And I'm proud to be an American

>And I'm proud to be an American
>Where at least I know I have to work to die for our (((economy)))

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The bungling of this, especially considering ~+2 months of advanced notice - is epic. Within a week, US will have majority of global covid cases. When you watch him speak, it’s apparent that he has no clue what’s going on, and the impetus for everything he says is self-preservation. How anybody could proudly say that they voted for this bumbling doofus is beyond me.

>inb4 a bunch of bumbling doofuses proudly attest to having voted for this bump on a log.

He shut down travel from China earlier than anybody and was called a racist for doing it.

The shill operation on this board is unbelievable

He should’ve shut the borders down immediately, but he was also getting a lot of blowback from retarded Dems who said it was racist. I still blame those Chinese parasites that can’t behave like humans. The Chinese did this to us, not the POTUS, the republicans or the democrats. This is a Chinese disease.

Post your predictions for America

>150k cases before the end of the week.
>2k deaths before the end of the week

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america will surpass italy in total deaths

Do you know how many of those 684 dead were at work?

I know. 0.

We always lose our homelands to degeneracy. I miss the real pol.

Rookie number do you have any idea how many niggers die in Chicago on any given day? Or 60k dead in Ohio from overdoses in a year litteraly a nothing burger

Yeah, except the virus was already here. Dipshit did fuck-all to contain the actual outbreak.

>I miss the real pol.
I bet you do

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>I'm mad!

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Maybe if you liberals weren’t so obsessed with having open borders and a one world society, this wouldn’t have been an issue but the second it was announced that he wanted to close the borders, the Dems were screaming “dats raycisss”. The Dems only care about niggers and spics getting their freebies.

It's either die doing nothing or die as group effort to protect the future generations.

>bUt do YoU KNOW aNyOnE inFectEd?

Washington Post, CNN, Congressional Democrats, and NY Times said Trump was overreacting over coronavirus at the start of 2020.


>pretending this won't be the case in your country in due time.
Keep telling yourself that. You're close enough to Germany to be pozzed instantly if they want it badly enough.

Absolute nothingburger. More people die from car accidents every day. Better shut down all the roads lmao

>be american
>be fat, diabetic, in bad shape, with heart disease, aids, cancer
>expect not to die

nigger, that's not how this works

Stop deflecting. The virus is here and it’s spreading fast. Shutting the southern border was a ploy to get fanboys like you to ignore virtually everything else. Now that the virus is here, he’s doing fuck all to prepare our healthcare infrastructure for the recking we know is coming. That’s just bad leadership - no way around it.

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Nothingburger, faggot

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Yes, but more people are hospitalized from covid on a pro-rata basis. Amazing how u master race NEETS don’t actually know how exponential growth works. But again, it’s not case fatality, it’s % hospitalized. If there aren’t any beds, you’re gonna get turned away at the ER and there will be no doctor to remove your head from your recital cavity. However, in the event you and your ilk perish, it’s a net gain for humanity

"Hurr durr I don;t understand why tens of millions of people losing their jobs, thousands of companies going out of business, and millions of people's' life savings being wiped out is a bad thing. We should destroy everything because a few people might get sick and die of [insert literally any respiratory illness here]. I'm a huge faggot and a dumbass, too!"


A car crash today doesn't cause two more five days later you numb nuts.

People post this like its a bad thing, but american are so cucked that they actually see dying for their economy as some noble thing. I think this notion has also skyrocket trump to an all time high approval rating too with a majority thinking hes doing a good job.

Trump literally found away to turn a disaster into positive PR, its honestly impressive

Nobody is saying that. Finish high school.

If someone tells you it's raining outside, and someone tells you it's sunny, it's not your job to decide whose probably right. It's to look out the fucking window.

>1% mortality rate

20% hospitalization rate. Do you know what that means in a country of 400 million? No, of course you don’t. Because you’re stupid.

>what is increasing fatality rates after reaching medical capacity

>Believing the 1% meme

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>letting your own people die to keep arbitrary numbers on computers stable and rising again
>but muh business are gone forever if we dont die now
now that's patriotic HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>684 deaths

That's exactly what OP is saying. Destroy the economy by closing every goddamned thing down for an indefinite amount of time because a disease might may kill about the same number of people that the regular fucking flu does every year. Half a million people die every year of the flu globally. Where are the lockdowns? Where are the forced business closures? the flight cancellations? Nowhere. The coronavirus hysteria is worse than the virus. We're only doing this shit because it's not called the "the flu". It's all pointless. If you want to protect old people, tell THEM to stay home like we do every year during flu season.

