This is going to go in the history books as the biggest mass hysteria event ever. We shut down the economy over something less dangerous than the flu because the media wanted to slander trump for laying off a single ebola doctor 2 years ago.
This is going to go in the history books as the biggest mass hysteria event ever...
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nah, something had to pop the economic bubble that was 10+ years in the making.
might as well do it over a chinese flu.
are we south korea?
>biggest mass hysteria event ever.
There have been hundreds of outbreaks worse than this in our history that we simply went our day by day business through.
South Korea actually took care of their shit. The US didn’t.
should just draw a big line running along every single thing since 2000 labeled "Climate Change (Formerly known as Global Warming) will kill us all!"
I agree. I was explaining to my parents about mass hystetia events and the Tullip thing in Amsterdam. There is no stopping this events just enjoy the panic if you see it unfolding
its over
How much did they pay you? I need a job.
Nah that's Bitcoin.
>less dangerous than the flu
Why do you lie? I hope you catch it faggot
Flu season is virtually over.
boomers' samson option
This, plus now blame can be shited to the dems for tanking everything with the mass hysteria narrative
oh really? where do you get your info from? some trustfund faggot on cnn?
Also their focus on impeachment instead of protecting their constituents.
More infectious than the flu
More deadly than the flu
Suck a dick
literally, actually untrue
hundreds of thousands die from flu fucking fake retard
Media told me nazis would kill us all in 2016.
everyone point and laugh at the guilliable zoomer
>less dangerous than the flu
imagine being this retarded.
all the fucking morons that think this isnt serious obviously haven't seen the effects first-hand, or even done cursory research on the permanent damage Covid19 can do. you idiots are in for a rude awakening.
If this turns out to be true, and there's evidence that says they were really only interested in slandering Trump at the cost of all of our well beings and jobs, then I unironically advocate for life imprisonment with no parole against those involved
You and the OP and everyone else in denial are the ones with low IQ m8. This thing is gonna stomp your Babylon into the dirt.
Combination of Boomer fear and le orange clementine bad tangerine man
If China didn't overreact to it, then no one would have gave a shit.
I can't wait for all the ITS NOTHING fags to catch it and beg for medical care because the hospitals are completely over run.
What fucking benefit does anyone gain by downplaying this?
>less dangerous than the flu
And just like that anything you say has no value, if you already prove with your first post you're an absolute retard that doesn't know the facts or simply can't face them then it's pointless to give you any attention at all.
Here's your one (you) from me, idiot.
That's worldwide. Those are numbers for the first 10 weeks of the year for the US only.
yes Im sure the european governments care so much about trumps reputation that they would kill their own economies and end their own careers.
Your graph is from South Korea.
Prediction for the next week:
US will overtake Italy with the number of infected.
France will overtake Iran.
UK will overtake Switzerland.
Don't forget the numbers out of china are fictive.
I know this sounds bizarre but please listen to this:
Death-rate will be around 10% in the next few weeks throughout Europe. After the entire medical system is collapsed it will raise temporary to around 13%-14%.
EU will get the European army to help countries fly patients and build makeshift hospitals.
Then we will see Africa skyrocketing and we will see deaths of hundred of thousands leading to millions of dead. We will see a huge refugee storm, infected refugees storming Europe.
European army will deployed to secure our borders.
After everything is done, a few millions (2M-3M) will have died in entire Europe and we will wake up in the United States of Europe.
Screenshot this Thread.
Lmao it's a nothingburger, dumb mick.
The rest of the world doesn't care about your political charade, yet took similar measures. Even before the USA.
is this dick masterson lol
The mantra of "We must flatten the curve" is like "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction" or "Assad is gassing his own people" or "most of the world is going to be underwater soon." Dr Wolfgang Wodarg is calling the coronavirus an outbreak of mass delusion and panic. (
1) Nobody dies only of the coronavirus: 99% of those who die have comorbidities, and the average age of death is 80. People are simply flooding into hospitals to die there who ordinarily would have passed away peacefully at home.
2) Doctors and nurses often go into isolation for 14 days for fear of spreading the virus, causing shortages of staff.
3) Italy, the cause celebre of the overwhelming of medical infrastructure, had an outbreak of tuberculosis before this all began.
