How do we fix the female (white woman) aging problem?
How do we fix the female (white woman) aging problem?
booze goes straight to your face
date eastern europeans
There is no problem, this is normal
Once they hit the wall there really is no going back
It's not like guys who can hit the gym and build muscles
>just turned 21
By becoming the woman, user.
The giant man hands are always a dead giveaway
Better to grap your peepee with tho.
What foods go straight to your tits?
embrace the 2D pill and one day the 2D will turn in to 3D via android gfs.
>21 years old
This. Same with the sun. No wonder Aussie women have leathery faces by the time they're 25
How do we fix the American problem? Kill them all? Yeah seems about right
Go wash some Muslim feet, Sven.
/GBG/ - Greek Borders General
I fuckin miss G4tv
And he shows himself, so back on topic kill the americans yes or no?
>tfw have small soft hands
thank god I have wide shoulders and a big square head or I might have fallen for the tranny memes
Sperm ingested vaginaly
It's too late.
ban makeup and tanning.
when you all learn how to have sex it will be fixed, but until you can go outside and talk to a woman you can't say there's a problem with them.
>Kill all Americans
How are you gonna do that? You weak, soft, effeminate, Scandinavian cucks faint at the sight of blood.
That's why you're too scared to fight back against the Muslims who are invading your sickly nation and raping your ugly, slag women.
It's because college aged women are fat as fuck now and it makes them look 20 years older. Imagine if you married them they'd probably turn into 400 pound ogres.
kek this
Can u imagine turning 21 and already being fat like that. I remember when i was 21 i was in top shape like 6 pack and all without any effort.
My wife was and still is in much better shape than that fat cow lol
>in the sun (spring brakkkkkkeeee)
>not getting enough sleep due to partying
She's just fat. She'd probably be cute if she lost 80 lbs
they age the worst. Super hot until 26
This bitch was never cute to begin with
simple answer: slut shaming
shun them
make sure the evidence follows them around
This is the only good thing about being part Asian.
Sun is incredibly healthy, tanning in the Australian sun less so
Trans women are the only women left that are worth anything.
People who right join deserve the rope.
I killed a wounded boar yesterday and honestly i wish I would be more shaken or something by it, it felt like when riding a rollercoaster past the age of 16. Of course I hope pigger didn't suffer too much, but my emotional visceral reaction feels dulled. Maybe I am low dopamine, I've lost my ability to deeply engage in my own fantasies as well.
White women just age like shit desu.
I remember when Spring Breakers used to be hot upper class people.
Now it's just fatties and niggers.
I see a lot of white women on dating apps that claim to be in their 20s but look closer to 50. The saddest part is that you can never tell whether they’re lying about their age or just failing to take care of themselves
White women age like droopy sacks of fat. In fact all white people do. Whites really aren't supposed to live that long, their lifespans are perfect for slavery, but I guess Jew medicine and their good heart's keep you fucks alive way longer than you should.
Why do so many young people have those hamster cheeks? Children and mellenials have them, its fucking weird.
It's called being fat.
chemicals in the food
Homageonized, ppasturized, hormone riddled milk available at your local grocier.
Don't those fuckers rub cum on their faces and use it as a sort of anti-aging ailment?
Replace em
No, its skinny people too.
Let them breed with non whites. In 2 generations they will have good skin genes
This daft landwhale was interviewed several days later and went on full damage control without showing any remorse for being an insensitive cunt.
why yes
Says the guy with all the guns in the world at his disposal, still there’s nigger running amok and mexicans taking over his country, aw shucks seems like you weren’t that manly after all
37 swedish women were raped in the time it took to read this post.
These people are degenerates.
This is impossible. Do you burgermutts track years differently like you do with distance and weight? How do I convert mutt years to yuropoor years?
Amerimutt defending a thread shitting on his grandma, his mother, his sisters, his wife, his daughters, oh wait yeah you’re probably chinese or mexican or nigger so why would you react to something which have nothing to do with your family.
Did she get stung by 40 bees or some shit jesus.
218 swedish women were raped in the time it took to read this post.
Oh no no no
You are a divisive jew.
Remember you wont just be executed, you and all like you will suffer first.
Lower the AoC and marriage age to around 14
God I wish I was that boy
you seem upset
Not really i just find americans who makes threads like this utterly pathetic, equally for you mr meme flag, show yourself.