Joe Biden's Obvious Green Screen

Is this it, Yas Forums? Has the infamous joepedo been sniffing coronachan's hair? Do any anons have any ideas on what might be the reason behind Joe Biden appearing infront of a green screen in his most recent sightings? Joe has even went out and said that he is in his home in his most recent CNN interview, so what's the need for a green screen?

>CNN interview:
>Twitter video with same green screen

Attached: JoeBidensGreenScreen.png (958x915, 1.3M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I’m in my own home
Definitely green screen

It's an obvious green screen, that's for certain. What I wonder is what is the reason behind it, has he been infected with corona (in which case why wouldn't he just self isolate in his home) or is the Q stuff actually taking place (in which case how is he able to record himself freely in gitmo or wherever).

We just don't know.

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i dont know how to take that get...

Attached: i just shitted my self act calm.png (134x195, 64.04K)

kek - no light on his jacket from the lamp

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 15.49.23 PM.png (290x383, 164.49K)

Here’s a side view

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How is it an obvious green screen?

shills trying to push this since a day or two ago.
their new stalwart order from Avi

Breaking911 was suspended, wtf?

This. What happened to evidence based reasoning? We don't have any evidence, so why go on and on about conspiracies?

This is what we do know: Joe Biden's record on tax policy, on free trade, and on the rights of people to work freely in this country is abysmal. Let's beat him on that, okay?

look around his elbows on the 2nd video. Theres some clear pixel artifacting. The lighting is also not consistent. The depth of field also seems off

Nah it's not a green screen, user. Biden has a professional news crew that lives in his house and interviews him whenever CNN needs his opinion

more than likely is is in a bunker with other rich people. Hes saying hes home to not cause panic. He first said he wasnt on camera for a week because lighting in his home is difficult with low ceilings. Makes no sense

>the weird proportions of Biden vs the other objects in the background
>the lamp having no effect on Biden's jacket pointed out by
>the distinct green screen effect on the outline of Biden is there, it's far from just a matter of the camera's focus, it's noticeable to anyone who has seen someone stand in front of a green screen before.

>He first said he wasnt on camera for a week because lighting in his home is difficult with low ceilings
If fucking Jontron and other random youtubers manage it I don't know why a presidential candidate's campaign staff couldn't, that excuse did strike me as being a pretty pathetic cover too. Cover for what exactly, well I just don't know.

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look around his elbows - not a clean key. Next time he's on camera they add a podium. My guess is wherever he is doesn't have the space for adequate lighting

also when every other candidate is just doing selfie mode on their phone, including bernie. Biden is suspect

schrodinger's Biden.

Photofag here. The way you can tell it's a greenscreen is that the background is too blurry in comparison to the foreground. The background is likely shot with a 2.2 aperture and the foreground is shot with a 5 aperture or higher. If they were shot with the same aperture you would see a little blurriness near the back of Biden's head
>Tl;dr: photo expert, it's fake

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>lighting in his home is difficult with low ceilings
thats like something Larry David would say as some excuse

Who gives a fuck

he's both able to sniff her hair, and dead at the same time


>He first said he wasnt on camera for a week because lighting in his home is difficult with low ceilings. Makes no sense

What a bizzare answer. All you need is white poly board and reflect a light off it. Won't buy his camera team doesn't know how to do that.

>Who gives a fuck
look out guys its johnny edgelord coming through

Attached: chet-hanks looking like a lame ass.jpg (800x1200, 111.07K)

It's called bokeh fags

Attached: biden boomer.jpg (1200x675, 142.93K)

Got a library of books behind him so you know he is smart.

thats not Bokeh depth of field you dumbo

> i didnt realize people on TV use green screens

Not being a complete micro brain retard is edgy?

Why aren't more people mentioning this? What the fuck?

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He might be in the hospital and they just propped him up.



theres like 5 threads about it

For posting about Biden coofing in his hand. He got the wuflu?

Hey I reported these gags yesterday for reporting the white supremacist where purposely spreading corona

Just getting off work boss, my b.

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pixel artifacting from an unclean keying of the background.
Where is Joe?

Attached: greenscreen (2).webm (720x720, 1.92M)

>Why the green screen?
Probably so you wouldn't see something like this...