Such an inferior race.

>Best economy ever for years
>Close businesses for a month or two
>Everything collapses en trillions of bailouts needed

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Why don't we do global hysteria and total lockdowns every year for the flu? nearly half a million people die annually from it, so why no hysteria over that? Oh, that's right, because the media doesn't lose its shit and overhype it. It only does that for viruses with weird names.

Don't like 13,000 a day die in car accidents?

Anything more beautiful than a pile of dead American boomers?

Shh, you're ruining their hysteria. Half a million people die globally of the flu annually, but he doesn't know that. Don't tell him or he'll start saying we all need to just move into underground bunkers forever to stop the spread.

Do your own cursory background research. You can’t throw a half-dozen stupid questions at a stranger and refuse to concede until they methodically convince you that you’re empirically wrong. That’s akin to - if the world is round, how come I’m not falling over? Like, dude, you can’t unironically be this uninformed or uneducated.

You can go back to work and die wagie, I'll be staying inside like I always do

>please goy, please drive into this wall for me, the odds that you are dying are about 1% and afterwards you are immune, i promise
>dr. shekelberg

Half a million a year = 1370 daily.
Covid is now taking 2k per day and is just ramping up.

it's kind of impressive desu. I can understand trump tards defending him over everything else, but the dudes a retard and its costing lives now, literal American lives, and they still defend him. if your president doesn't give a shit about your lives then imagine what the rest of the world thinks of you guys lol

Maybe try saying exponential growth again, I'm so fucking close and i think hearing it one more time might make me COOOOO

Not right now

Oh no! Everyone cower in fear over a 1.9% death rate!

I found this for the US, "2017 (40,231 deaths). About 4.4 million people were injured seriously enough to require medical attention in crashes last year"

fucking BASTE
jewmongreljewfatmcmurkyshartmartMUTTS BLOWN the absolute fuck OUT

OK. I expect you to basically stay inside all of flu season too. You just can't be too careful. Heck, might as well go live in a plastic bubble and never come out since there's always some scary virus out there that you might end up giving to grandma. Better safe than sorry, am I right? Might as well dismantle society to make sure the old people won't ever get sick. Gosh golly it's our duty to impoverish everyone and destroy everything if it means one less old person gets the sniffles.

US is the best large country in the world right now 127 per million is like nothing. What are you talking about? out of all reporting countries Canada is second best. We're like way better than Europe it's not even close.


Why would any American possibly imagine what other countries think of us? I literally never think about any of them.

I didn't, but I'm going to.

Oh no grandma will die

Who fucking cares, I want my pub back open

It's decreasing tho

nothing of value was lost.

lmfao it's more like 1.2%

I haven't left the house in years, and the (((economy))) being destroyed is unironically a good thing. All of the shitskin leechers and jews will leave if there's nothing left. It can be rebuilt if not every white guy becomes infected and dies because they were so concerned with keeping up the payments on Shekelstein's mcmansion.

Nobody in the world was adequately prepared for this. If the Chinese government was honest and decent, they would’ve shared intel with us. They didn’t. Now, the most important thing we can do is police our own and avoid/limit contact with others until the virus is under control. The most import thing the government can do is get this country back up and running. A massive recession is a lot more deadly than the Chinese flu.

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That's the average. Some flu seasons kill as low as 350,000. Some as many as around 600,000. Again, this is every year. No one wants total lockdown. No one begs for their neighbors to be arrested for going outside. No one wants to ground all flights. What you're saying is that roughly half a million deaths globally is no big deal, but a million globally is enough to warrant shutting down the every fucking country indefinitely. So what I want to know is, what is your demarcation line. How many annual global deaths by a disease is your "not a big deal" plus one? In other words, how many global deaths have to be predicted by a virus before it becomes too many and you want everything shut down? I want a specific number.

For the last fucking time, you utter dipshits: 20% hospitalization rate vs.

The government can't force places to close, that's totalitarian. If you're a scared pussy who wants to flatten your vagina stay home