Prove americans aren't ungrateful

we savd your country , gave you millions of anti corona pills for free. say THANK YOU ISRAEL to show some appriciation

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"Don't worry goy, one pill only costs 50 $hekles! *"
*3 pill daily intake for 12 months.

>to donate
as in haven't donated yet
>potential coronovirus remedy
as in it's not a cure but might be a cure

If my herd of cattle was sick I would also give them medicine.

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Fuck You Israel!

>say THANK YOU ISRAEL to show some appriciation

You take the pill first, Jew.

Nice try, Moshe.

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It's like that Star Trek TNG episode where there are two planets, one which thinks it has a plague and is spending its entire GDP buying a "cure" from a neighboring planet. Picard figures out that the cure is actually an addictive narcotic. The first batch gets destroyed in an accident, the addict planet has withdrawal symptoms and can't pay for more and the other planet decides to give them the "cure" for free to keep them dependent and grateful, so Picard refuses to fix the other planet's transports so eventually they'll lose the ability to import the drug and realize they've been doped by a swindling jew planet their entire lives.

That's what's going on here. The jew senses trouble with it's pet nation and their 'conomy so suddenly OH HEY HERE'S SOME GOOD WILL! When was the list time the jew gave anybody anything at all for free? What a joke, you just don't want people to awake from their stupor.

Id rather die than consume that dark half poison. The light side will crush you.

these were given to american hospitals for free, hopefully they dont charge for them.
they sent them already and there is no 'cure' but this medicine helps greatly with corona and has been proven to be highly effective.
im not sick.

wtf is it with americans ? the virus infected tens of thousands of americans, is ravaging your economy and when another country that is greatly suffering from the virus itself send you FREE MEDICINE you cant show the tiniest bit of appreciation ?

>gives you 6 billion dollars
>you give me ten million
>you ask me to say thank you
Yeah that’s not how this works.

Take the pills goyim!

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i've actually seen the ep recently. corona medication is not addictive, not narcotic and COVID-19 is very real and very deadly.

why is it that when you're given free medicine that saves your country from shortages that would cost many american lives what you do is come up with baseless illogical conspiracy theories ? are all americans really this ungrateful ?

Yikes. Potential?
What happened to that "almost ready" vaccine?

its in testing, vaccines take fucktons of time to develop

>these were given to american hospitals for free, hopefully they dont charge for them.
I seriously can't believe a kike of all people is saying this shit
If you really don't think that shit will be sold for ridiculously high prices then I've got some bad news for you, in Muttland its profits over people.
I can't wait for the anarchy that happens next.

>Give you lots of money
>protects you from iran
>sucks ur cock

>you MIGHT give them a bit of POTONTIAL MEDECINE

asking for thanks

Fuck off jew

No stupid, the addiction is this kiked jewish society. People out of work and paying attention to things happening around them is awful for your kind. No sports ball to pacify them, the economy collapsing around them. Conditions are getting better and better for somebody to put a stop to some of your kike tricks. The medicine being given away for free is to try and give a casus belli for your AIPAC controlled ZOG agents and the media to push the "let's treat this and get back to work!" meme so Americans don't get any funny thoughts and break out of their vassalization.

Only problem here is that you bought those pills for American taxpayers money.

im no expert but im pretty sure it was donated to the US government. they'll give it to people free of charge.
we dont owe them anything, we see they're in a bad spot with the outbreak and are sending over help. expecting some appreciation isnt out of the question.
more baseless conspiracy theories, we couldnt give less of a fuck about internal US affairs. anti BDS is our concern and that's about it.

honestly please answer me why is your first response when receiving needed help to invent conspiracy theories about those who helped you ?

>donate anything

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Kek it's not even tens of thousands of confirmed cases. Barely 1 even.

It's not corona medication. It's medication for other things. It it has killed people who took it who didn't need it.

Its silly PR. These drugs are cheap and available worldwide. Nobody needs your donation of an untested drug or your announcements of "almost ready" vaccines. Its obviously PR like sending one doctor and 5 journalists to a disaster zone.

Not really donated if you're just giving back the work that was entirely funded by the US. It's more like we paid you for a service that you're now halfway providing.

the funny thing is that even if all of us died out, you'd still be a miserable, hateful asswipe and in need of someone to blame for everything being shit in your life. maybe the armenians or gypsies or chinese

you got 50k tested and confirmed cases, probably hundreds of thousands of carriers\in asymptomatic stage.
you're gonna need all the chloroquine you can get your hands on.