Attached: 6353568367.jpg (600x328, 84.06K)

They're gonna memory hole this

Sleepy Joe doesn’t have the coof he’s got the new hoonta birus.

Attached: BB8A5587-CE7A-47CE-ABAA-0F41E2462159.jpg (670x550, 207.26K)

That's just video compression, friend

It's not a terrible green screen job but anyone who actually works in photography could tell it's fake for reasons stated above

Mega kek

Is it a real time deep fake?

Survival bunkers usually have an air filtration system for bioweapon or nuclear situations or they have their own oxygen. If Biden is in a bunker, it would suggest that corona chan is more lethal than we are being told or that it is airborne; i.e. it can travel on the wind for some distance and just being at home indoors is not enough to protect us from it's spread. Hope I'm wrong.

fuck twitter, that's my main source of news.

Probably just to make himself look smarter/more distinguished. It makes more sense than actually filming in a location full of noise as an actual study, on a nice set/recording room you can eliminate sound and have your choice of backdrops.

President would've been moved underground long ago if this were the case

That light is not remotely strong enough to act as a rim light.

Attached: ThreePointLightingSystem.jpg (1920x1080, 157.87K)

Doubtful, am a video editor. This sort of artifactiing usually is seen with either a screen not light properly, or the green light bouncing onto the subject. This type of artifacting doesn't show anywhere else around his body

Very Presidential. No tie, sport coat, crappy green screen, prompter not working. What a fucking loser.

I mean, this guy took 6 days to figure out how to do a fucking live stream. Do you think he's gonna be able to run the country?

Most likely though he was sleeping off whatever the fuck they pumped into him to make him competent enough to do the debate with Bernie and now he's back to being senile again.

>>He first said he wasnt on camera for a week because lighting in his home is difficult with low ceilings

TV crews, eg 60 Minutes, are masters of lighting in home settings, and have been for decades

This is done intentionally and they want you to react to it. All politics is a show for the masses. All real business and decisions are taking place behind close doors.

This "tv show" we call politics is done to give the masses an explanation of why things happen.

Again, Biden is intentionally doing dumb shit, it has been decided that he will play this "role". He, Trump, Clinton, Bush are all actors, they have no real power. The real players are people we've never seen or heard of.

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3 licks. You're welcome.

This is crazy. Why dont they just let them die Who dont give a shit? :D Am i the only one Who thinks This has gone Too far and People are willing now To give theyre every freedom because of This virus? What is happening really behind the corona? This is NOT normal

Hiding something Joe???

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Anyone got any pics of joes home from previous photos? If this green screen was of his home it would indicate that they were trying to hide the fact that he is not inside of his home, if it is a green screen of like a senate building or a generic green screen then it's plausible that the lighting in joes house is dogshit for fliming.

Secret societies that are known by us are not secret. They are known for a reason, or they were abandoned by the real players long ago and now merely acts like another theater for the masses.

Think logically with your own brain and stop eating up these pre-packaged conspiracy conclusions and "truths" that they are feeding you.
There is a second matrix behind the first matrix. A smaller lie that hides the bigger lie.
They literally look at the masses as animals. Domesticated, neutered animals bred for "energy" production.

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Good point.

The worst fake-greenscreen I've seen in a long time. The lights/dynamic range are way off, as the background is perfectly exposed compared to Biden's underexposed jacket. No lights nor camera can make that kind of shot.

"Culture" is the blindfold put on us while were growing up, before we became conscious of reality. Culture creates your worldview and your worldview determines the different ways you spend your "energy".
Think of your worldview as a lens that transforms conscious thought into action.

Consciousness --> worldview --> physical action.

If you're born into an illusion, that illusion becomes your reality.

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the lighting is way off, zero pixel movement from stationary light sources like the lamp, depth of field is consistent on joe's body but not with the background. its a shitty greenscreen. he also has terrible audio guys.

News stations shouldn’t use green screens at all.

News stations should not be doing all these Skype style & livestream style interviews.

There should be no scripts.

There should be no delay between interviewers.

The news has always been fake and gay.

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For exposing Biden's poor health. And if you even mention his failing mental health then you'll get banned too

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The news have always been propaganda to control the people (tax producing cattle). If they news are not fake, then it serves no purpose for the owners. It's like saying "guns shouldn't contain ammo".

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