. It particularly noted the small outbreaks in 2003 and 2004, where they were actually interspecies transmissions, which they discovered because it didn't bond to hACE2 very well. Additionally, it also notes that SARS leaked out of laboratories before, notably in Taiwan and Singapore.


It was on instructables since ages.

Guys, am I infected?
>3 days ago at a store, got sideswipe coughed on
>been farting constantly since, coffee tasted bad this morning
Am I gonna die?

So that's why SARS was bad, but it was also a limiting factor because hACE isn't ultra common in healthy people and it wasn't as efficient as it could have been. Now, what needed to happen for it to become worse, as noted in the first study, was an n-terminal mutation in the spike or S protein. (Don't worry if you don't know what that is, I'll explain it) They note that it could happen with a mixing host bat or in the lab. Now, research continued, with one more study of note (other studies of interest are annotated in the image, towards the right.) In 2010, WIV published a follow-up study to the original. This time, they tried seven additional species of bats, to try and find natural reservoirs for SARS. But they not only found two species which could be exactly that, but also noted how to increase the efficacy of the binding. Pretty strange. There is also a bunch of published evidence about the genetic diversity of SL-CoVs in bats.

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Reminder not to fall for confirmation bias. Of course numbers are going up now that people are testing. You cannot be counted if no one is counting. Unless you are the average death age of 78.5 or have a preexisting condition like obesity, you will be just fine. Please calm the fuck down.

Can you imagine the shitstorm it's going to be when you have 100 coofing argies locked in a cold parking garage with nowhere to pee or shit or plug in their phones?

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They put money to buy masks and give them. They didn't have them already

UK are retarded everyone is still out here coofing, going to takeout restaurants and hanging out at the park "it's only two of us m8 you can't do anything innit"

If you responded to those posts and images, she'll be fine.

I'm seriously asking: is that legit?
Everybody are talking how deadly it is, just slow.
I don't want to end up in some NWO hellhole for love of God.

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Ok, so how does this connect to the current coronavirus? Very much so. Remember the n-terminal mutation in the S protein? Look at the diagrams near the bottom. The binding process is illustrated and the S protein is labeled on the coronavirus, it's the spikes. Turns out exactly that which needed to happen happened. If you see the paper with authors starting with Jan Lan, in the middle towards the bottom, they note that there's improved binding to ACE2, indicating convergent evolution between the original and 2019. But wait, there's more. Top right article, they note how the 2019 virus is a bunch of stuff put together, chimaeric, and list a bunch of sorta DNA matches. The primary thing of note here is that it says that it is mostly a mix of a coronavirus 'of unknown origin' and a bat coronavirus, the likely source. Now, you remember how they messed around with exposure to HIV? Well, coronavirus has a unique feature which is basically stolen from HIV. A secondary entry point, increasing infectivity. There's an SCMP article right under the header of the first article which mentions a 'furin-like' cleavage site. There's one of the restrictions of the original SARS, gone. How did this happen? China had to have known.

yes totally got me there

>we did it reddit!

Not trying to meme, but it hasn't even truly begun yet user.

>Americans thinking they can save their economy by keeping social distancing

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>he never watched "Hump MD"

>Us would outsource development of bioweapons to the country they would be most likely to use them on

Sure they did

Atlanta is 90% obese diabetic high blood pressure high cholesterol afro-american

>When I returned from my trip around Central Europe
This fucking cunt spread the virus around in my part of town

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Looks like the game is gonna be a snorefest

The real threat has never been to your virginity.

One schizo less, thank the heavens

>dead man walking

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NYC confirmed cases doubling every 3 days
they are 23,000 ventilators short and already struggling to cope. This is just the beginning


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He mentioned Corona Chan by name a few episodes back, he's at least aware of this place.

>implying our guberment and doctors aren’t going to fuck us up even harder

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Because Yas Forums is 3/4 Trumptards and Qfags. Why do you think they shill so hard in these threads about muh nothingburger? A million Americans could die and they'd still say nothingburger. Just ignore, or report as appropriate.

I love how New York's & California's shitty problems suddenly become the whole country's.

Oh wait, that's par for the course

How is farting a symptom of COVID? Have I missed something?

You're completely fucked bro. 100% this shit ain't anything to fuck around with. You tried your best and still failed. Think about it. Doctors across the world are better prepped than you and they're STILL dying (and I bet they wiped their bread properly) GG game over.

Here I am, infect ya like a bullet train

No you just eat to many bread

>”oi! Ya hear that lads? I can get me fags back from me woife an’ ‘ead back to the puob!”


enjoy your HERD IMMUNITY, amerisharts

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They are just going to sedate them to keep them calm and wait for them to die.
Personally I rather they give me a bag of opiates and benzos and I will suicide at home instead of waiting for death in a place like that

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When will this peak?

