
what will he bless?

Attached: 1552708603113.jpg (420x420, 32.7K)

Scriptfag will ruin it like always

uuh, yes


Some FUCKING LEAF will write "built for BBC" or something. Screencap this.


Bullshit. I posted the "Don't be a coomer" get purely by luck and fast captchas.

Forgot to say, my money is on Biden definitely having Corona. Will he die from it though?

Praying for a nice



Attached: DUBS.jpg (248x245, 15.21K)

literally built for BBC

I only go on Yas Forums because cucks amuse me

Gets mean nothing now. Scriptfags are highjacking them.

Rollo Tony Brown Town

Bless this dick nigga LMAO

China virus

The Plan

Attached: DZ4p0TwVQAAd0Bp.jpg (1006x1200, 135.49K)

Attached: chinksareavirus.webm (480x480, 1.92M)

I'm gonna spam "Yas Forums says trans rights!" to piss off the nazis.

Muh dik, mufuggin bix nood

Probably some gay shit.

Based and kikepilled

that would be funny since your engrish is tearibre

>trying for the get with several minutes to go
Can you faggots not do math?


the same as the number of people who will die from coronachan

super jews

Hopefully, it gets completely ruined.

That one Canadian scriptfag who always gets it.

Haruhi S3

Attached: Haruhi-Suzumiya.jpg (300x295, 71.93K)

Your digits have been ruined


Trump announces final solution


Attached: 98d80ea366f8577e9d9faa72c4d89d01.jpg (168x252, 10.86K)


Hibernian master race will reveal power level

Biggest April Fool's joke of all time.

It's going to be great. You'll be surprised. I was surprised too. I have a great team ensuring that these digits will be a triumph. They are are good folks.

the question is
will it be a based scriptfag or a faggy scriptfag ?

Nothing. The world is collapsing.

Plz be my AI gf


hopefully its a religious get

Yeah, we didn't nuke your country in time so the world is in a shitposting cascade that will consume us all.

Let's hope it's something good.

Trump and his senpai a lam, and every liberty-loving person on earth. Smite the progressives and their baby-killing-&-baby-parting out socialist souls.

Getting real tired of these stupid frogposters flooding Yas Forums despite the fact Kek hasn't done ANYTHING.

Meanwhile, Cirno has owned Kek OVER 100 TIMES.

However, this doesn't stop the Kek Discord from spamming Yas Forums to death as Kek supporters are the literal definition of NPCs.

Attached: !3.jpg (580x800, 127.68K)

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a GET even with a script on a board that moves as fast as Yas Forums? Especially considering there are probably hundreds of other scripts trying to get it as well.

nigger tongue your anus



Attached: Stupid Frogposters (Part 1).png (1319x4822, 1.45M)


Attached: Stupid Frogposters (Part 2).png (1335x4874, 1.39M)

Trump bux influx and I win the lottery

Attached: F167E993-4E42-414F-BCF4-FE27F51EF447.png (473x500, 9.81K)


Attached: Stupid Frogposters (Part 3).png (1321x4960, 1.31M)

It’s gonna be some random /cvg/ reply


Attached: Stupid Frogposters (Part 4).png (1322x4800, 1.33M)

roll 250000000 will bring us aliens and beings from other dimensions


Attached: Stupid Frogposters (Part 5).png (1322x4833, 1.59M)

His spirit finally rise from the grave, and the world admit he was right...

The death of Globalism.

Attached: 6B0FD5AD-D124-4EAE-B8BF-7971630E07E0.jpg (636x900, 415.15K)

Just how the only people more stupid than flat earthers are people who argue with flat earthers
The only people lamer than pepe-posters are people who seethe at poopoo-posting

Attached: 1553535776630.jpg (680x591, 33.71K)

Most likely some "you scared whitey" BBC post

Fuck Liberals and Fuck Jannies

Praise Kek

forced gets are gay and so are you

i guess that Bernie will win


Attached: 1584629579382.png (500x571, 216.28K)


Attached: Stupid Frogposters (Part 6).png (1319x1622, 492.34K)

It'll barely be a shitpost, something like
>no u

Attached: JUST DO IT.png (443x455, 88.63K)

That's fuckin' funny.
And proof it's avatarfagging.

When it is revealed the world will enter it's final stage and the Anti Christ revealed.


Cure the virus please. I’m ready to get off this ride.

The only ones seething are STUPID frogposters knowing they haven't done anything of value and even Trump himself has disowned you LOSERS.

Attached: cirnofreezingfrog7.webm (320x180, 758.93K)

its always a fucking leaf with that
>nigger nigger die, die nigger die

>she saves the images for cheap (you)s

Attached: 1552706920133.jpg (512x564, 41.1K)

Attached: 1585034666110.png (226x225, 114.18K)

based cirno poster will save us all

Watch your language, young man!

Attached: 1583529836823.jpg (600x776, 169.62K)

What does that mean?

fucking better not or I'll get him. I'm the furiously angry seething leaf.

Trump find the cure next week

we close dam

kek will ensure eternal glory for all nationalist and white people


Roll for mmmmmmmmonney


Trump finds the cure to the chink flu and locks up Hillary.

Check em

What is that .webm?

Attached: shocked hamster.jpg (315x285, 6.43K)

no i posted that


frog poster gonna btfo this time and niggers will tongue your anus

Attached: 1580243996727.png (866x635, 181.78K)

Oh my!
I can understand how piplets would be a source of amusement


Attached: 111.jpg (400x400, 24.4K)

Attached: 1585000478961.webm (640x640, 2.05M)

Sadly, nothing to check.

Oh shit, I like your style!

Nigger for gets.

>whine about avatarfagging
>while avatarfagging with stupid frogs
>while breaking multiple rules and dabbing on jannies

It's one thing to break rules. It's another thing to whine about others breaking rules when you're doing the same thing at the same time, STUPID frogposter!

Also I'm done posting as this ReCaptcha is a nightmare and I'm tired of it

g-gomenasai desu~

Attached: !!!.png (800x540, 21.66K)

Corona Chan dead by April

Dibs on do not steal plz

Attached: checkem.jpg (316x317, 34.77K)

u-uuhhh...check those digits? c'mon 25 mil

Is that flog as in "for sale" or "flog" as in arab with a rope?

furries will steal this one, i swear to god.


I am the numbers man.

Attached: 95A44307-066C-44F8-9029-FE19DA791FEC.gif (349x262, 496.93K)

Bless my death this year.

Things will get worse before they get better...

I just wish this overreaction was done with already. Killing the economy is far worse than killing a few old people and AIDS faggots.

Trump will win.


obunga says, eat this onions

Attached: f78.png (1773x1773, 1.38M)


Don't worry, Hanta-Chan will avenge her

Repent for the end is nigh

I will be dead. I will be dead. I will be dead.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

Attached: :our:reichiseternal.jpg (600x604, 98.7K)