4) Panic about the virus causes many to flee from cities into the countryside, overwhelming resources in areas which are ill-equipped to handle a large volume of people.
5) Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University points out that the only true case-study which we have of the coronavirus shows a death-rate as low as 0.05%.
As Dr Wodarg says, the way this works is, first you manufacture a contrived pandemic by intentionally testing everybody who is ill for coronaviruses. Then you inflict tyranny on the general public, who, owing to media panic-mongering, actually beg for it. Finally, like Italy and China, you stop doing the tests, and claim that your authoritarian measures have solved a problem which you created.
The coronavirus is also masking the 2020 economic crash.
I've seen you niggers TWO WEEKS!ing since the first week of the year, get the fuck out of here.
What has Trump to do with Spain or Italy? I am Sure El Mundo or La Repubblica care about American inner politics. Fucking faggot.
10-20% of people who have covid-19 need hospitalization, and 10% of the hospitalized people need ICU. How hard is to grasp that there aren't enough UTI beds if a percentage large enough of the population gets infected?
this & checked
I hope you dumb qtards catch it
we are just starting. maybe in 3 weeks.
Lol you’re fucking retarded, you’re ignoring the extreme number that needs to put in ICUs and the fact that the overwhelming majority of those being tested in New York and South Korea are negative
to the average person there's little benefit to downplaying or panicking. meanwhile it's a two sided attack on them. chaos and "it's nothing" both pushed hard from the top. should be clear why.
South Korea is effectively an island. The only way in is boat or plane.
Easy to contain.
You're raising an objection to a post whose exact purpose is to answer it. I don't think you even got past the first few words before you started typing.
That’s all statistical projection based on smallish sample sizes. If you believe everyone who has died or “flu like symptoms” was actually tested for the flu you’re fucking retarded.
SARS was properly contained. SARS 2: The Wuhan Boogaloo wasn't.
And none of those threatened permanent lung damage or reinfection.
This has happened because of social media. A couple of scary graphs went viral and based on a few memes everyone became expert epidemiologists overnight.
The WHO is to blame for all of this. They're the ones pushing all these memes and pushing the fake media hype and propaganda articles like pic. They've also been getting celebrities to push their memes online to increase the panic as much as possible. The WHO is 100% responsible for whatever economic fallout comes over the next two years.
I read the whole thing, but your entire theory is debunkable with just one sentence
lol @ trumpniggers blaming everyone but trump for the decisions trump makes
you faggots are just like him, always refusing to take any responsibility for your actions. you realize that is going to stunt your growth right? successful people acknowledge their mistakes and learn from them. they don't always blame everyone but themselves
South Korea is an ethnically homogeneous country with an average IQ of 106 who has taken necessary measures such as actually doing the social distancing (they just play starcraft anyway) and testing everyone in order to focus on treating and isolating cases. Meanwhile in the US, borders are open, barely has any tests available, zoomers and boomers not taking it seriously and going partying, blacks and mexicans abusing the emergency room, politicians waiting too long to respond, etc. Hopefully it will be a nothingburger, but we will not handle this nearly as well as South Korea.
That's with severe cases you fag. Most aren't severe. Take into consideration all of the people who just rode this out and didn't go see a doctor or to hospital. Kindly fuck off with your fearmongering. This is nothing.
Wow, it literally was just a flu.
The WHO has been in China's back pocket for years.
>biggest mass hysteria event ever
All your curve shows is that containment measure work.
Learn some epidemiology you nigger.
>All your curve shows is that containment measure work.
This right here is the infuriating problem. There is literally no way that the doomers will allow themselves to be wrong if this line of thinking is actually accepted.
nigga it took three months for the literally who to declare a pandemic
get the fuck out of here
No, they haven't even China couldn't cover that up in 2020.
Still this is no joke, stay at home..
>are we south korea?
No -- and we're in better shape, proportionately.
This is a left-authoritarian power grab, you you fucking brainlet monkeys run around every time they bang pots together.
China, Iran, India, and Italy are all controlled by the Dems and were told to shutdown.
You are a retard and you will die like one.
This is the most succinct description so far. Very based.
The hysteria was engineered, what you are experiencing is simply what they need everyone to think and feel to pass more laws to get rid of more freedoms, and they can now replicate this event whenever needed