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Try harder

Oh nooooo Greta Thunberg has the virus

So this is what a happening feels like?

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The election this November will be even grander than the last one

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that's the whitest zoomer we have left be gentle

Holy shit fucking retards

No you just eat to many sugary foods, like bread, cereal, sauce, and pasta.

>Last updated 24 March 2020
>The risk to the UK has been raised to high.



2nd opinion here. You're fucked. Get your affairs in order.

When it reaches 7 billion infected.

tl;dr anyone?

You're already dead. This is hell

Diesel engines

Either summer or never.

the chinks are getting really good at posting then, because I feel like this user is right and yeah I guess that explains it, didn't think there were really that many trump supporters left

Around the end of april or may(be)

Whatever suits the politics.

To be fair Vietnam isnt completely retarded and managed to be recover completely at one point after getting infected, only to get infected again. I still wouldnt do the same if I was her tho.

Population control virus is a meme, they are doing it to control China's population which is rapidly approaching a revolution. The world needs China to remain an oppressive shithole because "muh cheap goods and outsourced labor", on a global level the world operates via slavery the virus just got out of where it was meant to stay.

>acts like a nigger
>talks like a nigger
looks like a nigger to me

Say you're asymptomatic, can you still get the permanent lasting damage?

Once the majority has died.

They always wore masks everywhere.


Video: Gun sales soar amid coronavirus pandemic
Gun store owners have seen their inventories dwindle as people flock to buy weapons and ammunition.
4:03 p.m. EST Mar. 24, 2020


if you have been very anxious you may have been swallowing air leading to flatulence, keep an eye on the strange taste thing because that is seeming to be a symptom (poor sense of taste/smell)

god Corona cant wipe out those stupid normalfags fast enough

>close circle of other people

This sounds like how you get infected or fucked over. Get a dog, much better.

- January 19: 100 cases
- January 24: 1,000 cases
- January 31: 10,000 cases
- February 12: 50,000 cases
- March 6: 100,000 cases
- March 18: 200,000 cases
- March 21: 300,000 cases
- March 24: 400,000 cases


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you just lose your sense of smell and taste
no biggie
back to work Joe

You're the most vivid glownigger of the day.

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Converting to Christianity is your best bet, bud.

>Los Angeles
>death ... linked to coronavirus
the child was probably just aborted and the mother had coronavirus. here you go, "linked"


Well one of the symptoms is lung damage.. so I'd go with no on that one tim

That doesnt mean they dont try to sell vaccine.
They sell vaccine for last years flu and no one is saying anything, even though everyone knows this years flu will be different and the vaccine helps nothing.

How are you going wipe out something that don’t exist. It only exists in the vaccination if you get it. It’s just something for government to push new world order.

What really disturbs me is how those brainwashed people who are being paid to enforce this insanity can look around at what they have done to the livelihood of their family, friends, and neighbors and feel good about their actions. What they don’t realize is that once they have effectively destroyed the lives of so many to further the agenda of a few, the table will turn and they will be next on the chopping block, they will then be just as unimportant as the rest of us.

I am making an effort to use this therapy on a regular basis biomat.com/faq/the-basics/

>you just lose your sense of smell and taste
is that permanent?


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lol. Literally just means responsibility has been shifted from one small government department to a national emergency

by flipping it to the other side

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Is New York kill?

Guys I found the coronavirus. It was right here the whole time!

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also digits nice

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I'm dumb, 1m when?

If that's a real YouTube video, he should be reported and his video taken down before people listen to him and break quarantine thinking that the SARS-CoV-2 virus/Covid-19 disease won't kill them.

>let's prevent a revolution by nearly destroying a country and triggering the population to distrust the government even more

the fat nigress talks like trump

This Campbell guy is a retard right? Analyze BMI and conclude that being overweight increases covid severity risk when it just represents national averages for BMI
>Dude just be underweight for optimal health

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lel now she's just suicidal
wearing a mask is the least drastic thing you can do at this point

What were the pasta numbers?

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Who knew the end of the world would be so fucking boring. Where is the excitement? Where are the riots? Why isn't LA on fire yet?

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Funny how, according to the map it only seems to hit 1st world countries badly. China being the exception

Back to work burgers!

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bump for based asuka-chan

I have a respirator I use for wood working, think it's worth wearing it whenever I go out now or is it no good? If not any recommendations for what I should try to buy?

Why is the Italian lockdown not working against corona chan?

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>The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.

>The need to have a national, coordinated response remains, but this is being met by the government’s COVID-19 response.

>Cases of COVID-19 are no longer managed by HCID treatment centres only.

It's actually worse that what that retard thinks, basically wont be handled only by HCID treatment centres, aka its a national emergency

I was thinking the same

within a week

Good work user

ive gained weight during the lockdown lads

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A tad boring, isn't it?