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Greatest ally!

Don’t trust that shit!

>why don't the goyim cattle think we're altruistic
Because I grew up among jews and I know exactly how each and every one of you thinks and behaves, well enough to know you're full of shit 99% of the time and never to be trusted while dealing with a goy.

>$38 billion in aid over 10 years
>say thanks.

link me deaths by hydroxychloroquine
and most corona deaths arent deaths by corona alone it kills people with other diseases and complications mostly. hydroxychloroquine helps them and is proven to work.
it wasnt funded by the US, it's funded by TEVAs money

Classic jewish subterfuge. Imply things about me personally so I have to shift to the defensive! Always attack, then play victim. The jew shrieks out in pain as he hits you!

Let me guess... the strings attached are that it is for Americans who are Jews.

id rather go coof than go kike

Kys kike

if you really grew up here grew up here you'd know that's bullshit.
its internal US money laundering, israel gets no money

only porn

israel dosnt produce any porn, im pretty sure you guys hame more amatur shit per capita than us

why are you helping your vassal state?
Leave them die or they may want freedom

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I didn't grow up in Israel, I grew up in a jewish neighborhood surrounded by nothing but kikes. All of my friends growing up were jewish and I've been in your synagogues, I've attended your holidays, I've known your people inside and out. Next you'll tell me about the great difference between US jewry and Israel as if I don't already know about that obvious jewish trick. You probably spend all day dealing with retarded goyim who don't actually know jews well. There are plenty of jews that I really do like and respect in my life, but almost none of them are able to deviate from your cultural patterns. I come to expect things and understand them rather than blindly repeat what I've been told and hate without reason. This is all a game by the big jews because there isn't an altruistic bone in a jew's body.

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you grew up around americans not jews, tl;dr you ungrateful fuck

You know how I know you didn't read what I wrote? God you're all so predictable.

dont write dumb shit if you want me to read it

>we savd your country , gave you millions of anti corona pills for free. say THANK YOU ISRAEL to show some appriciation

So will these pills you merchants so freely give Americans turn us into transsexuals? Sterilize us? Cause even more medical issues?

>Beware of kikes bearing gifts.

no, please...jews are master race and it is you're responsibility to fix this shit. dont leave it to the cattle. also call up ido bachelet, he can fix this shit.

Which you’d sell us for an obscene price, you greedy kike.

Well for $150 billion dollars that's the least they could do. That's better than attacking our ships.

Deflect, ignore, redirect, attack. The jew shrieks out in pain as he strikes you. Oh so predictable. You people are uniform and never change.

Spend a small amount of money (that probably wasn't yours to begin with) in "charity", then turn around and spend 5 times as much in advertising how great and generous you are. The cattle will still far for this.

>help american
>his response is inventing conspiracy theories and smearing you
and you people wonder why the rest of the world dosnt like you. remember this, remember how you responded to receiving lifesaving medicine if you ever need help in the future.

this jew knows what's up. seriously, it's cheap as chips and been around since the '50s.

>for free
>t. guy whose country gets $10,000,000 a day, every day, from the united states.

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why would you expect me to read your 4 IQ braindead post ? if you disrespect someone in a conversation dont expect him to respect you back

ty best ally. friendly reminder that all the hate you get is pure jealousy. keep up the good work, israelibro.

The jew does not even know the meaning of the word "free." Just like with pornography, if the jew is giving you something and asks for nothing in return upfront, there is jewish scheming afoot.

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>some scienstist
>could help

OP when will the new blacked come out?

Based. Also....fuck.

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>tell a jew that he's jewing
The jew shrieks in pain as he strikes you. Always on the offensive, Moshe. Attack attack attack.

atleast there's one tsadik in sodom. thank you man

why would you post here with that flag and expect any kind of respect what so ever?
don't you have Palestinian land to steal?

It’s really the least they could do

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because people appriciate it when they're being given help. also wtf does my flag have to do with anything
that entitled attitude wont get you anywhere, we dont owe you anything especially with how many times you wronged us historically. when we do help you i suggest you show some appreciation or next time we wont