Genghis Khan never faced a difficult adversary and had superior soldiers. Napoleon started his conquests with one of the most poorly equipped armies in Europe and went up against the best generals in the world, sometimes more than one at once.
Ryder Walker
Samuel Russell
oh I m sorry I guess the things I said didnt happen I guess hannibal barka was just a genius for crossing the alps with 80% attrition rates
you know people said hannibal crossed the alps with his elephants, but thats false they all fucking died lmao
Benjamin Perez
Rommel you retards
Jordan Young
>lost 80% of his army crossing russia like a retard They were weighed down with loot. Not napoleon's fault the french are greedy niggers.
Basic bitch opinions, hardly worth engaging beyond a dismissive drive-by post
Cameron Edwards
>They were weighed down with loot. you re fucking insane if you think people were still carrying loot around while they were all fucking freezing and starving to death
I guess leading 5 men into a glorious battle on christmas truce to slice the throat of the enemy soldiers in their sleep is really impressive?
btw pay back debnts mutts
Adrian Sanders
It was literally the main cause >NOOOO REDDIT SAID YOU CAN'T INVADE RUSSIA IN THE WINTER retard
Mason Cox
>Nigger did you just choose not to read Caesar? obliviously I just criticized when there was something to criticize, ma boy cesar deserves the spot, he pretty much never did anything retarded militarily
Isaiah Ortiz
Hey, two elephants survived.
Josiah Williams
Competent General. Competent Statesman. He lost nearly every battle in the Revolution but the war was more about philosophy than of nation vs nation. Washington's greatness as a General was his charisma in keeping a ragtag group of militia together for so long. He gambled his last hand of cards in the surprise attack on Trenton, which succeeded. Afterwards he defined a new kind of greatness that no other conquering general has by RENOUNCING power back to the Congress instead of seizing it like every other conquering general had.
On his deathbed, Napoleon stated "they wanted me to be another Washington"
Alexander is inferior to Trajan who is inferior to Aurelian. BTW Scipio Africanus beat Hannibal several times, therefore Scipio is better than Hannibal.
Adrian Watson
Thoughts on Zhukov?
Mason Nelson
>Napoleon never compared himself to Washington in this way; rather, he expressed the idea that had he been in America instead of France, living in American conditions of relative peace and social tranquility, rather than in tumultuous Europe, then certainly he could have “become a Washington” and without much effort. Yet had Washington found himself in France during Napoleon’s time, he would have been a “fool” to try to be himself, and Napoleon would have defied him. Finding a primary source for this quote supports this conclusion and renders the more famous utterance specious. Get the fuck out of here you brainlet.
Austin Miller
>you re fucking insane if you think people were still carrying loot around while they were all fucking freezing and starving to death They were picked off by Russians because they were dragging huge loot wagons over shitty terrain in shitty conditions. The casualities were 10x worse due to niggerish french behavior. >looted moscow, but somehow magically did not have food and were starving Okay boomer
Luis Bell
And how would you rank Hannibal it had actually defeated Scipio?!
Grayson Sanchez
Washington was incredibly mediocre as far as battlefield tactics are concerned. sums it up better than I can.
Daniel Butler
Fuckingn Geordie cunt.
Juan Nguyen
Blas de Lezo, Francisco Pizarro, Francisco Franco
Anthony Richardson
Wellington was very good as well, but he basically put down a wounded animal at that point.
Luke Peterson
I have a soft spot for Guderian but he don goofed hard in Russia
Hey I'm better than you you perogie eating savage.
Brody Smith
>Prove me wrong You didn't have Themistocles. You are wrong.
Camden Wright
unironically hanibal wasnt such a great general, I wouldnt say he was even good
his ONE trick was to try to fall back in the center to encircle his enemy, it worked once at cannae and thats where his fame came from, but at cannae the senate literally sent 2 retarded plebeyan generals, I mean any kid who has played total war for 10 hours would know not to fall into the trap they fell in
he tried this in north africa, it didnt work he got btfo
he tried the exact same thign with his boat, it didnt work he got btfo
>y dey have no food if dey reach moscow I no understand american education strikes again
Daniel Wilson
Ante Gotovina
Thomas Jenkins
americans paid up fair and square for the louisiana territory
>can't even spell it correctly hello DeShawn Pedro Enrique Goldshekelbergsteinmann
Hudson James
lord mountbottom and taimur
Henry Evans
Wellington's son married a Rothschild. The juice stabbed Napoleon in the back. Napoleon was the first to give the Jews their rights but meritocracy wasn't good enough for them.
Bentley James
First of all, Augustus Ceasar is easily the best general and statesmen of all time.
Second of all, your entire list is 90% men that forged nothing of value that couldn't stand the test of time.
Anthony Perez
whos fault was it for trusting chads who dont give a fuck? that little manlet of a leader you had
Isaiah Wood
Lost every battle until the French and a few Germans got involved. Washington is hyped because you need such heroes with so young a nation. Without the stories and almost sainthood taught by your state, your states would fall apart. There's a lot you don't know of your own history, not least that your revolution was engineered by the masons just like the French one.
Nathaniel Ward
Imagine not putting Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on that list. French people never cease to amaze me with their incompetence regarding battle. Napoleon being french is a miracle.
Why? Because for something as fucking stupid as comparing Napolean to Alexander the Great the only way to assess is to base this on accomplishments. Trajan is clearly more accomplished in his military victories than any of these faggots.
Ayden Robinson
Above Alexander, above Pyrrhus and all other generals.