You can find a couple hundred other versions too.
Its a $100 device healthcare business sells for $100000

oh no protect woody allen he old :(

He believes China so yes he is.

we have no idea. it's literally only just started.

this is what's so scary about it. Even if we get past it initially. A second wave during the late months can be even worse than it is now.

Coronavirus timeline:
- January 19: 100 cases
- January 24: 1,000 cases
- January 31: 10,000 cases
- February 12: 50,000 cases
- March 6: 100,000 cases
- March 18: 200,000 cases
- March 21: 300,000 cases
- March 24: 400,000 cases

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So if they just don't feed it can it lose weight?


In our anthem, it says God keep our land, glorious and free. Guess it works.

>Where are the riots? Why isn't LA on fire yet?
two more weeks.

My god, Corona-chan possesed this man and was coaxing all the others to get infected

Ok user the world already throws a shitfit over lowered birth rates leading to not enough taxes for the old fogeys but obviously everyone agrees with you that we need less people.

5249 new cases
743 new deaths

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>land of the free


it's actually me, the one who made that theory

thanks btw for posting it.

as you can see it's an old theory and i'm pretty sure it's not that deadly as i assumed it to be.

HOWEVER, the biggest danger now from nCOV is, that reinfections could/will occur and lead to more severe cases than before.
That's related to the antibodies... hard to discribe.

to add is, that my theory is going to change towards:

men sterilized, second wave propably will lead to higher deathrate, markets crashing on purpose because that would have happend anyways (like 1929)

this virus has the potential for ALOT of things... we will see

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We're going to hit 500k by tomorrow

Due to the incubation time for corona (from 2 to 14 days) you will see the benefits of a lockdown 2 weeks after being implemented.

They didnt actually lockdown. Italians ignored it up until recently. Similar to USA with our spring break and mardi gras fiascos

less Tourist went to a shithole

Possibly. The first infected child was reported to have ground glass opacities on CT but no symptoms.

>Why haven't Sweden closed it's schools?
Because our CDC is staffed by Marxist who have spent the past two months trying to figure out how a lock down might unfairly impact single mothers.

They actually complained about people that where working from home a few weeks ago because it damaged the nations equality as it meant that some where at less risk than others. I'm not even making this shit up, this is your brain on Marxism, just fucking hang everyone at your gender studies departments before it's to late.

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So it's slowing down.

Big if true

Lol, I'm auschwitz-tier and have a bmi>25
Literally what?

aff i get cawwannaah i get cawwwaanaah!

>"Hydroxychloroquine...didn’t top placebo at clearing the coronavirus among mild Chinese patients, or helping them reach normal temperature sooner"


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that pic is pretty based

Just found out someone in my apartment building has corona and work wants me to work from home.

I'm so dead

Nice summary for a wall of text

>unbridled gluttony and a slothful existence
The wages of sin is DEATH.

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fuck who is this prophet

It's a half assed lockdown like the rest of the "developed" world is doing

Dude I'm eating here

the best part is when you realize it looks bad even though those are faked numbers (chinese numbers) - it's even worse

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In 6 days we should be on 800K or maybe in 3 if the rate for doubling cases keeps increasing maybe in 3 days.

Death factories, they will generate a huge amount of suffering for deity invocation

You should be fine. Next time try to buy online. I always let stuff rest on the balcony for couple of days then disinfect the shit out of it. With bread I put in in the oven for 30min in 60 degrees Celsius. Always buy packed food. Wash fruit and veggies with soap.

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Hope you bleached the veggies.

yup. tourists brought it here with them.

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Sounds like misinformation, Bill Mitchell's tweeter account should be suspended or terminated, he's going to get a bunch of people killed.

Looks like a catch-22

Well that too. But you should see an important decrease in cases in Italy soon.

First, toilet paper ran out. Now, bullets are being rationed in Florida.

Some firearms retailers are placing restrictions on the amount of ammunition people can buy as coronavirus-fueled gun sales surge in the “Gunshine State,” where more than 2 million residents have state-issued concealed weapons licenses.


Basically reclassified from rare notfiable dangerous disease to common notifiable dangerous disease

Jesus Christ

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Stop being weak


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That's even worse considering we can eat a bat and face fuck ur faggot ass nigher face

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You heard her, lads. No reason to be afraid.


So that guy who died after drinking aquarium cleaner killed himself for nothing? Sad!

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We know. The numbers from Korea don't lie. If S.Korea has a death rate of 3% and they test everybody, it can't be less than 3% anywhere.

took me some time to identify this as a foot


if we ignore china the death rate is only 30% NO BIGGY

If there’s possibility of a second wave with reinfections... can there be a third wave? fourth wave? each one deadlier as your body begins breaking down?

>Area is on "lockdown"
>Still have to go to work because my business is "essential"
>"Essential" means very, very loosely connected to the food industry

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are couples exempt from social distancing? i keep yelling at couples when i see them walking together or holding hands, and they act like i'm crazy despite the government ordering people to stay 2 meters apart at all times

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This may be the last days on Earth of yourself and your mother. I know your pain, as I am in the same situation. I suspect my mother has beaten up first phase. Tell and ask her the things that matter.

Because of the quarantines, yes. It slowed for a bit but now its picking up again.

If we listen to dipshit drumpf and go back outside by Easter it becomes a calamity.


What is even going on here?


it's over, you got 2 weeks left user

yes he uses CFR and uses CCP numbers and "corrects" them down even further.
I already wrote him, he's just coping and not qualified at all

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Rebet dag hvornår

Fuck this country unironically

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It still leaked from a biolab.

Guys will be alright were going back to work by easter, this coronavirus is a nothingburger

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>having to ration bullets because there isnt enough
What the fuck man

Based and jesuspilled. We wuz horsemen

Nice larp there. You niggers can't even assemble to vote for Sanders.


idk but he was right about everything, i'm glad i listened.

Dude cmon, just use the real pictures instead of photoshop

if you live together what's the fucking point of social distancing you're gonna both get it if one has it

The healthcare system only works so well when it's not under stress

Given that they live together I doubt it matters, assuming they are a married couple, but keep yelling anyway
Fuck the normies

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I thought traffic would be better going in to work. It wasn't.

>state went into lockdown last night
>everything is still open today

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>are couples exempt from social distancing? i keep yelling at couples when i see them walking together
good work king, stay based and stay safe

Sorry to hear that, I hope she gets well soon.
But why wouldn't your government test her ? Are they afraid of announcing the numbers to the public ?


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Don't go in to work dude, trust me.

I did and now I have corona. I don't know how bad this shit is gonna get but it's not fun right now.

>Just remember to wash your hands goy

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Why hasn't Brazil started chimping out yet? Surely it's only a matter of time

The shekels must flow
The shekels expand the mind

So am i the only one who cares that we're clearly looking at a 30% consistent death rate ignoring china? Cause that's incredibly serious.

Truth is it's finally happening.

BNOs shitty map is why I stopped using them. OCD couldn't cope when they didn't update

Give her a lot of fluids. Apparently Diphenhydramine can hinder the cytokine storm. Go through the generals there have been different tactics people have recommended. Have her sleep on her chest. Check out medcram on YouTube... they gave some tips for what give the best chances for survival

are you autistic?

shut up pussy

You get the rake last, user.

Yes. This is why people are saying the "just go back to normal in a few weeks" crowd are delusional. Even a few months wont be enough time. We're still on the upwards climb of the first wave and we have retards like Bill saying "7th inning".

practice social distancing at home, clean and sterilize surfaces, don't kiss/hug/have sex

it's fucking simple, why should i get infected because some retard can't stay away from his wife for a few weeks
pro tip: lots of women work in education and care, and are much more likely to contract the disease, why not try to prevent their husbands from further spreading the disease to more male-centric industries?
this guy gets it

Zone 6 reporting. Guys, FEMA is coming to my job tomorrow to pick up stuff. I'm scare.

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cvg theme song

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n95, no eye protection, bare skin exposed, probably didn't shower or clean off his shoes when coming home. Goes shopping in the happening with all the other retards. Handles vegetables that everyone has been breathing on and touching.
tl:dr Either this is bait or you are incredibly stupid.

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"Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice that jeopardise our global collaboration in the fight against this virus."

Then why all the cover up by the Communist Chinese government? I should also point out that the "naturally occurring virus that originated from the wet market" story has generated a lot of racism and prejudice, I've seen that here on Yas Forums.

Favela chimp lords declared their own quarantine because the government wasn't acting. I'm not even joking.

What's funny is, the cartoon looks less goofy than the real guy

I hope you didn't stockpile at all, for your own safety.

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>BBC news
>trying to mention sports, celebrities and random "upbeat" viral videos to keep people positive

They're trying to avoid rioting and fear already, and we're not even that far in. You guys have weapons right?

damn i wish i was browsing Yas Forums that day

been mostly saved by the general preparations i made before, but wish I would have bought more ammo.

Lmao, nice one chorizo

fucking meme flag quality

As long as Trump doesn't there's not much you can do. You'll go back to work and get infected, pray for your parents.

They aren't. You should make a citizen arrest next time you see those fiends breaking the law.

>are couples exempt from social distancing?
Yeah pretty much, as long as they stay 2m away from everyone else. However it's still ill mannered and bad form by them to be out walking holding hands at this point.

That's what I meant.
Also, I'm surprised Africa has not officially been hit.
Considering the amount of chinks working there, and taking over, it's a ticking time bomb.

Yes, because Trump said so, because Elon said so...
And even a young girl with no previous health conditions died today, but hey, some here and Bill Mitchell told you is a nothingburger, so...